Ch. 23

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Harry's P.O.V.

I got to the house with Liam quickly running up the stairs with him, Zayn following close behind me. "Quick help me undress him!" I said, taking off his shoes tugging his pants off, Zayn took off his coat and shirt and pulled his boxers off while I slid them off his legs taking off his socks. "Shouldn't the water be hot?" He asked, "no, hot water will send his body into shock, we need cold water, the cold temperature will feel hot on his icy skin, you ever stuck your tongue on an ice pole?" I asked, he nodded bashfully, "just like that" I said, carefully putting him in, Zayn held him by his arms so he didn't drown. "C'mon babe.. please wake up" he mumbled kissing his head rubbing the cold water on his chest. After a few minutes Liam finally woke up gasping for air. "Thank fucking god!" Zayn cried kissing Liam deeply. "Your alright!" I said hugging him tightly, "um.. Harry.. I'm naked.." He mumbled, "shut up I used to change your nappies" I grumbled, he laughed and hugged me back tightly, "um.. could.. could I maybe get some.. warm clothes?" He mumbled shaking, "I got them right here babe" Zayn piped in quickly taking the clothes from Louis who stood outside the door; I helped Liam up and out of the tub making sure he was able to move his arms and legs and nothing was yellow or purple blistered. "Your lucky, I think your gonna be ok.. just as soon as we warm you up" I said reaching for him but Zayn protested saying he can carry him. I nodded and let him get him dressed and carry him downstairs while I made him a big cup of hot chocolate with a few shots of whiskey in it to warm him up faster and some hot food. I came out and saw everyone wrapping him up in blankets and putting more firewood into the fire. Liam was shivering thanking everyone for their help, Zayn sat behind him rubbing the blankets on him to warm him up more, after about an hour or two Liam was finally coming out of the blankets. "Where the hell were you going in the snow? You know how bad the blizzards get out this way" I said, "I know.. I was just going to Tesco's to meet someone.. I figured if I left early enough I could beat the blizzard, when I left it wasn't even snowing yet.." He mumbled, "meeting who?" I asked, he bit his lip and looked at Zayn, "just someone" he whispered, "um.. someone called for you earlier.. they didn't leave a name they just said they tried to call you and you didn't answer.. but to call them back.. said you'd know" Niall said, "I'll call him later when I can move my fingers" Liam said, "here let me refill your cup" Zayn said taking the cup from him going into the kitchen. I followed him and sighed, "its not what it sounds like" I said, "I know.. I mean my heart knows.. but my brain is just.." He sighed shaking his head, "he's ok thats all that matters.." He said.

