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Paintbrush followed the sound of Suitcase's voice, entering through the next room to find themselves in some sort of...cellar? Barrels stacked on top of each other aligned the walls, sitting on supports. The room smelled of rich alcohol, some of the knobs on the barrels even dripping with a light red liquid that must've been wine. The cellar was quite big as well. It was easy to get lost among the shelves of wine. And at the end of the hall was an exit to the next room, gated off with a rusted copper grate. "Suitcase! It's me, Paintbrush! Are you in here?!" Paintbrush yelled, extending their arm that held the lantern.

"Pain...t...brush...? Is My friend...?"

Suitcase's voice echoed from the right hand side of the room, her voice groggily and dry like they've been screaming for hours. "Yeah. It's me! We've been searching for you for a week! Where have you been-"As their lantern suddenly illuminated Suitcase's body...their gut dropped to their stomach. Beads of sweat running down their face upon seeing the horrid condition she was in.

Suitcase, or what was left of her, was kneeling down in the corner of the cellar, gaping holes where her eyes and mouth should have been. She was covered in horrifying scars and tears, one of them being in the shape of an X on her front. This scar in particular was filled with a dry red liquid, the same color as the splotches around her body. Around her legs, digging into the skin, were strong chains which clattered and clacked when she moved. And to top it all off, a large wheel-like object was latched around her body just above the scar, seeming like it could choke her. Her eyes bled with black sludge as she got up from the ground, wobbly legs causing the chains to rattle. "Y-...You came for me...! I was so scared and alone...!" Suitcase's dry, raspy voice said. The closer she got, the more the sound of a horrifying screeching filled Paintbrush's ears. "Suitcase...what the hell happened to you?!" Paintbrush asked as they backed up.

"Please...Paintbrush...don't leave me here alone...I can' alone again...! Please...! Stay with me!"

"Hey, don't worry...we can...we can figure out a way to fix this. I promise you...Let me just try and get that wheel off and-" Paintbrush reached for the wheel around Suitcase's neck, grabbing onto the edge of it. Suddenly, Suitcase let out an agonizing screech, flailing away from Paintbrush's grasp and curling up into the corner of the room. As if their throat wasn't damaged enough from the screaming. Paintbrush quickly threw their hands back and moved away slightly. "Oh sh-sorry! Oh shit oh shit oh shit..." they muttered, "Okay, just gotta...find something to cut the wheel off, right? There's probably something around here." Quickly picking back up the lantern, they moved away from Suitcase, beginning to walk around the rest of the cellar to find something to cut the wheel off her neck. All the while, the sound of her poor agonizing screams could be heard, echoing across the chamber.

"I'm sorry, Suitcase. I'm sorry I couldn't be there sooner."

Paintbrush's lantern illuminated the inky black darkness of the wine cellar. Despite everything, despite looking almost everywhere, they weren't able to find anything to help them with saving Suitcase. Until...

They came across hacksaw lying on the ground, right underneath some sort of leaver.

"Perfect!" They yelled and picked up the saw, before looking up at the leaver in curiosity. "What exactly does..?" They wrapped their hand around the base of the leaver and pulled it down until it clicked at the bottom. The sound of something creaking open could be heard from across the room, like an old gate. That's when they remembered. The copper gate that blocked off the next exit. It must have opened! They raced back to the entrance of the cellar, finding their theory to be correct. The next area was opened to their will. "Yes!" They mumbled as they began moving towards the door. "NO! Stay! Don't leave again..!" Suitcase's wailing voice said from across the room. That's right...Suitcase.

Paintbrush stopped in their tracks, turning backwards to hear Suitcase's cries.

They realized...they had a choice to make now.

Save themselves...

Or save Suitcase...

Amnesia: The Painter's Prison [An OSC AU]Where stories live. Discover now