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The door to Test Tube's room slowly opened, and the shadow of Lightbulb loomed over Test Tube as she laid against the bed. Eyes still half-lidded, a plate of uneaten chicken on her nightstand. "Hey, Testy. You doing okay?" The lightbulb asks as she peered into the room. Test Tube just curled up into herself more, saying nothing. "..So, I was wondering...I know you're not really in a good mood right now, buuut...if you were willing to..." Lightbulb began, clasping her hands together,

"Would you tell me more about that Paintbrush you mentioned? They sound like an interesting person. Everyone else seems to know who they are except me, Suitcase and Knife."

"...Painty...?" Test Tube mumbled as she slowly looked up at Lightbulb.

"Yeah, Painty! Like...tell me more about them. Also, Painty's a good nickname. I think I'll stick with that."

Lightbulb sat down next to Test Tube, a smile spreading on her face. The beaker slowly leans up from the bed and turned to look at her covered up feet. The memories of Paintbrush...the wonderful moments they had together...the moments LIGHTBULB had with them, all forgotten. Yet...Test Tube still remembered it all. Those thoughts...those memories...

They were something Test Tube would hold onto forever.

The beaker smiled.

"Wonderful..." Test Tube said quietly.

"Wonderful?" Lightbulb asked.

"Paintbrush was just...wonderful."





Test Tube gasped upon hearing that familiar voice.


Amnesia: The Painter's Prison [An OSC AU]Where stories live. Discover now