Chapter 25: Captain Holloway

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Leon spent the first part of his morning in a meeting about the investigation into the artifact theft. The team assigned to the case now included him and Al. Captain Holloway, the head of his brother's guards, had been the leader of the investigation before Leon took charge.

Their meeting took place in the Royal Guards commanding center, where Holloway briefed him on every relevant detail to the case.

After going through everything, all members of the investigation team filed out of the room.

"Your highness," Holloway said as they walked out, "may I have a word?"

Leon nodded. Holloway fell in step beside him. Al a couple of steps behind.

"It's about the suspect."

"What suspect?" Leon asked, knowing full well who Holloway was speaking of.

The captain glanced at him. "I understand that you have given her your protection. I would, however, ask for a chance to interrogate her."

Leon stopped in the hallway leading to the main entrance of the building. Light spilled in, pouring the spring warmth into the austere building. He turned to face Holloway.

"Interrogate? You might want to reconsider your choice of word, Captain. She's not a suspect, and she's a person to whom I owe my life."

Holloway looked doubtful. Understandably so. No one who saw Summer would ever know the extent of her skills. No one would believe she was the sole reason he survived in the woods with a fatal wound and a gang looking for him. She would be underestimated more than once. But that was an advantage he was willing to exploit in the future, if need be.

Holloway amended, "I would like to have a few words with her, with your permission."

Leon rubbed his jaw. Holloway's reaction to Summer would certainly be interesting. The captain was often too austere. And Summer was just... Summer. It would be entertaining.

"Permission granted," Leon said. "It would happen in my presence however."

"Yes, your highness." Holloway bowed his head. Then they stepped out of the building, only to stop at the scene in the training rings of the academy nearby.

"Is that who I think it is?" Al asked.

"I believe so." Leon's lips curved. "Captain Holloway, why don't you come along?"

It was as he suspected.

Leon had been thinking of ways to shake the stubborn set of beliefs some students had as to their female colleagues' skills. Using Summer had been a spur of the moment decision. She had declined the day before, vehemently so, but it appeared Ida had found a way to convince her.

Leon's presence might divert attention from the fight, so he chose a vantage point out of sight. The shadow of a tree on a raised patch of land behind the crowd surrounding the ring. Holloway and Al joined him.

General Bordrick's son, Blake, was the person Summer chose for the lesson. The perfect target.

Unbelievably fast and light on her feet, Summer evaded his attacks like he was a blundering child. Her movements were fluid. Hypnotizing. Not a motion wasted. Her body moved with the ease of a seasoned fighter.

"She's good," Holloway said. Leon stayed quiet. The captain would soon discover that she wasn't good. She was the best fighter he'd ever seen. And that was not an exaggeration.

Every single student and instructor seemed to be watching the fight. Even those inside the buildings had wandered outside or peeked out of the windows after hearing the noise of the crowd.

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