A few more days passed and it was getting closer to Christmas Eve, and Louis' birthday. We had gotten a smallish tree just to have for decoration and since we were spending half of Louis' birthday here before he went home, everyone made their own ornament sticking it on the tree, and we all decorated it with tinsel, ornaments, pictures, and popcorn strings. "Somethings missing.." Liam mumbled looking at the tree and fully decorated matching cabin. "No I think we got everything.." I said looking at it, "the angel for the top of the tree" he gasped looking around the box, "I'm right here but I don't think I'd like to be up there all the way until Christmas Eve.. besides I don't do trees" Nick said from the kitchen doorway, I rolled my eyes finding the tree topper giving it to Liam, he smiled happily and looked at me, "it was always a family tradition that everyone in the family puts the angel on the tree so no one feels left out, everyone come grab hold of it so we can put it on and light the tree up!" Liam cheered happily, "are your pants on to tight Li?" I laughed, "shut up you know I love Christmas" he smiled, "the cookies, the hot cocoa, the Christmas carols, Christmas movies" he said smiling, "the presents" Nick added, "presents aren't everything Nick" he said, "but family is.." I said smiling hugging him; "c'mon people! Let's put the angel on!" He yelled again, everyone laughed and grabbed a piece of the angel "you too Nick!" Liam called surprising the older lad, he came over and we all put the angel on the tree; once we turned off the lights we plugged in the Christmas lights and everyone cheered, we decided to shut them off for a moment and turn them on when it got darker outside; when we turned the lights back on I held up a mistletoe and puckered up, I felt a pair of lips on mine but they were too soft for Louis, I opened my eyes and seen a shocked Niall staring at me. "I uh.. I thought you were Louis.." I mumbled chuckling softly, "kiss me like that again and you can call me whatever the hell you want" he laughed kissing me again more deeply, "what the hell Harry!?" I heard a voice call from behind me, I pulled away from the kiss and turned to look at Louis, "Boobear.. I-" "you promised you were gonna wear your ugly Christmas sweater I got you! You haven't put it on! Niall's wearing his!" He pouted, "oh.. right um I was looking for it.." I said, "well its not in Niall's mouth! And its not in his pants either so don't bother looking there" he said throwing it to me, I put it on and sighed, "Hoe Hoe Hoe" I read glaring at him, "its ironic how well it fits" he smirked, "ha ha your hilarious" I grumbled taking it off, "give me the actual sweater" I said, "that was your actual sweater!" He laughed, I glared at him playfully throwing the sweater at him; he laughed giving me a green sweater with a H stitched into in blue thread and little patches of cats, his was a blue sweater with the letter L stitched in green lettering with little bears, Niall's was a white sweater with one sleeve green and the other orange, with a giant clover and the letter N stitched into it matching the colors of the sweater, Liams was a purple sweater with the letter L in green and Zayn's was a green sweater with the letter Z stitched in purple, both of theirs had Batman wearing a Santa hat, and Nick had a yellow sweater with little Gremlins on it. "I don't see the point in 'UGLY' Christmas sweaters.. I think theses are actually pretty cute" Nick said, "ya know in a manly, way" he added laughing, "I agree these aren't ugly at all, they're really cool, especially Niall's" I said admiring his sweater, "really? You guys really like them?" He smiled, everyone nodded wearing their sweaters proudly, "this is gonna be cheeky but I got one for Dusty also" he blushed and shrugged showing it to me, "aww this is too cute! I'm sure she'll love it!" I said kissing his cheek, "have you checked on her?" Louis asked, "mhm, your mum said she's loving it there" I said smiling. "Harry where's your camera?" Niall asked clearing some space in the living room, "in my room, why?" I asked, he didn't answer me just went upstairs and came back down a few minutes later "I'll take the picture" Nick said, "c'mon Nick you have to be in it too" I said, "naw this is a 'family' photo! Everyone get in close!" He said, I grabbed a few Santa hats and 2 reindeer antlers me, Zayn and Louis took the hats giving Niall and Liam the antlers, we took a picture smiling and then we took a few more, one of just me and Louis, one of Zayn and Liam kissing under the mistletoe; one of Louis Zayn and Niall, one of me and Liam and Nick, one of me and Nick sharing a playful friendly kiss, one of Louis and Niall doing the same, everyone was having fun and everything just felt right. By the time late evening came around I sighed tiredly, "lets get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow" I said, "I don't wanna go to bed.. going to bed means we have to sleep, then we'll loose precious time we have left with each other.. by the time morning comes we'll have to go back to our busy schedules, you'll have to go back to work, I'll have to go home and then soon back to school.. we'll only be able to see each other on weekends.." Louis mumbled, "Fine, you can stay up but I have to be up early tomorrow so I'm going to bed" I said, "Harreh!" He whined following after me, I waited until everyone got to their rooms before turning on the heater a little so we could stay warm and I went into my room and stripped to my boxers laying down pulling a grumbling annoyed Louis down with me. "Stay up with me for a few more hours?" He yawned, I shook my head feeling the more sleepy the cuddlier he got, "I'm tired" I whispered, "and so are you" I mumbled closing my eyes. "Am not.." He whispered before falling asleep too.

He Makes Me StrongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora