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Paintbrush, now alone, began to climb up the ladder that was underneath the trap door, the low candlelight in the room above them revealing it was once again the cellar. They threw open the door and slowly climbed out, digging into the ground with their nails as they pulled themselves up. They took the handle of the lantern out of their mouth, holding it in their palm. This was clearly a part of the cellar they hadn't seen before. Perhaps...HE was down here.

HE had to be stopped.

It was clear that they weren't meant to be in this area due to the lack of tape recorders in the hallway. It had the eerie scent of rotting meat and copper, a familiar testament to that room they found earlier with Suitcase...

God, Suitcase...

They knew they had to keep going. For her sake, for Knife's sake, and especially for Lightbulb and Baxter's sake.

As they travelled down the hall, they suddenly came across an opened door, practically calling their name to explore the inside. Their curiosity was peeked, and they made their way inside of the room. It looked like some sort of old office, with different kinds of tools and books strewn about the floors and desk. An old computer sat on the aforementioned desk, opened up to some sort of webpage. Paintbrush set the lantern down on the desk closest to the door and approached the computer, sitting down on the chair in front of the desk. The room was filled with sounds of clicking as they navigated the computer, not really understanding most of what they saw. But out of sheer luck, they were able to stumble upon something...a clue.


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"Suitcase..." they said, pressing the back button on the webpage. There were three other icons to be pressed.

 There were three other icons to be pressed

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Paintbrush's eyes widened at that moment.

Whoever this person, Airy, was...

They never planned to just target those three...

The other contestants...

Paintbrush was always going to be a victim.

They were ALL victims.


Paintbrush turned around from the sound of something metal hitting the ground. There, standing in front of the door, was a green backpack, a lantern reflector adjusted on their head to obscure their face. Their fabric body and limbs, covered in dry and fresh blood. Their white eyes static-y and filled with nothing but white noise. At their feet was a pitchfork, which they dropped upon seeing Paintbrush at the computer. Their mouth was slightly agape from surprise, eyes staring at Paintbrush almost mesmerizingly.


"...YOU..." Paintbrush's bristles began to slowly heat up...


The backpack quickly began to run, prompting Paintbrush to grab their fire poker and give chase, shouting "HEY!!" As they chased the figure. Chased, who they thought to be...




Test Tube landed on the ground in front of Mephone, hitting the ground with an "oomph!"
Mephone closed Melife shortly after recovering the beaker, letting out a sigh. "Well, great news! Since we have all our finalists back, I can gladly say we can continue Season 2 where we left off!" He said with a somewhat relieved smile.

"B-...But what about Paintbrush?" Baseball said, watching as Fan and Cabby came to Test Tube's aid. "...Well, hey, I'm not too worried about them. I'll be sure to recover them when I get the notification. It's not like they're gone forever, right?" Mephone shrugged, "Hopefully the others will be mentally stable enough to face the next challenge...hopefully." The phone then turned his back and left the hotel, leaving the other contestants still confused about the whole situation. Baseball went over to Test Tube's side. "Test Tube..." He began as Fan and Cabby lifted her off the ground, "Are...you feeling okay?" Test Tube paused for a bit, looking up at Baseball with blank, tired eyes.

"I..." she began, "I don't feel anything..."

Amnesia: The Painter's Prison [An OSC AU]Where stories live. Discover now