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15 years later

"Prince Wonyu! Pay attention this instant!"

The queen dowager's stern voice rang out over the palace gardens. Wonyu guiltily looked up from where he had been crouched, using a stick to draw patterns in the dirt. Sena, stood beside his grandmother with a disappointed expression.

"Sorry, Daebimama. Sorry, Master Sena," Wonyu mumbled, slowly getting to his feet and brushing off his clothing. At a decade old, he knew better than to overtly pout or argue when addressed in that tone.

The queen dowager fixed her grandson with a severe look. "As the crown prince, you must apply yourself fully to your studies, seja."

"Yes, Daebimama," Wonyu replied dutifully, though he couldn't quite keep the bored undertone from his voice. Baduk seemed so dry and tedious compared to running and playing outside.

"Let's resume your lesson, Your Highness," Sena prompted, kneeling beside the baduk board set up on the pavilion.

As soon as his grandmother was gone, Wonyu let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes, his shoulders slumping once more. "She treats me...like...like a tiny tiny child," he muttered, picking at a loose thread on his sleeve. "It's not fair!"

"That's because you are a child, seja," Sena remarked calmly, her expression giving nothing away as she gently placed a stone on the board, the soft click filling the momentary silence. "Now, focus. It's your turn to place a stone."

Wonyu scowled but turned his attention back to the board. His brows danced in intense concentration, eyes scanning the grid before he decisively reached out and placed a white stone in an aggressive move, a triumphant gleam in his eyes.

"Ha! Did you see that, sunsengnim Sena!" The confidence was back in his tone, a childlike smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Sena didn't so much as blink. With a graceful flick of her wrist, she strategically placed her jade stone, blocking his advance, the smooth surface catching the light.

"A wise leader never underestimates their opponent's next moves," she chided gently, her voice even and measured. "Overconfidence is the downfall of many a kingdom."

Wonyu opened his mouth to argue, but caught himself, his lips pressing together in a thin line. He stared hard at the board, realizing his misstep, his fingers tapping against his knee in agitation. A muscle twitched in his jaw as his youthful pride battled with his knowledge that Sena spoke the truth, a subtle flush creeping up his neck.

"Oh," was all he said finally, jaw clenched, his words clipped and tight.

After a while Wonyu stretched his legs out and slumped his shoulders. "Do we have to keep playing? I'm bored."

"We do if you wish to develop temperate patience and foresight," Sena replied calmly, arranging the stones. "Those who act rashly or get distracted easily make careless, costly mistakes."

Wonyu made a face but knew she spoke the truth. Last week he had gotten overconfident and impulsive during their game, costing him the win.

"Fine, I'm ready," he said with an exaggerated sigh, forcing himself to sit up straight. "Though I still don't understand...why I have to play this boring game."

"You will when you're older," Sena replied, unmoved by his grumbling. "For now, focus. If you pay close attention, you may even start finding it fun."

Wonyu doubted he would ever find baduk fun, but obediently turned his attention to studying the board as Sena began to reset their game pieces with deft movements.

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