Ch. 11

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Harry's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since I last saw Louis, I've been trying to avoid him. Liam was right.. he's only 14, I need to find someone my own age to make me happy.. although I doubt they would be able to make me happy like Louis does; or did. I sighed looking at my phone at the pictures we took throughout the months that we were together. I tear slipped my eyes as I began to miss the younger lad, I had 13 missed calls, and 27 messages from him. I sighed deleting all the texts without opening them and deleting the calls. I was scrolling through my phone when I seen Liam come down the stairs, "oh hey.. I didn't know you were home" I said quickly drying my eyes pocketing my phone looking for something to clean around the kitchen. "Yeah.. you grounded me remember?" He asked with a sigh, "not like you ever listened before" I said pouring myself a whiskey glass, "yeah well.. you were never home before.." He said, "good point" I said drinking it pouring another, "do you plan to eat anything or just drink all day?" He asked, "I don't know.. are you gonna keep giving me shit for drinking?" I sighed, he rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone calling the Chinese place we always ordered from for delivery, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and sighed hoping it wasn't Louis calling again cause I didn't have the strength to ignore him again. I looked at my phone and sighed; "whats up Nick..?" I said, "Hiya buddy!" He said, "What can I do for you?" I asked sighing, "its not what you can do for me but rather what I can do for you! Which in a way helps what you could do for me" he said, "mhm I'm listening" I said sighing. "Well H, if its an inconvenience to ya I can ask someone else.." He said sensing my lack of enthusiasm, "no it's fine.. what can I do for you?" I asked again, "I'm gonna check out this new club that just opened! I need an escort, wanna come?" he asked, "by escort you mean..?" I asked suspiciously causing Liam to peak his head up from his phone looking at me quizzically; you can never be too careful around Nick. "Aww cmon Harry not like that, just like a mate to accompany me" he said, I sighed and nodded. "Yeah ok.. I could use a night out.. when are you going?" I asked, "tonight" he said, I could feel that creepy smile of his through his tone and sighed; "yeah alright.. I'll be there by 10" I said, "Fantaboulouis! See you then!" he said; I hung up the phone and went to answer the door when the delivery guy came over and gave him the money plus a tip. I set the bag on the counter and poured myself another drink looking at the time, "going somewhere?" Liam asked, "out with a friend" I said, "don't wait up and don't leave this house" I said, "but I just ordered us some food" he said, "I'm not hungry.." I said going upstairs to take a shower. After my shower I walked back downstairs wearing my blue shirt with white hearts, and black skinny jeans. I looked over at the kitchen counter to see Liam sighing playing around with his food, I rolled my eyes and pulled up a seat next to him and began eating, I wasn't hungry but I planed on drinking a lot tonight and I didn't wanna deal with a hang over. "Thought you were going out.." He asked, "I am.. just wanted to have dinner with my little brother first" I said forcing a smile; he smiled back softly, eating, "can I have a friend over? I know you said I was grounded and could't leave the house but can I be grounded at home with company? Just until you get home?" He asked, "I'm going out with Grimmy.. theres no telling when I'll be home" I said, "my point exactly.. I don't wanna be here alone" he sighed, "fine.. you can have 1 friend over, and it better not be Zayn" I said, "his name is Niall" he said, I nodded, I liked that lad he was cute and sweet. I didn't mind him being here with Liam. "Yeah, I don't mind Niall" I said, he smiled and nodded texting away on his phone, "great! Have a nice time, don't drink and drive, and use protection" he said, I flipped him off leaving the house after giving him a list of rules for the house and his guest; I knew I didn't have much to worry about with Niall being around cause he was a good kid but I was afraid Zayn corrupted Liam and he was gonna corrupt Niall. I got a call from my hairdresser Louise; I had called her a bit ago to see if she could fix me up for tonight, I smiled when I seen she was calling me back, "Hey Lou!" I said, "are you busy right now?" I asked, "not for another 2 hours" she said, "can you squeeze me in? I'm making an appearance at some new club opening" I said, "sure thing! Come on over" she said, I smiled and made my way there.

