The forgotten element

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No PoV

The elemental masters were brought to the place where they are gonna lose their power
"So the ninja were right." Turner said. "This was never about us winning the tournament. This was always about something sinister" "what gave that away?" Shade asked sarcastic. "Was it his cult following, or the giant snake head?"

"We've been fighting each other for so long, it took us all losing to finally pull us together. Too bad it's too late" Neuro said. Jay started humming. "Why are you humming?!" Kai asked angry. "You do know they're about to take our powers!" "Since these cursed shackles have blocked our powers, i choose to use the power of positive thinking. Lloyd will come and save us" Jay said. Then Kai and Skylor had some stuff going on and then Chen came with the power of Gravity and after he waited a second for Lloyd, he stole the powers of Griffin,Neuro,Shade,Kai,Jay and Violet

And Kai stayed with Skylor and Chen while the others were brought to the factory

In the factory

Turner PoV

I'm feeling so different without my power, i used my power all the time but now i can't. Would Violet and Neuro feel the same? Probably, they use their power less then me but still most of the time. But I'm not sure about Violet, everytime she uses it only she knows, and also about Neuro so what am i saying?

"Hey Turner" Shade said. "Sorry that i was mean to you before we lost our powers" "it's fine" i said. "Don't worry" "good" he said. "And...i found an old friend" and Ash came. "Ash!" I said happy and hugged him and he hugged back, thank god!

"Turner, nice to see you again" Ash said after the hug. "So we all lost..." "yeah, Chen captured all of us and stole our power" Shade said. "But he still haven't that green child" "Chen will soon get him" Ash said. "I know it" and he walked away. Me and Shade look at each other worried. "Will Chen really win? Villains never win, right?" I asked worried. "Idk" Shade said and left me alone.

"Hey Turner" Neuro said. "Hey" i said with a smile. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Just a little different because i lost my power that i used every minute!" "Relax Turner" Neuro said. "We will find a way to escape, and don't forget, they are making a Roto Jet so we can escape here" "i guess" i said. Neuro lays a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, we will find our way out of here and get our powers back." He chuckles. "I would now read your mind to see what you're thinking"

"Thank god you don't know what I'm thinking" i said relieved. "Are you thinking about Violet?" He asked. "H-how do you know?" I asked shocked. "Turner, you're my friend" Neuro said. "I know you love Violet. And i read that in your mind when i had still my powers, and i read it in Violet's mind too" "s-she loves me?" I asked shocked. Neuro nodded. "Yes, so when all of this is over, you 2 need to talk to each other" "okay, okay" i said. Neuro walked away, leaving me alone

Time skip when the elemental masters broke out with the Roto Jet and saved Garmadon and Nya from the snake and Chen stole Lloyd his power and Skylor and Kai fought against Chen, Kai became controlled by the staff of elemental but the elemental masters,Cole,Jay and Zane came and Kai destroyed the staff and everyone got their powers back.

Now they have the island under control but Chen,Clouse, some helpers and Skylor are missing

Violet PoV

I'm happy i have my power back, but I'm worried about Skylor. She helped us and now she is missing. Where can she be? And why am i worried? We barely talked.
"Hello Violet" i turn around and see Neuro coming towards me.

"Oh, hey Neuro" "Violet, i have to ask something" He said. "I read in your mind you love Turner. Is that right?" I look shocked and my face turns red. "W-well...y-yes..." Neuro smiles. "I knew it. But, we have the island under control, you and Turner have to talk to each other and confess your feelings" "I'm too nervous" I said. "Just go!" Neuro said. "What are you guys talking about?" Shade asked and he and Ash came to us. Ash...i didn't seen him anywhere. "Hey Ash, good to see you again" i said. "Good to see you too, Violet" Ash said

"Don't change the subject!" Neuro said. "Just go to him!" "Oh...about Violet and Turner" Shade realized. "How do you know that?!" I asked shocked. "Me,Ash and Neuro have a bet if you or Griffin will confess it or not" Ash explained. "I think Griffin will say it." "Nah, Violet will" Shade said. "No, Griffin" Neuro said. I can't believe it and walked away, they don't even notice i left because they are still talking about the bet. Whatever, let's stop this chapter, please

The end

See you next chapter

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