Witches Before Wizards part 2

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No Pov:

Illusion was helping a palisman as flapjack sat on her shoulder.

He was her palisman,noodle was asleep with the others in their corner.

"Hey flaps can you get me that thing over there"Illusion pointed at the healing glyphs in the corner.

Flapjack chirper and got the glyphs, bringing them to his owner.

Illusion used the glyphs to heal the small palisman,a red panda.

The red panda purred happily as the crack on its tail was healed.

"There you go little guy"Illusion cooed as she scratched the red panda's chin.

It purred a thanks before leaving out the window.

"Sighs finally,a peaceful domestic moment,I wonder when it Will be ruined."Illusion said.

" Aw, nuts."illusion heard her mom say from luz's room.

"There it is"


Illusion walked with her mother and king into an alley.

"This is where we met the scones. I mean, the wizard. Whoa!"King said while sniffing.

Eda pushed aside a patched curtain.

"It wasn't like this before."King said.

The castle was now in complete ruin, with crumbling walls, no spire, and faded banners. One of the front doors is laying on the ground, and as they look, a chunk of wall falls from a pillar.

" I don't like this."Eda said.

Illusion held her staff, Flapjack was on the end.

A door creaks open, revealing the library. Tattered scrolls now litter the floor, shelves are broken, paintings are ripped, and chunks of debris are blocking the stairs.

 Eda steps forward, onto a bundle of scrolls. She picks them all up, each illuminated with the glowing message of: "The chosen one".

"I really don't like this"Illusion said looking at the page.

The two quickly flew out of the castle and began following king as he sniffed.

"This does not look safe for a human"illusion said as she looked nervous.

"I agree, something is wrong"Eda said as she followed king who was tracking luz.


"Oh, no."Eda said.

Her, Illusion and King are standing in the cat village, which was now destroyed. Dark clouds hang in the sky and fog clouds hang in front of the houses.

Illusion growled at how creepy it was.

"Are you sure she came here?"Eda asked.

" Can't mistake her smell. Like lemons and young, naïve confidence."King said sniffing as Eda looked at Illusion who also sniffed the air and nodded in Agreement.

"Hmm."Eda hummed.

Eda walked up to the fountain, which is now broken and covered in dying vines. A cat wrapped in vines is laying in the lower basin. Eda kneels in front of the fountain.

"Hey! Wake up, you."Eda said as she Flicks the cat's head."What have you done with Luz? "she Shakes it." What's your endgame?"

"To find your pupil and still your wrath, look ahead and follow the path. "the cat Cackles as it disintegrates.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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