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No Pov:

Illusion was in her room in the owl house.

She had been living with Eda for a few years now.

She was playing in her room,a few stuffed animals around.

They were gifts from the owl lady, someone Illusion saw as a mother.

Her favourite was a blue dragon she had named secret.

Her new friend,a little dog like creature called king,sat opposite her.

Eda had found the small creature on a separate island after she had to go away for a couple of days.

Illusion had been left with her grandparents, Gwendolyn and Dell.

The two were playing tea party with some of kings stuffed toys as well.

The tiny creature yipped happily as he played.

"This is fun"Illusion smiled as her tail wagged.

King smiled,or the best he could do to a smile.

As the two played the sounds of commotion was heard downstairs.

"What's that?"Illusion asked herself as she walked over to the door of her bedroom.

She opened it slightly,she could hear Eda and a new voice.

"Lulu where are you going?"King asked,he was shorter than the girl.

"Going to see who my mama is talking too"Illusion said as she held her dragon toy close and walked downstairs, trying to stay out of view.

"I am asking you again sister,Join the Emperor's Coven,he could even heal you."

Illusion saw a pale witch who looked exactly like Eda,apart from the fact she had long blue hair.

Instead of her mother's bushy ginger hair which had now turned grey.

"I don't want to owe him anything"Eda snapped back"I keep telling you, I'm not joining the Emperor's Coven,I can heal My-"

"mom?"Illusion said as she walked into the living room"what's going on?"

"Mother?"The blue haired witch said confused.

"Illusion"Eda said as she walked over to the young girl."are you ok?"

"I'm fine,I heard loud noises but who is that?"Illusion asked as she held her mother's hand.

The blue haired witch smirked as she knelt down.

"I am Lilith,little one"Lilith said"I am Edalyn's sister."

"You're my aunt?"Illusion asked Curiously.

"Of course"Lilith smiled as she looked at Illusion's ears.

Eda glared at her sister.

"I believe you have overstayed your welcome."she grumbled.

"Dear sister it appears with this information that I believe you have forgotten what happens when witches aren't put in covens,I don't think you want that to happen to your daughter "Lilith smirked.

Eda's eyes narrowed.

"Is she taking me away mom?"Illusion said shaking.

"Of course not lu"Eda smiled as she got to Illusion's level and held her cheek"I would never let her take you."

Illusion hugged her mom close as Eda glared at her sister.

"But I am willing to look through other way for her if she joins hexside when she's ready"Lilith said.

Eda Groaned.

Illusion looked at her mother curiously.

"Fine but she gets to study any track of her choosing,multi or not"Eda said glaring at her sister.

"Fine fine, I'll give her a letter of recommendation when you sign her up"Lilith said as she picked up her staff,a sleek white staff with a raven on it.

She soon left and Illusion looked at her mom.

"What's hexside?"

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