California Adventures ~ part 1

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It was 1 p.m. Kurt was playing the guitar in the hotel living room. I decided to walk in, because I had gotten an idea. »Hey sweetheart, are you down to go get some ice cream?« I asked him.

Kurt looked up from his guitar and smiled. »Sure, hun« he replied, getting up from the foot of the bed. The gorgeous, blonde man approached me and took my hand.

We made our way to the beach, which was where the ice cream place - called "Ice Cream & Twist of California" - was located. Kurt and I were in California, as his band Nirvana had just played 3 shows there.
The band returned to Seattle, but we decided to stay for a few days. Kurt and I just liked California.

As we approached the sign with all the ice cream flavours on it, I searched in the pocket of my jeans for my wallet. I finally found it.

Kurt looked down at me, with a facial expression that was hard to read, right until he said something. »Honey, I'll pay, don't worry« Kurt whispered, breaking the silence. He tried to put the wallet back in my pocket, but instead I grabbed his hand and planted a kiss on it.

»We're getting married soon, and then we're going to be sharing assets. This'll be one of the last times I'm going to be paying, I promise« I told Kurt. He nodded, but only because we were getting married soon. The both of us were so excited!

There wasn't a queue of people in line anymore, so Kurt and I walked towards the cashier. We had decided for the same ice cream flavor. »Hi, two mint ice creams, please« I said. Our ice cream cones were put below a soft serve machine, filling them with light green ice cream on top. The cashier went searching for change as I handed the guy a couple of dollars.

»There you go, enjoy!« he said, giving us the change and our two ice cream cones. I had brought a small bag with me, in which I found our pink-striped beach towel. It was put on the ground, under a shallow palm tree. The spot was away from everyone else, which Kurt and I lacked.

We sat on the towel. I held my ice cream in one hand, and Kurt's hand in the other. Eventually, we finished the cones, so the two of us just relaxed on the towel. I decided to lay my head on Kurt's chest, my body on top of his, almost in a hugging position.

~part 2 in next post

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