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- Mercedes Third Person POV -

It was around 1am when Mercedes walked into his apartment where he immediately went and laid onto his couch. He checked to see if Naomi texted back, still nothing. He then realized his phone was on dnd. He quickly sat up and checked his notifications center. Naomi did in fact text back.

look nay i'm sorry ight?
it wasn't even like dat
i'm not talkn to u for dat
i really fwu
forgive me
pls ❤️ - 7:34pm

no it's okay ik
i was even moving too fast for myself
it wasn't all on you, it felt like what was supposed to happen but...
just not yet, okay? 🙃 - 10:12pm

Mercedes: Fuck.

He dragged his hand across his face then sat back on the couch. He typed and few things up but every time he put something, he erased it. He decided to do something out of the blue, he face timed Naomi.

After a few rings she answered. Surprisingly, she put her face in the camera. She had a scarf on her head, and her face was resting on her hand. She has a slight smile on her face.

Mercedes: Well, hello to you.

Naomi: Hi.

Mercedes: Sorry I ain't see your text. I got caught up with-

Mercedes gut would sink. Previous moments of him and Zaza started to flood in.

Naomi: What?

Mercedes: Nothing, just some shit. I just wanted to let you know I was sorry I ain't get back to you, though.

Naomi: Well, I thank you very much.

Mercedes couldn't force himself to even put a smile on his face.

Naomi: You okay?

Mercedes: Yeah, chillin.

Naomi: Don't seem like it..

Mercedes: Nah, I'm chillin. What you doin' though?

Naomi: I was actually about to go to sleep. My day was a bit much.

She started nervously laughing.

Mercedes: Yeah, I agree.

Naomi: What'd you do?

Mercedes: Nothing much. You know the shits. Hung out with the guys, drank sum', smoked sum'. Regular shit.

Naomi: Seems a little boring.

Mercedes: Yeah...

Naomi: You seem a little occupied. You can call me again at another time if you'd like.

Mercedes: Wait, I-

Naomi: I'm really tired anyway. Night.

Mercedes: Night...

Naomi hung up the phone and Mercedes let out a deep exhale.

"We ain't even- she ain't even- Nah, Cedes. You fucked up." He thought to himself as he walked to his bedroom.


- Mercedes Third Person POV -

Thursday 1:22pm

Aaliyah wanted to talk to Keed since he still hadn't replied to her messages from the day prior. She knew where to find it, the deli close to Naomi's house.

She rolled up and parked in the Walgreens parking lot then went over. He was standing on the corner, him and some other Northway Boys were talking to a few girls.

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