witches before wizards part 1

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Illusion's Pov:

As I woke up I stretched my arms out,my bones clicking.

Flapjack chirped Infront of my face as I woke up.

"Morning flap"I smiled sleepily as I pat his head.

"Where's noodle"I asked sleepily.

A small object flopped on my face as I smiled.

"Morning noodle"

The snake hissed happily and nuzzled against me.

I giggled and got up,my pyjamas were really just an old t-shirt and shorts but it worked.

I got changed and opened the door, flapjack on my shoulder with noodle.

"Morning Illusion!"

I squeaked as I felt arms wrap around my waist as Luz hugged me.

I groaned but smiled.

"Morning human"

She ran off as I scratched my head in confusion.

Me and flapjack shrugged as we walked downstairs,to where my mom would meet us.

No Pov:

Luz squeals. A toliet flushes. Eda's shadow appears on the wall before she steps onto the top stair.

"Hmm?"Eda said raising an eyebrow.

" Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. I am ready for my first day of Witch Apprenticeship."Luz said excitedly.

"Ugh!"Eda said as she Shakes spiders out of her hair, picks another one out of her ear.

"Who are you, again?"

" Huh?"Luz said as she Stares in horror as her name tag falls to the floor.

Luz Followed Eda into the kitchen, Illusion was sipping a drink as she leant against the table,Noodle and flapjack were playing a game.

"Remember me? Luz?"Luz Grunts as a coffee cup hits her in the back of the head.

"We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together? Yesterday?"Luz said.

" Kid, lay off the details. I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet."Eda said.

"You mean apple juice?"Luz asked.

"No."Illusion said as she sipped her drink.

Eda sits on the kitchen table and drinks from her mug. King is sitting in a high chair and stabbing a fork into a yellow blob with eyes sitting on a plate.

"Teach me some spells. When do I get a magic staff like illusion"Luz asked"Was I supposed to bring my own runes?"she Gasps."Do you have a dangerous magical quest for me?"

"hoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, kid. Being a witch doesn't happen overnight. Also, you're wrapped in a bathrobe and wearing the dirtiest traffic cone I've ever seen."Eda said.

Luz pulls her hat off and blows on it, revealing that it was, in fact, a traffic cone with a severe layer of dust on it. King laughs.

"But a magic staff, huh? You really want one?"Eda said.

"More than anything."Luz squealed.

"Magic staff, come to me!"Eda said.

She holds out her hand. For a second, nothing happens. Then several things crash distantly

Illusion snickered as her mother glared at her.

Flapjack tweeted softly as he sat on her head.

King, illusion Luz, and Eda all slowly turn to the sound, until Eda's staff appears and smacks her in the face, clattering to the ground.

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