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Lord Choi swirled the amber liquid in his cup, watching it catch the low candlelight. Across from him, Minister Yoon did the same, the two men sharing a contemplative silence.

"Well?" Yoon finally spoke up, arching an expectant brow. "Are they paid?"

Choi gave a curt nod before lifting the cup to his lips and taking a slow sip of the potent rice wine. He savored the burn as it trickled down his throat.

"They've received their first installment," he confirmed once the fiery taste had subsided. "The rest will come once the task is complete."

Yoon grunted in acknowledgment, stroking his chin. "Good, good. We can't have any loose ends on this."

An uneasy silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken tensions. Eventually, Yoon cleared his throat.

"Speaking of loose ends..." He fixed Choi with a measuring look. "How well do you know this Kang family you've allied yourself with?"

Choi's eyes narrowed at the question. "Why do you ask?"

"Come now," Yoon chided with a tsking sound. "You can't be so naive as to take all their platitudes about honor and integrity at face value? They're still just social climbers like any other family jockeying for power in this damnable court."

Leaning back, he took a fortifying swig of wine, keeping his sharp gaze trained on Choi.

"I simply want to ensure we aren't overlooking any...complications that could arise from this partnership. The last thing we need is any unfortunate entanglements tripping us up when we're so close to our goal."

Choi remained silent for a long moment, weighing Yoon's words carefully. Finally, he let out a derisive snort and waved a dismissive hand.

"The Kangs know which way the wind is blowing," he stated flatly. "They're not so blinded by misguided principles that they can't recognize an inevitable shift in the regime when they see one."

His lip curled in a contemptuous sneer. "Mark my words, Minister - when our work is done and a new king sits on the throne, families like the Kangs will be rushing to profess their unwavering loyalty all along."

Yoon held his gaze for a long beat before allowing himself a slow, sinister smile. He lifted his cup in a mock salute.

"To the new king, then," he intoned. "Long may he reign."

The two men's cups knocked together with a dull clink, sealing their unspoken pact. As Yoon drained his drink, Choi studied the other man's profile.

Only time would tell if he had judged correctly in placing his trust with this erratic minister.

That same evening as the sun had long since dipped below the horizon—Sena finally made her way back to the gisaeng house. The streets were quiet, the only sound the soft scuff of her feet against the dirt path and the distant chirping of crickets.

As she approached the entrance, a flicker of movement caught her eye.Sena paused, her hand resting on the gate, and peered into the shadows.

There, in a secluded areas, she could just make out the silhouette of two figures entwined in an intimate embrace. The man's hands roamed freely over the gisaeng's body, his face buried in the crook of her neck as she let out a breathy moan.

Sena quickly averted her gaze, a hot warmth creeping up the back of her neck. She knew that the gisaengs often entertained clients in such a manner, but it was still jarring to witness it firsthand.

Shaking her head, Sena pushed through the gate and made her way inside, studiously ignoring the muffled sounds of pleasure coming from the alcove. It was none of her business she reminded herself.

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