After I got my hair done by the brilliant Louise Tisdale I went to meet up with Nick. We were having a great time partying and dancing to some music when this girl came over and asked if she could get a picture with us, I said sure and posed for the picture, she smiled and pushed me on the couch placing the numb chucks around my neck sitting over me smiling, I looked at Nick giving me a thumbs up and big grin. "Nick where are we exactly..?" I asked looking over the half naked girl grinding and dancing on my lap to whatever song was playing. Nick smiled sitting next to me getting his own lap dance, "VIP baby!" He smirked, "you asshole!" I sighed, "you told me this was a dance club!" I said, "it is! It just so happens to be filled with strippers!" He said, "you suck!" I said, "and soon you will too!" He said smirking, I turned to look at the girl and seen she was now officially topless, "ok um.. listen love your very beautiful but.. I can't do this right now" I said setting down a few $20's and getting up going outside, I lit a cigarette and sighed thinking about Louis and how much fun we had at clubs. "Harry baby!" I heard a voice call, I turned around happily thinking it was my little sassy brunette lad, he was sassy and brunette but not the one I was hoping for, I sighed and took another puff of my cigarette. "What was that about?" Nick asked, "just not in a mood for anything sexual thats all" I said, "you never are! Why is it when I bring you to places like these you always leave before things get good" he sighed, "cause unlike you I'm not looking for sex" I said, "what guy doesn't want sex? It's in our nature! We thrive for it!" He said, "you do maybe.. I prefer to fall for someone because they have a wonderful personality; a great smile, a good sense of humor, someone I can be myself with.. someone I used to have but I had to let them go" I whispered taking a long deep drag slowly blowing the smoke out. "Wow.. so you're dealing with a broken heart.. well if you come inside I'm sure Lou can help you through it!" He said, "what did you say?" I asked, "Lou.. its short for Louisiana" he said smiling, "I think I'm just gonna go home.." I said; "its barely 2 am!" He said, "yeah.. I'm just not up for a party mood" I said shrugging sadly, I think he could sense my pain cause he sighed but nodded anyway wishing me a good night. I said my goodnights and started the drive back home.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Hey Lou! Are you busy right now?" Was all I heard as Harry left the house. I can't believe it! After everything we talked about last night he's still gonna see Louis! I bet it wasn't even Nick on the phone! I sighed and thought of an idea; I got my phone out texting Zayn.

Liam: Hey babe!

Zayn: Hey Li. Vas Happenin?

Liam: NM, just home alone. Again. I was wondering how badly grounded you were?

Zayn: Grounded? I'm not grounded..?

Liam: Your mum didn't ground you for getting arrested?

Zayn: Oh! That! Yeah she totally would've grounded me, but she doesn't know

Liam: How does she not know?

Zayn: I had a friend play the role of my "dad" and bail me out

Liam: Oh. Smart.

Zayn: I was waiting for you but I had to get home before my mum did

Liam: It's fine, I didn't leave until about 2 hours after you did anyway..

Zayn: Oh, are you grounded?

Liam: Yeah.. but I'm only not able to leave the house, my brother said I could have company over until he gets home.. Hint.. Hint..

Zayn: LOL. How long is he gone for?

Liam: Probably all night..

Zayn: Great! Want me to bring anything?

Liam: Nope. Got everything here :)

Zayn: Alright. Be there soon!

I sighed and waited for Zayn to come. I had everything set up, since I didn't want another incident like we had with his bed so I put my mattress on the floor and lit some pumpkin spiced candles to set the mood; I had flavored condoms, and the KY Gel that heats up with touch. Everything was perfect! If Harry wanted to screw around with someone he knew I didn't like for him, so can I. Bonus I get to have amazing sex with Zayn again.

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