The day of the dragon

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Violet PoV

Me and the others are in control of the island and Nature used his power to sink the boat. i don't know why, isn't that a little dumb? how will we leave the island?

"Hey Vi." i turned around and saw Turner coming towards me. "Hey Turner, what's up?" "Did Shade,Ash and Neuro also came to you?" he asked. "Yes...why? did they came to you too?" "yes, they think i'm in love with you." he chuckles. "They thought the same with me." i said smiling. "That i love you." "ridiculous." he said. "we are friends, but not more."

"Yeah...we are just friends..."i said. "Why would they keep saying that? maybe we have to make it clear." he said. "How?" i asked. "They won't believe us, and Neuro can read our minds." "Then we don't have to think what i'm thinking right now." "What are you thinking, Turner?" i asked curious.

"Nothing special." he said. "Let's go to them and say we are nothing more then friends." i nodded and we both left and looked for Shade,Ash and Neuro.

2 minutes later

We found them talking to each other by the door of the palace of Chen. "Hey love birds." Shade said laughing. "Stop with saying that." Turner said. "Me and Violet are just friends." "You sure?" Neuro asked. "I read in your minds you 2 love each other but are too scared to say it." "Well, maybe i was thinking a lie." Turner said. "I don't think so." Neuro said. "You didn't know i was reading your mind, so why would you think a lie?"

"I don't know!" Turner said. "But just stop saying me and Vi are in love!" "you are the only one that calls her Vi." Ash said. "That means you do like her for more then a friend." Turner sighs frustrated. "Just shut up!!" "Turner relax." I said. "Just let them talk about that, we know it isn't true."

"Yes, but i don't want the other elemental masters to know about it." Turner said. "we didn't tell anyone." Shade said. "And we will never." "Well, after this, i don't really believe you." Turner said. "You can believe us." Neuro said and walked closer to him. "We are your friends, we will never hurt you." "First see then believe." Turner said and walked away, i quickly left too but the other way, i didn't follow Turner.

Neuro PoV

Damn.. now i feel bad... i wish i could apologize to them but they left. "Neuro, are you okay?" Ash asked. "No, we went too far and probably lost Turner and Violet" i said frustrated.

"I agree" Shade said. "Maybe we have to apologize" i suddenly hear something in my mind, Skylor is sending me a message. "Is everything okay?" Ash asked. I don't know why but i suddenly see Turner running to me again. "Neuro? Are you okay?" He asked concerned. "Skylor is sending me a message, we have to let the others know that" i said, i quickly said what she sended and Turner ran to the ninja to tell them

"Man...Turner looked so worried for you" Ash said. "What do you mean by that?" I asked confused. "We are friends, of course he's worried." "Maybe Turner doesn't love Violet..." Shade said. "Maybe he loves you" "no, he doesn't." I said. "I read it in his mind" "he maybe lied to himself" Ash said. "No, i saw the looks he and Violet gave each other" i said. "You don't need to be a mind reader to know they are hopeless in love"

Violet PoV

I was in the woods and was thinking about everything. I know i love Griffin, but it doesn't feel like he feels the same. I don't know what to do anymore.
"Hey Vi..." i turned around and thought Griffin was there because he's the only one that calls me Vi but it's... Neuro?

"'s you..." "Vi...can we talk?" He asked. I nodded and we both sat down on the ground leaning against a tree.
"Vi...I'm sorry" he started. "Me,Shade and Ash shouldn't have said that." "That's right" i said. "You shouldn't have said that" "i hope you can forgive us" He said. "We are still your friends, right?" I sighed. "Of course...i don't wanna lose you 3 for this...we're still friends" he smiled. "Thanks" "I'm glad to know that." Neuro said. "You're a great friend." we hugged for a little while when we let go and went to the front of the palace. 

Time Skip

Still Violet PoV

We heard that the spell was done, and every cultist of Chen was a snake, and Chen himself too. we tried to fight but they are too strong, too fast and with too many. we ran into the palace and closed the door. They tried to break in but suddenly they stopped

We climbed a ladder and saw them in our Roto Jet and other machines and flies away. we are stuck on the island. 

"This, this is just priceless. He took the Roto Jet and all of the Blade-Copters!" Jay yelled annoyed. "What have we done?" a girl, i think her name is Nya asked. "We all have families in Ninjago." Griffin said and i immediately think about my father. I didn't even met him and i maybe will never. 

"Argh!" Jay yelled again but no one really listened to him. "and we had to destroy any other way off the island! who's idea was that?!" "your father was right, Lloyd." Cole said. "We thought we had the upper hand. Our guard was down and look what happened." "Nobody listens to me! You all say i overreact, bu no!" Jay yelled. 

"I'll go alone." Lloyd said. "And take on his whole army?" Nya asked concerned. "I'm the only one with an Elemental Dragon." Lloyd said. "Not anymore!" Zane said and we saw him flying towards us with a dragon?! 

"He unleashed the dragon, too!" Karlof said. "Oh, Zane, none of us could do that before. You gotta tell us how you did that!" Jay said. "I faced my fear." Zane said. "When i realized it wasn't something in front of me that held me back, but something inside me. I found a deeper power. A dragon power." Then Skylor and Kai came, Skylor is a snake and is sitting behind Kai on his dragon. 

"Zane's right. We all have this power inside of us. But you have to see that it's not the Anacondrai we're afraid of, it's our doubt. Divided, we failed. But together, we will succeed." 

everyone makes their dragon. i try to concentrate on my fear, which is never unlocking my true potential and never have control of my power. I concentrate and jump and when i open my eyes i see i'm riding on a dragon... my dragon. 

i summoned a time dragon! 

Now we all fly towards Ninjago to stop Chen and his snakes

the end

see you next chapter

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