Chapter 44

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After Mitya and I sat down, calmed our breathing, and gathered ourselves. I reached out with my mind and took Adrian's darkness, and believe you me, there was a LOOOOT of it.

Then with a considerable amount of effort and concentration I managed to send it all out into the ether. Taking it cleared his mind and body and sending it out into the ether did the same for me. All the while it also protected me from that very same darkness.

Adrian gasped, his shoulders sagged in relief, and then he sighed deeply and very much contentedly with an almost dreamy smile on his face as his head fell back against the back of the sofa.

"What's wrong Adrian?" Lissa asked.

"I... I... I don't know... all of the sudden I just feel... I don't know. Lighter, freer, cleaner, clearer, more relaxed and at ease than I remember ever feeling before. At least since I was a young child. To the best of my memory, I have never felt this happy and carefree before in all my life." He said with a smile and a light chuckle. Just looking at him you could easily see exactly how much better he felt and how much happier and lighter in the heart and soul that he felt.

Lissa turned to look at me, "Rose, did you..."

I simply smiled and nodded entirely too exhausted to do much of anything else for a little while.

"What did you do with it?"

I looked upwards towards the ceiling and then back down at her. She smiled and asked, "are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

"Were you able to release all of it?"


"Good." She nodded.

"What did you do Roza moya?" (my)

"I cleared away all of the built up and residual darkness that Adrian has been dealing with since his powers began to manifest as a young child."

"Do you need to go get rid of it?"

I could tell that he was worried. Everything having to do with my shadow kissed state worried him. But I can't say as I blamed him for that because it does for the rest of us, who knew about it before today, as well.

"No, I sent all of it out into the ether."

"All right, but if you need any kind of exercise or training then you be sure to let me know."

"You will be the very first to know I assure you. You know how much I love exercising and training with you." I teased him.

With his index finger between his nose and upper lip his other fingers fanned down over his mouth. He mumbles, "krasivaya seksual'naya i chertovski draznit'." (beautiful sexy ass fucking tease)

Making Lissa, my mom, Yuri, Emil, Mishka and I all laugh at him good naturedly.

A few minutes later the public announce system kicked on and part of the recording that Lissa had made of Jesse and Ralf in the cafeteria a few days before started to play. After it was finished the room filled with laughter again this time from everyone.

I looked at Lissa, "did you do that?"

She shrugged, and with a twitch of her lips she said, "with a little help."

Again, we all laughed.

"Thanks, sestra." (sister)

"You're welcome sestra. They are all going to learn. Eventually, they ARE going to learn not to fuck with my sestra. Even if they have to do it by losing their lives someday. Even if it takes me calling Uncle Abe and asking him to dump all of their asses into an active strigoi nest." She shrugged nonchalantly. (sister, sister)

A broken heartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant