the Corridor of elders

12 10 8

??? PoV

I was walking around Jamanakai, but i saw some snakes that more look like people. Wait...i heard about some villain that he turned himself into Anacondrai.

Damn, where are those ninja? Or the elemental masters i saw earlier? Oh no, they saw me. Wait, they can't see me. I'm a ghost

"You, ghost girl!" The main villain said. I'm scared but i try to hide it and i go to him. "What?" "You are really a ghost" the villain said. "How? You are dead" "A ghost can still be here." I said. "How? You need to be in the Cursed realm" The villain said, wow, he's not smart

"I maybe escaped" I said. "Nah, that's wrong. I was never there. When i died, i stayed here but as a ghost" "You aren't gonna fight us? Because we will defeat you easily"

"That's the job of the ninja and elemental masters" I said. "I'm sure they defeat you" "Yeah, right. Anacondrai, attack her!!" Okay, now I'm scared. I immediately use my ghost power to disappear. I hear the villain swear curse words but i don't care. I'm going, bye

Violet PoV

I'm now alone and can't make my dragon again, it was a trap. But i drive in the truck and hope i know where to be. 

Suddenly i hear a message in my head, probably from Neuro. He says to come in the Samurai X Cave. Okay, let's go. 

10 minutes later

I'm in the Samurai X Cave now and almost everyone is there, only some ninja and elemental masters aren't here, but the most are here already. 

"Hey, glad you made it here." Griffin said and came to me. "Yeah, glad to see you made it too." "Why would we need to come here, tho?" Griffin askes. "We need to fight against those stupid snakes." "Maybe they want a plan first." "Maybe, but i wanna fight." "You will fight, but we do need a plan." 

Some time later, the others come finally 

and we begin. 

To the Corridor of Elders to stop them there, but we need more people. 

??? PoV

I'm in the city and i haven't seen snakes here yet, thank god. I don't wanna see them again. Wait, they are the ninja and the elemental masters, maybe...i can help them... I'm maybe a ghost, but i'm the master of wind, i can't control it but still... 

Suddenly someone bumps into me, How?! I'm a ghost, they can walk through me! "Oh, sorry..." I looked up and saw a girl something older than me standing there. "It's fine, but how did you bump into me? I'm a ghost." 

"I don't know." she said. "Who are you?" "I'm Lilith, but everyone calls me Lilly." "Nice to meet you, Lilly. I'm Violet. Do you maybe wanna help us?" "Us?" "Yeah, me and the ninja and elemental masters?" Violet askes. "We can use everyone's help to stop Chen and his fake army of Anacondrai." 

"Uhm...i-i i don't know..." i said. "I do have a power...but i can't really control it..." "What power do you have?" "Wind...but i haven't unlocked my true potential yet..." "Lilly...i'm the master of time, and i too haven't unlocked my true potential yet, but i believe i will one day. You just have to believe, and have faith in your power. You have to concentrate on it and you will be able to control it." 

"I'll try." I say. "And...I will help with those fake snakes..." Violet smiles. "Good, let's go." She takes something out her pocket. "'s you have a fear of heights?" I shake my head. Violet makes a dragon. "How did you do that?!" "Every elemental master can do that, you too, but come on mine. We don't have time." I go on the dragon and sit behind Violet while the dragon flies away. 

5 minutes later

We are now at the Corridor of elders and i see the elemental masters and ninja and other civilians, wow... everyone really wants to help them fight those snakes

"Hey, Vi. Who is that?" A boy with sunglasses comes to us. "This is Lilly" Violet says. "Lilly, this is Griffin Turner, Turner this is Lilly" we shake hands for a second before he pulls away. "Nice to meet you, Lilly, and...everyone calls me Turner so..."

"Okay...Turner..." Why would he want that? "Nobody knows why." Someone else comes to us. "Lilly, this is Neuro. Neuro, this is Lilly" "nice to meet you" Neuro says. "Nice to meet you too"

"Oh, right" Violet says. "Turner is the elemental master of speed and Neuro from the mind" "that's why i could read your mind" "" I say. "Do you have a power?" Turner askes

"Yes...wind...but i can't really control it..." "Let's go, the snakes come" Violet says and we go

Time skip
Violet PoV

When we are fighting and we begin to lose. We suddenly see a portal in the sky, looks like for the Cursed Realm

"What is that?" Lilly askes. "That's the Cursed Realm" Neuro says. Later the spirits of the Anacondrai Generals come out of it and curse Chen and his army and Skylor is back a human and now Chen and the fake snakes are banished! We won!

"So...we won?" Lilly askes. "Yes, we did" i say and try to hug her but i just go through her. " can't touch a ghost..." "right...i-i have to go..."

I walk away and Lilly walks away too but she goes the other way

Suddenly Turner is right infront of me

"Uhm...hi?" "Hey...Vi...i have to say something..."

"Sure...what do you wanna say?" "I-I love you" I'm shocked. "Y-You love me?" Turner nods. "Yes, i wanted to tell you earlier but then there was Chen, so...i thought I tell you do you say?"

"I-I love you too" Turner smiles and i do too and we come closer and start to kiss

And it feels wonderful

This is a happy ending

Or is it?

Because in the sky

Is a ghost

Named Morro

And he comes back

And he knows someone

Not only Wu

He knows someone else

See you in season 5

Violet: the story of her lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora