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Paintbrush gasped awake.

Perched up against the stone wall, they were sitting down in the murky waters of this strange new room. The dark green water went up to their chest , or where a chest would be for a paintbrush. Their lantern was snuffed of its life, drifting aimlessly in the waters. Not that it mattered, the hall was already filled with the same dimly lit candles from the mansion. Paintbrush waded their around in the water next to them. Once they found their firepoker, they lifted it up into their hands, gripping onto the firm metal with calloused palms. They had everything. Their lantern, sort of. Their weapon. But...there was something missing. They could no longer hear the rustling or the feeling of the small crab nestled in their bristles.

Paintbrush's eyes widened.


"Je te souhaite un bon rétablissement..."

Test Tube stayed hunched over on her work table, eyes plastered to her phone as she scrolled through her photo gallery. The memories she made with Paintbrush and Lightbulb, practically two of her best friends...The moments she had with them along with Fan...the moments OTHERS shared with them...The very fact that Suitcase and Knife would possibly never remember them again...

The possibility that...

Lightbulb...could forget.

"...I-...I don't want to do this anymore..." Test Tube mumbled as her hands tightened on the phone.

"l'esprit en paix avec vous-même..."

Paintbrush continued to wade through the murky waters, their voice breaking every moment to call for Baxter. Sweat burned up in their face, hoping that the crab didn't run too far. Every splash of the water below them echoed through the chamber of the dungeon, reverbing off the walls and running down Painty's spine. "...I can't do this without you, Baxter..." they let out a sigh as they continued to walk through the waves.

"I can't do this anymore..!"

"Couvre-toi, je t'ai rejeté..."

Test Tube's hands held onto the sides of her breaking head, tears stinging her eyes as she looked down at the picture of Paintbrush. "If only you knew what was happening right now at home..."

"Je vais te regarder respirer..."

"If only any of you knew what was happening right now..." Paintbrush grit their teeth.

"Je mentirais encore, tu bouges, j'enverrais..."

"It hurts..." Test Tube hugged her arms tightly.


"I just..."

"I just..."

"Au détour du virage..."



Paintbrush's eyes widened when they heard the soft sound of chewing. Almost as if munching into some sort of soft meat or tissue. Arming themselves with the firepoker, they followed the sound, listening in as the chewing noises got louder and more intense. They were vividly able to make out a few crunching sounds too. As if biting into something hard, but thin.

They slowly turned around the corner, a dead end where the candles stopped illuminating the path. There in the dark, a broken shadow could be made out...A recognizable one...


Paintbrush dropped their firepoker, eyes widening at the state of their friend. And it broke just...utterly broke them. Tears burned up in their face as they watched the disfigured Lightbulb bite down into an unknown first. But it was until they were able to get a good look at the object were they able to connect the dots...

It was Baxter.

She was eating her own pet.

Lightbulb's teeth dug into his outer shell, the meat connected to the tissue ripping off with the shell as she tore it off. The chewing and crunching noises were unbearable now that Paintbrush saw the whole picture. They fell backwards, dear gripping at their mind and taking over their very being. A loud splash was able to be made as they hit the ground, eyes staring back at Lightbulb as she indulged herself on the crab's meat and tissue. Through a haze of chews, swallows, and slurping noises, she let out an insane cackle.

"Sooo...soooo goood...!! The bones are piercing my throat...the meat, so tender and moist...! I can't believe this is what it feels like...ehahahahahahaha...!!"

Suddenly, Lightbulb stopped, setting down what remained of the crab back into the water. Her head slowly turned around, eyeless sockets staring Paintbrush in the soul, a wide toothy grin plastered on her face. The crab's blood and meat was stuck between her teeth.


Amnesia: The Painter's Prison [An OSC AU]Where stories live. Discover now