Ch. 26

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Harry's P.O.V.

".. And the winner is.." The announcers said with a drumroll effect. I closed my eyes thinking about all the hard work I put into my first album, I thought about Louis and all the support he's given me and how blessed and thankful I am to have him in my life. I thought about Liam and how I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if it wasn't for him. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes and it was like silence had taken over me, I saw Louis jumping up excitedly and looked over and seen Liam and Zayn doing the same, I smiled so big I swore I was gonna become the next Joker. (Why So Serious??) my new song Watermelon Sugar started to play throughout the speakers I hugged Niall, Liam and Zayn so tight I had to let go before I broke their bones; I gave Louis the biggest kiss ever and hugged him tightly before making my way up the stage. I kissed the announcers on the cheek and hugged them tightly and took a breath of air before making my speech. "Wow.. I never thought I would be up here grabbing my first Brit Award.. you guys honestly don't know how much this means to me; first off I'd like to thank all my amazing fans out there, without you guys this wouldn't be possible at all! This award goes out to you!! I'd also like to thank my wonderful management team behind me through all this if it wasn't for you I don't think I would have ever pushed myself to put this dream into a making. I'd also like to thank my brother Liam for all his support even when things got hard and I wanted to give up, he reminded me of all the things I worked so hard for, I also wanna thank my brother in law Zayn for without his help I wouldn't have known I wanted to even make music; I wanna thank my mate Niall for helping me with a few tracks on my album; your a great guitarist and you know your stuff; 2 more thanks I'll be done" I said causing the whole crowd to laugh,"I'd like to thank my mate Nick Grimshaw, who sadly couldn't be here with us today but I know he's listening, thank you Grimmy for getting me started and taking me under your wing; your the best big brother figure I could ever hope for; and last but not least I'd like to thank my boyfriend who's my biggest supporter out there, he's been through so much with me, the ups and downs, the hard times the great times, he was always there and I know he'll always be there, thank you Louis I love you baby" I said blowing a kiss his way. "We made it!" I said smiling and laughing, everyone stood up and cheered clapping so loud it drowned out the music playing in the background, I went backstage to find Louis running towards me and jumping into my arms sending us falling backwards into the wall. "Congratulation baby!!" He screamed kissing me repeatedly; "Harry can we get a picture?" One of the photographers said, "of course!" I said smiling and pulling Liam, Zayn and Niall with me, we all held onto the award and smiled huge for the camera as the camera flashed taking pictures with different poses. "Thank you so much!" They said smiling and leaving. The ceremony was over and I smiled at Louis, "so I think someone caught a picture when you kissed me in there.." I said, "I know; I could see the bright flash behind my eyelids" he said, "is that ok? If not I can find whoever took it and ask them to delete it" I said, Louis kissed me softly cutting off my rambling, "its fine babe; I saw them with the camera thats why I kinda did it" he said smiling sheepishly. "You little punk" I said laughing pulling him in closer and kissing him more deeply, he smiled into the kiss and a few more flashes flooded us before a body trampled into us breaking the kiss. "I hate to break it to you but public sex is a crime ya know" Niall said laughing, I smiled and Louis got him in a headlock as we walked to the car; "are we going to the after party?" Louis asked, "theres an after party?" Niall asked excitedly, "is there alcohol there?" He asked even more excited; "yes and yes and no your not going; you've got school tomorrow and your mum's gonna kill me for keeping you lot out so late" I said, "its barely 7 pm" he said, "the after party doesn't start til 8; it doesn't end til midnight" I said, "so? I'm BARELY going to sleep around midnight" Louis said, "the answers no" I said pushing him into the car; he popped his head out and smiled a huge toothy grin giving a thumbs up and I heard a click; "can we have sex in the car then?" He asked laughing, I turned around and seen paparazzi taking pictures and I rolled my eyes at Louis; of course he would do that; I ignored him and got in after Niall closing the door, "please no car sex" Niall begged, "no one's having sex in the car" I said, "how about a blow job then?" Louis asked, "it'll shut him up" Niall said giving me a look; I smirked at him and Louis looked at us confused before Niall pushed his face down into his lap causing Louis to wail a muffled protest. "Ooh Louis! You're so good with your mouth!" Niall said laughing faking a moan. I laughed and reached over grabbing 3 bottle shots of Vodka and nudged Niall's arm; he let Louis go taking the bottle I offered them and Louis scowled at him fixing his hair; "not what I meant!" He huffed, "you said blow job you didn't say who was getting and who was receiving" Niall fought back smiling. "Harry say something!" He sighed fixing his jacket; "was it good?" I asked laughing causing Louis to throw his cap at me, "tosser" he spat, "whore" I said laughing, "takes one to know one!" He said, "excuse you; but I only ever slept with.." I said pretending to think; "don't hurt yourself Harold" Niall laughed, "I don't wanna know the answer to that; let's just cheers to this beautiful award my baby won and drink!" Louis said smiling, "to Harry!" Niall said smiling raising his shot; "to us!" I corrected smiling; we all clinked our bottle taking the shot and laughing. "Another one!" Niall cheered, "one's enough; if I send you two smelling of alcohol Jay will kill me" I said, "eh she's not even home; she's working late tonight" Louis said grabbing three more bottles; we took another shot until there were several bottles laying on the floor. When we got to Louis house I seen Jay's car in the driveway. "I thought you said your mum was working late" I said looking at a drunk Louis who was stumbling out of the car; "did I say tonight? Oops I meant tomorrow night" he said hiccuping. I groaned and sighed preparing myself to be cursed at and grabbed a drunk Louis taking him to the door and used his key to slowly open the door, I looked around and seen Jay was asleep on the couch and I sighed in relief covering Louis' mouth so he didn't wake her and snuck him up to his room and laid him in his bed; once his head hit his pillows he was out. I sighed in relief and looked at Niall who stumbled over to his bed and crashed out too; I got them both stripped down to their boxers and a clean t-shirt and I smiled and covered them up and slowly I tried to walk away but Louis grabbed me by my arm and asked me to stay. I figured I'd just stay until he falls asleep, little did I know I'd fall asleep right after him.

