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The news of Kara's accident was quickly shared with Lena and Sam just a few minutes after it happened. Alex and Maggie were first on the scene of the accident after the ambulance. You could have heard a pin drop in both Sam and Lena's offices that night when Alex called them to tell them what had happened. The ride to the hospital was agonizingly long for everyone. Eliza was the first one there waiting on the ambulance to arrive pacing the floor, wringing her hands together trying to contain her tears from falling.

The sound of sirens rang through the darkness of the night. Kara didn't know if she was dreaming or if she was just dead and this was the part where her memories flash before her. Either way she felt at peace as she lay there against the boulder that stopped her rolling. "Kara! Can you hear me? Kara! I'm going to need you to stay awake for me ok!" The echoing voice called out. "She's going to go into shock if we don't hurry and pull her up!" Another voice called out. "Ok Kara! Just hold on ok! You're gonna be alright!" Someone else chimed in. The blonde lay unconscious on the basket stretcher with her neck now in a brace as the rescue crew slowly pulled her up the hill. Slowly they made the top and brought her to the awaiting ambulance.

"Take her to NCH!" One rescuer cried out. The ambulance workers began putting in a temporary iv and putting an oxygen mask over her face. "She's still unconscious! Notify next of kin and have them wait at the hospital." Someone else cried out. "Her next of kin is here! I'm Alex Danvers! I'm her sister!" Alex yelled out. "Ma'am I'm gonna need you to go to the hospital now. Your sister is in the best hands we have here. She's gonna be alright." One of the rescuers stated.

Maggie pulled Alex back to their car and helped her get into the passenger seat. "She's going to be ok. Call Lena, Sam and Eliza. Tell them to meet us there!" Maggie cooed. Alex nodded slowly as she pulled her phone out and dialed the three numbers. "She's going NCH Maggie and I are in route now." Alex repeated three times as they drove to the hospital. Every call quickly ended in sobs as the women quickly gathered their things and headed to the hospital.

Lena and Sam were the next to arrive quickly finding Eliza and taking her into a tight tear filled hug. They stayed like that till Maggie and Alex arrived. "The ambulance just arrived." Maggie stated. "They're bringing her in now mom...she looks so helpless." Alex whimpered. "She's gonna be ok darling. She's tough." Eliza cooed. Everyone sat in the ER waiting room as the doctors and nurses shouted different things and ran around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Time seemed to stop when a nurse made an appearance in the waiting room. "Family of Kara Danvers?" She asked and everyone jumped out of their seats. "She's stable. She has lost a lot of blood and has a broken leg and several broken ribs. Which of you is the mother?" The nurse asked. "Me! I'm her mother Eliza!" Eliza stated. "Come with me please." The nurse said. "I'll be right back." Eliza said turning slightly to the four young women before following the nurse into the ER.

Lena and Sam sat back down knowing there was nothing either of them could do for Kara. "She's gonna be ok...you heard Eliza...she's tough." Maggie stated. "If she was really ok then they wouldn't want mom to come back with them! She could die!" Alex yelled out as tears flooded her face. Maggie quickly enveloped the red head in a tight hug and held her as sobs wracked her body. "She's gonna be ok Al...I have faith." Maggie cooed as she rubbed her girlfriends back.

A few long minutes in a tense situation can feel like hours for anyone waiting on a scrap of news. That's how it was inside the ER waiting room. Back inside the walls  of the ER weren't any more enjoyable especially when your a mother looking over her daughter who is lying unconscious and badly injured on a cot. "Oh Kara...you're gonna be ok my sweet baby girl. I just had the pleasure of meeting the two young women who desire your heart. Darling...I know when the time comes you will choose wisely and listen to your beautiful heart. Alex and Maggie are out there too, waiting on news of you." Eliza whispered. "She's one hell of a fighter Mrs. Danvers. We're preparing on taking her back for surgery soon to pin her leg bones together and cast it. After surgery she'll be put into the ICU and only immediately family will be allowed in. I know your other daughter is out there too, but who are the others? Are they all family?" The nurse asked.

Eliza thought for a brief moment before replying. "Yes. They all are family." The nurse nodded and took their information down on a piece of paper before leaving Eliza alone with Kara. "You're gonna be heading to surgery soon my darling. I must be going now. I'll update everyone on your condition. Be strong my beautiful child. I love you....Alex loves you...Maggie loves you and I know that those other women...Sam and Lena love you too. Come back to us my child. I'm going to go now Kara, but everything is going to be ok." Eliza whispered before she kissed her cheek and left the ER.

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