Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

"You're back so early?" Estella questions as she finds us walking into the house.

"Apparently, someone likes games a bit too much," Zade says to her before stomping further. Right before he disappears, he says something more. "I'm leaving. Don't bother bringing up anything to room. I won't be back until tomorrow."

"Zade—" Estella tries to stop him from fleeing but before she can, he's already gone. "What happened?" She turns to me and asks.

"We—we had an argument," I say while looking at the way he went. "I think I pushed him too far and he didn't like that."

"What did you talk about?"

I glance at Estella and see the worry in her eyes, a worry only a mother can feel. "I was asking questions about his past, and the women he had been with before. I didn't know that it was going to anger him so much."

Estella's gaze drops, her expression changing suddenly. Did I say too much? She nears me and places a hand over my shoulder. "You have every right to ask, especially since you're his mate, but you're not going to like what's in his past. You're not going to like any of it. Trust me, Aurora. If there was anything you needed to know, I would've told you. But going down on this road will only hurt you, no one else."

Her words are similar to his. There's only so little difference between them.

Why? What is it about this woman? About his past? Why does it has to be so guarded from me? If Zade expects me to stay here, I need to know, he has to tell me. Regardless of how dark or twisted it may be, it's a part of him and I want to know.

My eyes narrow as I look at Estella. "How can I understand him if I don't know what he is? What he has been?"

She draws in a shaky breath and trails her hand down to my back. "You're not wrong, my dear. You deserve to know it. Perhaps, one day you will and when you do, it will change how you see him. It may make you look at him differently, it might scare you."


"Because it is terrifying. He has spent years in solitude, away from everyone and I'm the only one that have seen him in that state," She pauses and hesitates for a split second. "And the reason to draw him in that state is far worse than you can imagine."

A cold shiver snakes down my spine. "What happened?"

Estella shakes her head, "I can't," She takes in a deep breath and sighs. "Just—just be patient with him and he'll tell you. I promise."

I nod and she gives me another pat on the shoulder before walking back into the kitchen to prepare for dinner. I head closer to my room but before I go inside, my paths change.

I'm not patient enough to wait. I want to know. Right now.

Before I know it, my feet is guiding me towards Zade's room. I know it's wrong, a violation of his privacy but I can't seem to help myself. What is it that bothers him so much?

I ease the door open and step into his dimly lit room. The moonlights washes in through the large windows, forming large shadows across the floor. Everything in his room is it at place, just as before. All untouched.

He hasn't figured out that I had been here, even when my scent lingers. Or maybe he hasn't been in his room since I came last time.

I walk around, glancing at everything.

Why does he guards everything about himself so well? There's nothing I know about him even when I've spent more than just a couple of weeks here. Every time I do manage to ask him about something, he moves further away from me, like he wants to make sure I don't get to him, that I don't see him for who he truly is.

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