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The king's chamber was a stronghold of authority and elegance, adorned with velvet drapes, golden candelabras, and a large, intricately carved table at its center. The flickering light from the roaring fireplace cast long shadows across the room, adding a somber mood to the already serious atmosphere. King Nicolaus, stood by the table, his expression stern as he regarded his three sons.

Prince Knight, the eldest stood closest to the king. Beside him was Prince Arthur, the stalwart middle brother, his eyes sharp and focused. The youngest, Prince Margrave, leaned casually against the table, though his demeanor was one of attentive readiness.

King Nicolaus cleared his throat, drawing the attention of his sons. "I have summoned you here because a grave incident occurred within our walls last evening."

Knight eyes narrowed, and he stepped forward. "What happened, Father?"

"Jennifer, a woman posing from the enemy ranks, infiltrated our castle with the intent to abduct Princess Amelia," the king said, his voice heavy with the gravity of the situation.

Margrave straightened, his expression one of shock and concern. "How did she get so far without being noticed?"

"It was during the height of the battle," King Nicolaus explained. "Our focus was on the front lines, and the castle's defenses were temporarily weakened. Jennifer took advantage of this distraction."

Arthur, his expression hardening, interjected. "It was one of our soldiers who saw her leaving the battlefield under suspicious circumstances. He immediately informed me, and I knew something was amiss. I rode back to the castle with all speed."

The king nodded, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Arthur's swift actions were crucial. He arrived just in time to intercept Jennifer as she attempted to flee with Amelia. Thanks to him, Amelia is safe, and Jennifer is now imprisoned."

Knight's fist clenched at his side. "Amelia... Thank the heavens she's safe. What does this Jennifer want?"

King Nicolaus replied, his tone grim. "Her motives remain a mystery. For now, we must prioritize the ongoing war. We cannot afford to divert our attention."

Margrave, ever the thinker, asked, "What is to be done with her, Father?"

"Jennifer will remain in our dungeons until the war is over," the king declared. "Once we have secured peace, we will conduct a thorough investigation to uncover her motives and determine her fate."

Arthur nodded, his face set in determination. "I will ensure she is guarded closely. We cannot take any risks."

"And I will start gathering any information that might help us understand who she is and what she wants," Cedric added thoughtfully.

King Aldric placed a hand on Knight's shoulder, his eyes full of trust and resolve. "You have all shown great courage and wisdom in this trying time. And now that your mother is back too we have to keep her safe too, don't distract yourself to much."

With a final nod, the meeting was adjourned. The brothers exited the chamber, their minds already turning to the challenges ahead. As they walked through the dimly lit corridors of the castle, their resolve was clear: they would protect their loved ones and their realm, no matter the cost.

As queen Ezabell regained consciousness, a wave of relief washed over the room. The second wife, queen Orella, the king, the three princes, and the Princess gathered around her, their faces filled with a mixture of joy and concern.

With trembling hands, the first queen reached out, pulling her loved ones close in a tight embrace. Tears of gratitude streamed down her cheeks as she held them close, feeling the warmth of their presence surrounding her.

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