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Aladdin : I mean, I didn't saw Sultana Yasmin, but it's not possible that someone look more beautiful than you.

Yasmin : but she is sultana.

Aladdin : yes I know, but you are way better.

Yasmin : how?

Aladdin : I don't know but you are. (Lost in her beauty)

Yasmin : should I consider it that if you get chance you choose me over Sultana Yasmin.

Aladdin : I won't say that because not sultana, and neither you are mine so there is no chance of choosing.

Yasmin (in mind) : both gonna be yours tonight. He is so good.

Aladdin : sorry if I said something wrong.

Yasmin : no, but I just prefer you do something instead of saying.

His eyes widened, he didn't understand what she is exactly offering him.

Aladdin : what do you mean?

Yasmin : it's so bad and cold weather outside but here I am burning in your hotness. (She said in seductive tone)

Aladdin shocked.

Yasmin take a step ahead, Aladdin moves back.

Aladdin : what are you saying?

Yasmin : it's truth. Mister, come on... Young boy, give some relaxation to your guest.

Aladdin : but..... (Stopped on his place)

Yasmin : come closer.

Now Yasmin stopped and Aladdin thought why he is resisting.

He stepped towards her and placed his left hand on her waist moving it further, wrapping it around her waist.

His fingers were just touching the belt of her brassiere, digging in the soft flesh of her waist.

Aladdin : so what do you want?

Yasmin : look into my eyes, what do you think? (Both of them step closer)

They didn’t know when she had come so close to him that their pelvic bone were touching each other’s.

Stay tuned

Alasmine - Baghdad TalesWhere stories live. Discover now