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The news opened up with a boom mic sitting at a desk, adjusting her papers on the news desk's table, "Good afternoon Goiky Global. This is Boom Mic reporting in for this afternoon's news broadcast. Our top story tonight, it has been a full week since the disappearance of Inanimate Island residents Suitcase, Knife, and Lightbulb. While theorized to be cases of kidnapping, there is no evidence of foul play at this time. We now report to Scripty who is at the scene of the last victim's disappearance. Scripty?"

"Thank you, Boom Mic, I'm here at the Inanimate Island lake where the last known victim, Lightbulb, was reported before disappearance. Here with me now is Test Tube, a resident at Hotel OJ who was close to Lightbulb. Test Tube, can you tell us a bit about what happened leading up to Lightbulb's disappearance?" Scripty held up the mic to Test Tube, who looked down at it with a solemn frown.

"I-...I was sitting next to Lightbulb on the dock with her pet crab Baxter. A-And soon as she entered the water she...vanished! I saw her silhouette under the water, she just disappeared! I wanted to go in and save her, I really did! But...I didn't have a cork at the time and I couldn't just dive in! P-Please, you have to believe me..! I know she didn't drown, it wasn't even that long for her TO drown! I-...Lightbulb, wherever you are right now, please, hear my voice! I need to know you're okay! You and Knife and Suitcase! Please...! Please just come back-!"

Nickel shut off the TV. "Thought I'd end that before we all start crying," he said, looking at Balloon who was sitting next to him on the couch. He had a pretty distasteful look on his face, but he said nothing. He didn't want to start another argument. Not like last time. "Anyway, I'm getting a drink. You want anything, Balloon?"

"Uh...Can you get me a suitca-SODA. I-I meant a soda." Balloon quickly corrected himself.

"Uh...alrighty then." Nickel said nothing else as he made his way into the kitchen. The door to the front entrance suddenly swung open, and in came Test Tube, looking distraught. "T-They didn't believe me...why is nobody here believing me!! She disappeared before my eyes, she just...POPPED OUT OF EXISTENCE! Am I...Am I going insane?!" She sat down on the couch.

"Hey, it's okay, Suitc-TEST TUBE, I mean Test Tube." Balloon stared before he had to correct himself again.

"...G-God, why did it have to be her?! Why did it have to be Suitcase or Knife or ANYONE?!"

"I-I know...everyone around us are...dropping like flies but...I'm sure we can figure out where they're all going soon? I'm not giving up on Suitcase just yet..."

"...Yeah. We won't give up on ANYONE...I-...I just hope Paintbrush is handling this more than we are?"

"...Should we go and check on them?"


Paintbrush was lying down on their bed, watching the clock on the wall slowly tick away. Tick, tick, tick, tick. How long have they been just...laying there? How long have they been watching the clock slowly move its hands? How long have they been...sitting in silence for? It gave them a headache thinking about how long it's been. It's been so quiet.

So quiet.

Too quiet.

Their eyes trailed down to the foot of the bed, noticing Baxter just sitting there, watching them with unblinking eyes. "...Ugh..." They said before laying back down on their pillow.

*knock knock*

"Come in..." They said in a groggy voice. Into the room came Test Tube and Balloon. "Hi, Paintbrush...!" Balloon waved. "Hi there, Painty.." Test Tube said shortly after Balloon.

They flinched at the mere mention of their nickname.


The name Lightbulb gave them.

It just made them want to bawl their eyes out all over again.

"...Hey." They said and leaned up a bit. Baxter crawled onto their handle and turned around to look at Test Tube and Balloon. "How've you been...holding up?" Balloon asked.

"Been better...I just can't stop thinking. It's been so...quiet, Y'know? Without Lightbulb, god it's just...been so agonizingly quiet."

"I get it. We're all missing her...and the hotel's been pretty quiet without her. How she'd light up any room she was pun intended," Test Tube sat at the foot of the bed, looking at Paintbrush and Baxter while Balloon stood near the door.

"Yeah...I just sometimes wish Baxter could talk. Cause if he could...he'd be able to tell me where Lightbulb went that day...Then...I could get some answers. And...feel the pleasure of ripping whoever or whatever took her, and Suitcase, and Knife, into LITTLE TINY PIECES WITH MY BARE-" Paintbrush leaned backwards and sighed, " what I mean."

"You know what...when we find them...we'll give them the old one two together, ok? Because if I were ever to meet them face to face I would...WACHA! You know?"

"...You're such a nerd, Test Tube." Paintbrush chuckled.

" and Balloon just wanted to come and check on you."

"Thanks, Testy...I think I just needed someone to talk to."

"Well, haha, you know if you need me, I'll be right...YOUKNOWIMNOTCRAZYRIGHTICANTBECRAZYCANIBE?!" Test Tube abruptly yelled at the end before taking a breath, "Just had to..get that out...I'll be...going downstairs..." she then pat Paintbrush on the hand and began to leave. Balloon watched at she exited the room before she turned and gave Paintbrush a smile.

"We'll find them soon, ok?"

"Yeah...thanks, Balloon."

He smiled before he closed the door behind him, leaving Paintbrush and Baxter alone. "Alright, Baxter...let's...relaxter...for a bit."

Paintbrush let out a sigh as they laid backwards, closing their eyes in a peaceful slumber.



*knock knock*

"Paintbrush! Pizza's here!"



*knock knock*


Test Tube opened up the door and peered inside. "Paintbrush, are you-" she dropped her plate of pizza in horror at the sight she witnessed.

Paintbrush and Baxter.


Amnesia: The Painter's Prison [An OSC AU]Where stories live. Discover now