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As we returned to our respective camps under the cover of night, we were greeted by an unusual sight: extra guards patrolling the perimeter, their watchful eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of intruders.

Eldrick's expression darkened at the sight, his instincts warning him of imminent danger. He turned to me, his voice low and urgent.

"We need to part ways here," he said, his tone tense with urgency. "It's not safe for us to be seen together."

My brow furrowed with concern as I regarded the heightened security around the camp. "But why?" I asked, my voice tinged with worry. "What's going on?"

The commander hesitated, his gaze darting nervously between the guards. "There's extra security, something has gone wrong." he said cryptically, his tone clipped. "For now, we need to go our separate ways."

Reluctantly, I nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. With a final glance at Eldrick, I slipped away into the shadows, my heart heavy with unease.

Meanwhile, across the camp, King Baron's anger simmered as he watched Jennifer's approach with growing fury. His sharp eyes narrowed as she drew nearer, her presence a glaring reminder of the commander's disobedience.

"What is she doing here?" the king demanded, his voice low and menacing as he turned to his advisors. "And where is Commander Eldrick?"

But before anyone could respond, I saw King Baron, his face turned from stern to rage as he caught me sneaking into my camp, my expression tense with apprehension. "Your Majesty," I began, my voice faltering slightly under the weight of the king's piercing gaze. "I-"

But my words were cut short as the king's anger boiled over, his voice rising with fury. "Enough!" he thundered, his voice echoing through the camp. "What is the meaning of this? How dare you return to my camp with that traitorous commander by your side?"

My heart pounded in my chest as I struggled to find the words to defend myself, but before I could speak, the king's rage boiled over, his voice rising to a deafening crescendo.

"You have betrayed my trust," he roared, his words laced with venom. "You have conspired with my own commander to defy my orders and undermine my authority."

My mouth went dry as I tried to protest, but the king's tirade continued, his accusations ringing in my ears like a harsh echo.

"You will pay for your treachery," the king spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You will answer for your crimes, and you will suffer the consequences of your actions."

Before I could respond, the king's anger erupted like a volcano, his hand lashing out with a swift and brutal force. The blow struck across my cheek, sending me reeling backward with a cry of pain.

Gasping for breath, I staggered under the weight of the king's fury, my cheek throbbing with pain. Tears welled in my eyes as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the king's rage.

But the king showed no mercy, his eyes cold and unyielding as he loomed over me, his voice a low, menacing growl.

"You will learn your place," he hissed, his voice dripping with malice. "And you will never forget the consequences of crossing me."

As the king's hand struck Jennifer's cheek with a resounding slap, Commander Eldrick who was sneaking into his camp watched the scene unfolding Infront of him, his heart clenched with a mixture of shock and anger. He watched in silent horror as Jennifer staggered backward, her hand flying to her cheek in a gesture of pain.

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