Louis P.O.V.

I woke up around 9 am and sighed when I saw a note on my bedside table with a cup of water and 4 Advils.

Take 2 and come downstairs- mum

I took 2 of the Advils and drank some water and got up going downstairs rubbing my head tiredly and prepared myself for the yelling of my lifetime but instead was met by soft whispers and kisses to my head, "have a seat breakfast is ready" my mum said giving me a plate of eggs, toast with jam and butter, bacon, sausage and some hash brown. "Thanks.." I said slowly and looked at Harry who just smiled at me and drank his coffee. Niall came down shortly after I did rubbing his head groggily, "someone please shut off the damn light" he groaned wincing as he came into the kitchen, my mum laughed and handed him a plate, "have another drink boys" she said causing us both to groan; "you cruel cruel woman" I sighed when she started making lots of noise washing the pots and pans. "You two are lucky I didn't send you to school like this, how much did you drink exactly? You boys left my whole living room and your room smelling like booze!" She sighed loudly, I rolled my eyes and sighed eating letting her go on with her rant. It took a lot of convincing and begging on my part and with a little help from Zayn who stopped by to pick something up from my mum, she finally let me leave the house with Harry; but after we were done with Nick's podcast I was to come straight home to continue my punishment. I grabbed Niall by the shirt and pulled him with me as we got in my car and drove to the station. "I don't know why but I'm kinda nervous" I said smiling at Niall as Harry drove us there. "We already came out to Carrie Bradshaw, this should be nothing" Harry said, "yes but Carrie was on paper, this is LIVE on the AIR for millions of people to hear, like they already read about it but now they'll HEAR it straight from us" I said smiling; "it'll be fine" Harry said pulling into the parking lot. Once we got inside the studio Nick smiled and called us in happily cutting to a break and hugging us; "bout fucking time you guys made it!" He sighed with a smile; "yeah we would've been here sooner but we just didn't want to" I said smirking, "don't mind Lou he's still a little pissy from this morning" Harry sighed sitting on the chair across from Nick. I sat on his lap and smiled putting the headphones on.

"Aaannd we're back on the air with Nick Grimshaw! I have a very special treat for all you lovely fuckers out there! I have today the ONE and ONLY LARRY STYLINSON! Say hello lads!" Nick announced, "hello lads" I said smiling, Harry and Niall laughed; "always the cheeky one Louis.." Nick sighed, "anyway! Recently you two came out to the general public as a couple is this correct?" Nick asked, I was about to answer but Harry covered my mouth and answered for us; "yes we did, we did a interview with Carrie Bradshaw from Insiders First" he answered, "yes I read it, but let us note that before Louis and Harry were even a real THING that they were first here on my show; I only wish I had actual proof of it but I was the FIRST to hear about this news" he said smiling; we talked a bit about our relationship, how we met, how things were going, he even asked Niall a few questions trying to get some 'dirt' on us as if we weren't being completely honest with him; and if we had anything planned in our future. "-Now I know recently, your brothers got married am I right?" He asked, "yes literally just yesterday" Harry said smiling, "well lets send a huge congrats shout out to them! Congratulations lads! I hope your both happy! And many many wishes your way! Speaking of weddings; I know its probably too soon to be thinking of something like this but have you guys had any thoughts about this?" Nick asked, "well honestly I've thought about it.." I said, "you have? Really?" Harry asked; I bit my lip cause I have thought about spending forever with him, I loved him more than anything and I was hoping he felt the same way and one day we would be spending all of eternity together. I stood quiet through the rest of Nick's podcast just thinking of Harry and I getting married. I was jealous Zayn and Liam were married, I was jealous they didn't have to hide, I was jealous that they loved each other enough to not want to wait anymore. "I wanna get married" I said once we were off the air, Nick and Niall spat out their water and Harry choked on his as they all looked at me; "excuse me?" Harry laughed, "married? You're joking right?" Harry asked. Is he serious right now..?

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