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Next day,

Yasmin wake up 😴⏰ at early morning. Aladin head is still resting on her breasts.

The feeling making her crazy last night is embarrassing her now with the first sight of morning.

Because, being a queen of Baghdad, she never ever thought that she would be sleeping under the arms of a guy that too naked with someone who serve in army which she rule.

Yasmin is feeling so shy now.

She move slowly, so he won't wake up. She picks up her clothes and wear them before he wake up.

She is in hurry, the storm stopped last night and now Queen Of Baghdad need to take some action to provide help to needy people in public.

So, she dressed up. Before, she leave Siddharth's place, she looked at him.

Yasmin (in mind) : maybe, we will never meet again at least not like this, but it was something Baghdad needs to get free from curse of Ankara.

Sorry, if I used you for fulfilling my duty. But, yes just because of you I didn't regret for what I did.

She left his house with her covered face.

She reached the palace and went to her room through the hidden underground tunnel.

She get ready with her Royal outfit and crown and ready to appear in on the tower 🏰 of fort. From where all the announcement from Royal Family can be done.

The crowd start gathering and waiting for the announcement of relief in taxes and something more they expect from the Queen Yasmine.

Queen is ready.

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Zafar is confused that how Yasmine managed to stop that storm 🌪🌪

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Zafar is confused that how Yasmine managed to stop that storm 🌪🌪.

Her family feeling proud on her because she promised her family that she will sort it out anyhow.

And, they feel that she convince Ankara anyhow.

Stay tuned

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