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"Kara doesn't date much." Maggie admitted. "How come? You're very beautiful, I'm sure you have a line of women after you." Sam stated. "Not exactly. I keep to myself mostly." Kara replied. "How come?" Len asked. "She's not exactly normal..." Alex replied. Sam and Lena shared a look before turning to Alex. "I don't know if we should tell them Alex." Kara replied. "Why not? What makes you different Kara? You can trust us Kara, we really want to be your friends." Sam stated. "Sam's right. We really want to be your friend Kara. You can tell us anything." Lena replied.

Kara looked at Alex and Maggie before returning her gaze to Lena and Sam. "Ok...I'll tell you...but if you laugh thats the end of any possible friendship." Kara explained. "We understand." Lena and Sam said together. Kara let out a sight before she replied. "I have a penis. I was born with it. It's a one in a billion chance, but yet here I am." Kara replied. Sam and Lena didn't laugh. No. They were stunned and shocked. "Really?" Lena asked. "Yep! Should have seen mom when she saw Kara after the nurses gave her over. Dad said you could have knocked her over with a feather." Alex chimed in.

"So thats why you don't get dates? That's terrible Kara, I'm sorry that happens to you." Lena added. "It's ok, I'm well used to it, now. Not a lot of women want to date a lesbian with a male appendage." Kara replied causing everyone to chuckle. 'I'd date you....' Lena thought to herself. 'I'd date you too...date you and never let you go...' Sam thought to herself. "So..now you know..does it change how you see me? Still want to be friends?" Kara asked. "Of course we still want to be friends Kara!" Lena replied. Sam nodded in agreement. "We like you Kara! There's no way you could keep us from being your friend!" Sam added. "Ok...then friends it is." Kara replied.

"Wonderful! Now we'll have more gals for girls night!" Maggie exclaimed. "You have girls nights too?" Sam asked. "Yes every Saturday night. You two can come too!" Alex added. "Where is it?" Lena asked. "Here..." Kara grumbled. "Wonderful! We'll bring the food Saturday night!" Sam exclaimed. "Great! We'll bring the booze! Oh...wait...will you still be here Saturday?" Maggie asked. "Yes. I won't be fully promoted till next Friday night anyhow so girls night that Saturday will be here too." Kara replied.

"Fully promoted? Are you moving after your promotion or something?" Lena asked. "Yes. I'm going to be getting a condo downtown National City. It..uh..comes with the job...." Kara replied. "Whats the job you'll be doing?" Sam asked. "As of Monday morning I'll be the new CEO of Cat Co Media. I begin training tomorrow morning, and if I do well then Cat will leave by Tuesday, leaving me in charge." Kara explained. "Oh my god! Kara! You'll have women lining up to date you now!" Sam exclaimed.

"Yea..until they see my accessory." Kara replied. "I'm sure you'll meet someone who won't run away from it." Lena replied. Kara shrugged before getting up and tossing the empty boxes out. Alex looked at the two new women carefully before speaking. "So?which one of you had a crush on her before you found out? And has it changed?" Alex asked. "Both of us...and I'm not sure about Sam but my crush on Kara hasn't changed." Lena whispered. "Neither has mine!" Sam added softly. Maggie and Alex shared a look. "So...who's gonna ask her out first?" Maggie asked. They both shrugged as Kara reappeared. "Well it's getting late and I've got to go into work early tomorrow." Sam stated. "Yea. Me too." Lena replied.

"Same with us." Alex said nudging Maggie. "Ditto." Kara replied. "Say Kara? Would you want to grab lunch tomorrow?" Sam asked. "With you two?" Kara asked. "Yes! We'll both be there!" Lena added. "Uh..sure...it'll have to be at one of your offices... I don't have one right now." Kara replied. "Oh..I was thinking we'd meet at Noonans." Sam added. "Ok. I can do that." Kara replied. "Brilliant! We'll see you there around noon?" Lena asked. "Yes." Kara replied.

After that everyone left Kara's apartment leaving the blonde alone again. She fed her fish and quickly got ready for bed.

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