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This was a rumor spreading in Baghdad that some angels saved Baghdad from that snow storm and later they return to heaven.

(In this time period, people had faith in super natural and magical powers, even they exist)

Aladdin went towards the soldier 1 narrating the story of Angel.

Aladdin is senior in Baghdad army.

Soldier 1 bow his head in respect in front of Aladdin.

Aladdin : what were you telling him?

Soldier 1 : sorry chief, I was just telling him something about Angel.

Aladdin : Angel?

Soldier 1 : sorry.

Aladdin : no, I want to know about it. Tell me, what were you saying?

Soldier 1 : chief, there are so many people in Baghdad seen a very beautiful girl flying in a sky with her fairy wings.

Aladdin : you seen her?

Soldier 1 just lying but he said yes.

Aladdin : oh, so tell me something about her looks? How she was looking?

Soldier 1 : I can't describe her beauty. She have such a beautiful, pretty innocent face but confident. Her eyes are brown and deep. Her long hairs and complimenting her fair skin tone.

Aladdin : and?

Soldier 1 : and, her lips were like a rose petals.

Aladdin : anything else?

Soldier 1 : she had a very sexy body, chief. (He said in a soft tone so nobody else could here) her b..... (Aladdin is imagining Yasmin and now feeling like the girl with him last night was none other than an angel)

Aladdin : just stop it. If she was an Angel, so she will be angry if you talk anything nonsense against her.

Soldier 1 : sorry chief.

Aladdin : good for you.


Yasmin announced help to public and withdraw all the tax from public for this month.

Everyone chants in favor of Yasmine, they are really happy with the orders of Yasmin.

Stay tuned.

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