Spy for a spy

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Turner PoV

Me and the other elemental masters are sitting in a room and eating, the food is disgusting but looks like Shade like it.
I heard the ninja talking about the alliance. "I tried to enlist Shadow, but that dude's throwing some serious shade" "well, if you plan to stop Chen, you'll need everyone on board. Each fighter that loses gives him strength. Soon he'll be too powerful for even all of you combined to overcome." Garmadon said and then a kabuki came with cookies but went to Chen.

"Turner..." i heard someone say, i looked around and saw Violet looking at me. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. "If this is over, i need to talk to you" she said. "About what?" "I can't say that, but after eating, come to my room" and she looked back at her plate and ate (not really, she hates the food)

Suddenly Chen begins to speak and he admits he steals the elemental powers for his staff and that who wins the tournament will win the staff, nice
"You lied! What about the spell?!" The green ninja asked.

"Spell? What spell?" Clouse said. Is he serious? Is Clouse serious? Doesn't he know about the spell?
"Don't believe him!" Lloyd said. It's just another trick. Neuro read Clouse's mind and saw it. Tell them what you saw,Neuro"
I look at Neuro confused, he didn't tell me he read Clouse's mind

"I-i don't remember" Neuro said. Truthfully I'm a bit more interested in knowing more about that staff" "and why should we believe everything you say? How do we know you're not lying to get the staff for yourself?" I Asked.

I can't believe the ninja. "Turner, relax" Neuro whispered to me. "Try to calm down" i nodded and i did try that but the ninja are making me angry! "Turner...forget it..." Violet said, i looked to her confused. "Don't come to my room." "Why not?" "This isn't the right time..."

Violet PoV

I can't tell Griffin now that i fell in love with him! It's too early, i don't wanna be rejected, i don't wanna lose Griffin, not him too.


No PoV

A young Violet from 10 years was in her room drawing when her older sister from 14 years ran in her room. "Vi!" She yelled. "Come downstairs!" "Why?" Violet asked. "There is someone at the door!" The sister Bianca said. "Is it mom?" Violet asked. "She left now for a year without saying anything or saying goodbye" "no, let's go" Bianca took her hands and leaded Violet downstairs to the front door where they saw a police men

"Are you 2 the daughter of Pauline Davidson? Violet and Bianca?" The police men asked. "Yes sir" Bianca said. "Why? Did you found our mother?" "Sadly, we did" the police said. "We found her body, she was in a lake, looks like murder" "Murder?!" Bianca yelled shocked. "Who would kill my mother?!" "Our mother" corrected Violet. "We don't know but we will find that out, but you can't live here alone"

"I have someone we can live" Bianca said. "Who?" "Cyrus Borg, a nice man. An old friend of my mother" The police men nodded. "Okay, i will bring you 2 to him." The 2 girls nodded and packed their things and left to Cyrus Borg to live there.

End flashback

Time skip

No PoV

Some elemental masters are in Kai's room because the ninja asked because they wanted to know who the spy is.
"Like i said, i ain't joining your little alliance. I'm gunning for that staff" Shade said.
"Hey, this isn't about the alliance" Lloyd said. "This is about finding out who is the spy. No one leaves the room until we find out who is passing information to chen"

Everyone looks at each other but Lloyd thinks Shade is the spy. "Why are you looking at me, Greenie? I'm not your spy" Shade said. "Perhaps i can help" Neuro said and used his mind power to read minds of everyone. "I don't know who, but someone here isn't who they say they are"

"How do we know we can trust you?" Skylor asked. "Maybe i should use your power and see inside your head" "I'd like to see you try, power hoarder" Neuro said and they came closer and wanted to fight probably but Kai stopped them. "This is what Chen wants, for us to fight. But we don't have to. There has to be a more civilized way around this"

"There is, everyone who worked for Chen has the Anacondrai tattoo on their back. Find the tattoo, find the spy" Garmadon said. "Anyone object?" Lloyd asked. Neuro got up and showed his back without the tattoo. He's innocent. "Can i go now?"

"Not until we check everyone" Lloyd said. "Who's next?" "Let's get it on!" Griffin said and showed his back with no tattoo. He's innocent aswell.

Time skip

Turner Pov

Neuro,me, Violet,Pale were already checked and no one had the tattoo, now only Shade and Skylor
Kai felt guilty for asking Skylor to show it and she's a little bit of a bitch.

Then Shade was in the shadows and escaped without showing his back. The ninja thinks he's the spy but i don't. I know him, and Violet and Neuro doesn't believe that either. I think it's Skylor, she's suspicious and sorry to say this but she's a bitch

"Hey Vi! Neuro!" "What?" Neuro asked and turned around but Violet just walks away like she didn't hear me. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. Neuro looks at Violet and reads her mind. "Damn, what a thoughts" "what did she think of?" I asked curious and worried. "Her backstory, what happened to her mother" "what happened to her mother?" "She died" he said. "Damn" i said. "Let's go to her" Neuro nodded and i took him and we ran on superspeed to Violet.

In Violet's room

We are at Violet's room and knock on the door. "Violet?" I asked. "Can we come in?" No answer. "Violet?" Neuro asked. "Is everything okay?" "It's us, your friends Turner and Neuro" i said. "Can we come in?"

"AAAAAAAAAH!!!!" We hear a yell out her room and slams the door and it opens and sees a bookshelf on the ground. "What the...?" "Violet?" Neuro asked and looked under the bookshelf. "Oh my god!!" He said shocked. "Turner, Violet is laying under the bookshelf unconscious with blood!" I begin to feel scared and we both try to take the bookshelf of her and after some hard minutes it works and we lay Violet on her bed.

"How would the bookshelf fall on her?" I asked. "No idea" Neuro said. "But i can read her mind, maybe she is thinking about the fall" i nod and he reads her mind.

No PoV

In Violet her mind

Violet is in her room thinking about her mother and that she died and then that her sister left her alone, but suddenly her power get out of control and it shoots on the bookshelf and it falls on her and she yells and falls unconscious under the bookshelf.

Out her mind

Neuro stopped reading her mind. "Wow... she was thinking about how her mother died and then her power got out of control and it hit the bookshelf and it landed on her" "damn" Griffin said. "We have to wake her up!" "T-turner? N-neuro?" They both look towards Violet and she begins to wake up.

"Violet! They both say happy. "You're awake!" "W-what happened?" She asked. "The bookshelf fell on you" Neuro said. "You were unconscious but you are okay now" "is everything alright?" Griffin asked. Violet nodded. "I think so" "good" Griffin smiled. "I was worried when you weren't responding" "me too" Neuro said. Violet smiles, happy to be awake again and see her friends.


In another room with Chen

The spy comes to him

It first looks like a guard

But it used the form power of Chamille

The spy is...


See you next chapter. Bye

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