The past

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Years ago
Lily and Morro were children and homeless with some other kids Ryan and Killian

"So? What do we do now?" Ryan askes. "Well, I'm hungry so why not going to a house to look for food?" Killian suggested. "Sounds good." Morro says. "What do you think, sis?" Lily nods but doesn't say anything. "Girl, you never talk." Ryan says. "What's wrong with you?!"

"Don't be mean to her!" Morro says. "Something happened to her years ago..." "but you never told us what." Killian says. "Why can't she talk?" "She doesn't want people to know." Morro says. "Let's go to a house, maybe that monastery on top of the mountain." "Sounds good." Ryan says and Killian nods. And the 4 of them go to the monastery

When they arrive they check the garbage and someone who lives there, comes outside. Ryan and Killian run away with some food but Morro and Lily stay

The person takes 2 plates with food and set it on the ground for the 2 children. Morro and Lily take them and sit on a rock and starts to eat it. Morro turns to look at the person and gives a quick smile before returning back to the person

When they ate everything, the person comes to them. "I'm Wu, what are your names?" "Morro, and this is my sister Lily."

Since then, Wu offered them a place in the monastery as his students and they accepted

1 week later

After a training, Wu sees Lily on a rock sitting and he sits next to her. "Lily, what's wrong?" She doesn't answer. "Lily? You never talk, why not?" Still no answer. "Master." Wu turns around and sees Morro coming and he sits next to them. "Lily can't talk."

"Why not?" Wu askes confused. "We had a accident... we were knocked over by a car, i was only hit by my legs, but Lily, she-- she lost her voice..."

"She lost her voice by a car accident?! That's terrible!" "Yeah, and now people that know her, they bully her... she once... i found her once on top of a building..."

"She wanted to--" Wu didn't finish his line as Morro nodded. "Wait a second." Wu goes inside and Morro puts a arm around Lily. "It's gonna be okay, sis."

Wu returns with some tea. "Lily, drink this." He gives her a cup. Lily looks at it but drinks it, after she drank it, she felt something. "What was that?" Lily askes. "Wait! My voice! It's back!" Morro looks happy. "That tea... it can give a voice back?"

"It gives a person something back that they lost, not only a voice." Wu answers. "My voice..." Lily says happy and hugs her brother and master

1 month later

Lily is with Morro and Wu outside and Wu gives them a kite, Wu leaves for a moment to get some tea and when he returns, he sees the both of them holding the kite in the air with wind powers

"That's amazing." Wu says. The two of them put the kite down. "You two have the power of the wind. Did you ever hear of the legend of the green ninja?"

"You mean the ninja that will be the best ninja and defeat the Dark Lord?" Morro askes. "Yes." Wu says. "I think one of you is the green ninja." Morro's eyes light up. "Cool." Lily doesn't really care. "I think Morro is it, I don't care though."

2 weeks later

Morro changed, he only trained and didn't spend time with Lily, before the test, Lily stopped Morro. "Morro, wait!" "What, sis?" "You changed since Wu told us about the green ninja... you never spend time with me..."

"Because if i want to be the green ninja, i have to train." Morro says. "But don't worry, if the weapons react to me, I'll make it up to you." "Okay, good luck." Morro smiles and opens the door. He goes in the center and closes his eyes, he hears a gasp from Wu and opens his eyes, the golden weapons react! He is the green ninja!

"Morro, you're the green ninja." Wu says. "I--i'm..." Morro faints. Wu rushes over to him and lays him down in his bed as he wakes up. "What happened?" "You fainted when you knew you are the green ninja." Wu says. "I'm so happy for you, brother." Lily says.
"I'll make you proud, master." Morro says. "You already did." They hug

1 year later

Morro kept training but he also spends time with Lily, he is an awesome green ninja, but the serpentine war is happening

They are fighting with the other elemental masters but Chen set them against each other, they returned to the monastery defeated

"How can the master of Earth betray us like that?" Morro sighs. "We have to make a new plan." Lily says. "Yes, but what can we do?" Wu askes. "Surprise attack? Maybe-- it's a little harsh but, maybe we ask the masters of time to stop time for the serpentine and when they are frozen in time, we kill them."

"That's gonna be hard." Wu says. "Only one of the masters of time can stop time, he can't use it on every snake at the same time, that's gonna exhaust him too much."

"Oh..." Morro sighs sadly. "Morro..." Lily says in fear. "What?" "Watch out!"
Morro turns around and sees an Anacondrai and a blade in his stomach, he falls to the ground. "Morro!!!" Lily yells in fear and shock as tears appears in her eyes

"Morro, don't worry. I'll get a tea to heal you!" Wu wanted to run into the monastery but Morro stops him. "No, it's too late..." "it's never too late." Wu runs in the monastery. "Morro, please don't leave me." Lily says in tears. "Lily, i love you sis, please, defeat those snakes and avenge me."

"I love you too brother." Lily says. "I will..." "you're strong sis, stronger then you-- think."
Morro closes his eyes. He's dead

"Morro?" Lily hugs his lifeless body and cries, Wu returns with the tea and sees the situation, he drops the tea and falls to his knees, he lost his student

3 months later

The snakes are defeated but nobody is cheering. Everyone is mourning for Morro. They even built a statue for him at the beginning of the mountain of the monastery. Lily didn't come out her room as she kept crying for her brother

But suddenly a knock is heard and a young master of time comes inside. "Lily? Are you okay?" Acronix askes and sits next to her. "No, it's maybe 3 months ago but I still miss him."

"I understand..." he says and puts an arm around her. "No, you don't." Lily says. "You still have your brother, i don't..."

"But i still lost my parents... so i understand the feeling." "Oh, sorry..." Lily apologized. "It's okay, it's about you now... if you need me, you can always call me." Acronix hugs Lily
"Thanks, Acronix." Lily says in the hug. "No problem, Lily."

4 months later

Lily is in tears ago, she first lost Morro and now Acronix. She can't believe he chose evil and is now lost in time...

She goes in the night to the kitchen, she can't lose anyone else anymore. She takes a knife and--

1 month later

Wu is all alone in the monastery, he lost Morro and Lily. The children he saw as his own...

The end

(And, Morro lost his memory, the Preeminent made him believe the weapons never reacted.)

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