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~ Naomi's First Person POV ~

Nakedly, we laid in each others arms. I laid on his chest listening to his heart beat. He dragged his fingers up and down my arm and stroked my face with his other one.

Naomi: Can I tell you something?

Mercedes: Of course.

Naomi: I hadn't had sex in months.

Mercedes: I'm your first in a long time?

Naomi: Yeah...

Mercedes: Nun' wrong with that. I'm honored.

I softly giggled. He kissed my forehead.

Mercedes: Since we're intimate I won't lie to you. You may not be my first in a while but you're the one I have had the most connection to. Your energy is so...

Naomi: Attractive?

Mercedes: Stole the words right out of my mouth.

I smiled. I used my fingers to trace around his abs as we laid there in the comforting silence. That's when his phone started ringing.

Naomi: You might wanna get that.

Mercedes: Nah, it can wait.

Then it stopped. Then it started again. Then it stopped and started.

Naomi: Mercedes...

Mercedes: Mmcht, shit.

He sat up and picked up phone up off the floor. I couldn't see what the name was but I think it was an unsaved number. It declined the call then started to text the number. I'm assuming he put his phone on dnd cause it didn't ring anymore.

~ Naomi Third Person POV ~


Naomi walks into a deli in KimRidge she'd been going to since she was a teenager. She grew to know the owner Bobby, an old Jewish man, over the years.

Naomi: Hey Bobby.

He looks at her from the counter as smiles.

Bobby: Aah, Naomi darling. How are you?

Naomi: Getting by, you!

Bobby: Just the same.

Naomi: Tony in the back?

Bobby: Yep.

I went to the back where a middle aged Mexican man, Tony, cooks up the food for the deli.

Naomi: Aye, Tony.

He walks over to the counter.

Tony: Hola, mi amor. What can I get you?

Naomi: Let me get turkey, ham, tomatoes and lettuce on a roll with a little bit of mayo.

Tony: Right away.

He began to make her sandwich and she went back up to Bobby who was watching the TV across from the register.

Bobby: This place is crazy.

Naomi: What?

Bobby: Look.

He pointed at the TV as he turned it up.

Vicky the News Anchor: And with todays breaking news, Southern California is becoming a major problem to authorities. The crime rate has apparently gone up 2% and it's not looking good. Earlier this morning a few kids were biking through Nation Park Woods when they found a dead body! Let's get a few words from Phil who is currently on the scene. On to you, Phil.

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