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Morning light found itself bathing Lord Kang Jun-seo's private chambers in a warm, hazy glow. He sat by the open window, breathing in the crisp morning air with a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.

A soft knock at the door preceded his mother's entrance. She took one look at his expression and arched an eyebrow. "You look happy this morning, my son."

Jun-seo's smile deepened ever so slightly. "Aren't I always?"

Lady Kang made a derisive noise as she settled herself by the low table, nimble fingers already beginning the intricate work of embroidery. "I can't imagine Lady Min-seo has managed to put that particular light in your eyes."

Jun-seo didn't reply, simply leaning his head back against the wall with a contented exhale. His mother watched him shrewdly for a moment before returning her attention to her needlework.

"Work at the palace is well, I trust?" she asked without looking up.

"Yes. All is proceeding smoothly."

She paused, gaze flicking up briefly before dropping back to the embroidery hoop cradled in her hands. "You've been staying out later than usual. Have they added more to your responsibilities?"

"I believe it's more my own doing," Jun-seo replied easily. "I've chosen to take on some additional tasks."

Lady Kang hummed neutrally at that, though her eyes held a glimmer of knowing curiosity that she didn't voice aloud. After a moment, Jun-seo rose fluidly to his feet.

"I should be going. Please give my regards to Father."

With one final, inscrutable look at her son's retreating back, Lady Kang inclined her head in acknowledgment before he swept from the room.

The sun had barely crested the horizon when Jun-seo arrived at the palace gates, his strides carrying him through the grand entrance. As he made his way along the familiar paths, a familiar figure caught his eye - Lady Sena, deep in hushed conversation with one of the guards.

He slowed his steps, allowing his gaze to linger unabashed as he took in her demeanor. When at last the guard bowed and retreated, Sena turned, no doubt intending to go about her own business.

Only to find Jun-seo awaiting her, feet planted firmly, hands tucked into the billowing sleeves of his robe as he regarded her with undisguised interest.

"All well?" he asked by way of greeting.

If Sena was surprised to find him waiting, she didn't show it. "They still aren't speaking," she replied evenly. "Though I believe the other will show up later."

Jun-seo inclined his head, seeming to accept her vague response at face value. "And where are you headed next?"

"Is the Queen asking for me again?" Sena asked.

Jun-seo scoffed only slightly "Is that all you ever think about - palace work?" He tsked lightly. "Shameful."

Sena looked at him a moment longer, before nodding her head— "If you have enough time to think about something other than the palace work, perhaps you have too much free time on your hands, my lord."

Rather than take offense, Jun-seo's own smile only deepened at her pointed barb. "Is that so?"

She said nothing. In the weighted silence, Jun-seo's eyes drifted momentarily, catching on the tiny leaf tangled in her upswept hair.

Without hesitation, he reached out, fingers brushing the wayward foliage from her coils.

Sena stilled imperceptibly at the unbidden gesture.

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