Ch. 3

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Harry's P.O.V.

I was sitting on my couch with my cat Dusty watching the telly when I got a phone call from an unknown number. "Who do you think this could be?" I asked my cat looking back at my phone, she let out a little meow and I smiled answering it; "This is Harry" I said, "OMG!! Is this really HARRY STYLES!?" I heard a voice excitedly yell on the other end, I laughed and ran my fingers through my hair, "hello Nick" I said smiling turning off the telly and turning on the radio. "Hiya Harry! How ya doing mate?" He asked, "I'm good, how are you?" I asked, "FANTABULOUS!!" He exclaimed over cheerful as usual. "Drinking enough coffee there mate?" I asked laughing; "but of course! Now tell me something Harry, all my listeners want to know.. how a cheeky sexy bastard such as yourself is single?" He asked, making me laugh and shake my head, "well Nick.. as I've told you last week when you called, I'm just not looking for a relationship right now" I said, "but you've been texting with someone" he said making me look at my phone confused, "your probably wondering how I know that" he added, "yeah.. I mean I do text people it's how I keep in touch but how do YOU know who I'm texting?" I asked, "well when we hung out last week I synced your phone to my computer and got a copy of your texts and emails. Tell me Harry who is.." Things got quiet for a second and my heart was pounding "HA! You fuckers thought I was really gonna give up my best mate like that?? No way! I honestly don't know who he's texting thats his privacy; unless he wants to share..." he said prolonging the last bit of his sentence. "I'll tell you if you tell me who YOUR texting" I said laughing knowing he'd never give himself up that easy. "Sure thing! I am texting you, Harry Styles!" He said with a small laugh in his tone, "and I'm texting you Nick Grimshaw" I said laughing, "there you have it folks! Harry Styles is currently off the market cos he's too busy fucking with me! Be jealous fuckers!" He said laughing, "did you actually need something Nick or were you just calling to be annoying?" I asked, "both" he said and began asking questions about my love life, my career, my downtime etc; after about an hour he finally ended his podcast and kept me on the phone. "That was a good show wasn't it?" He asked laughing, "yeah yeah, good job" I said smiling to myself, "whatcha doin Haz?" He asked, "making dinner" I said, "mmm sounds good" he said softly moaning into the phone making me laugh, "you don't even know what I'm making!" I said still chuckling with him. "I know! But everything you make is always so delicious! What's a guy gotta do to get a hot homemade delicious Harry Styles dish?" He said jokingly pleading, I sighed laughing and rolled my eyes, "dinner will be ready in 2o minutes, if your not here I'm eating without you" I warned. 10 minutes later there was a knock at my door; I looked surprised cos Nick was never on time for anything. I washed and dried my hands going to open the door and to my surprise, it wasn't Nick. "Louis..? what are you doing here?" I asked, "I'm sorry I would have called first but my mum grounded me and told my brother to take away my phone.. um is this a bad time?" He asked, "no no its fine" I said letting him in smiling and kissing him. he smiled kissing back "if your grounded aren't you gonna get into more trouble being here? HOW did you even get here?" I asked, "my mum isn't home yet won't be for hours and my brothers pissed off at me he's not even talking to me so I took a coach here" he said nonchalantly. "Are you sure I'm not interrupting anything?" he asked looking at the two plates I had on the table, "well I was expecting someone for dinner but if you wanna stay I can get rid of them" I said, "oh.. no its fine; um I actually don't know what I'm doing here I just needed to get out of the house for a while um.. I'll call you when I get my phone back.." He said but something in his tone of voice told me not to let him go, so I stopped him from walking out and kissed him softly walking him to the couch laying us both down not breaking the kiss. "Harry your guest is gonna be here any minute" he mumbled but still not breaking the kiss. "Mhm.. its just a mate of mine, he kinda invited himself over I'll just give him his food and send him on his way" I said "I hate being a bother" Louis mumbled kissing my chest softly, I rubbed his back gently "your no bother love" I said; the younger lad crawled over me smiling gently rolling his hips against mine, I smiled and held his waist so he didn't fall. "You said your brother took your phone?" I asked closing my eyes loving the feeling of his soft smaller hands rubbing my chest and torso. "Yeah why?" He asked, "he isn't one to go through your phone is he?" I asked causing him to stop his movements and stand still; "I don't think so.. why?" He asked, "I kinda sent you something earlier" I said smirking, "you did?" He asked smiling, "what is it?" He asked excitedly gently bouncing up and down causing a moan to escape my lips, "ahh I'll tell you if you don't do that again" I laughed, "sorry" he smiled and laid next to me, "for a while now you've been asking me for what?" I asked gently booping his nose smiling, "a cock shot" he smirked kissing me, "mhm" I mumbled kissing him back, "you sent me a cock shot!?" He asked sitting up grabbing my phone looking for the picture giving a look of sadness when my texts and photos came up empty. "Theres no picture in here" he mumbled, "I don't keep that stuff in my phone babe; I'm always leaving it everywhere and if it gets in the wrong hands then what?" I asked, he huffed putting it back where he took it from and laid back down next to me, "besides it wasn't exactly a 'Cock Shot' but it was something close to that" I said, "like what?" He asked pouting, "I had my tight briefs on while sporting a hard on thanks to you" I said smiling, "me? What did I do?" He asked laughing. "You sent me that shirtless picture of you laying in bed with your hair a tousled mess" I said, "I wanted you to see what you did to me" I said, "what are you talking about?" He asked sitting up looking at me, "you didn't send me that picture..?" I asked confused grabbing my phone and going to my secret album showing him the picture of him laying on his stomach in his underwear his bum in the air and his hand entangled in his messy bed hair. "Oh that one.." He chuckled and nodded, "it was meant for me right..?" I asked, "yeah of course! Who else would it be for?" He asked laughing, I shrugged and held him close kissing his neck softly, "we aren't exactly a title.. so I don't know what you do when your not with me" I said truthfully. "I'm gonna be honest.. I didn't take that picture.. my mate Niall did.. I guess he was gonna send it to himself but must've gotten distracted and hit your name by accident.." He said. "Ooh so it wasn't meant for me?" I laughed, "no.. I mean.. I don't know but I'm glad you got it; I don't think I'd ever have the balls to send someone something like that" he said smiling sitting over me again, "you on the other hand.. you feel like you've the balls to do anything" he moaned softly grinding on me, I hummed in response and held his waist moving him a little harder and faster, "ohh Harry" he moaned, "is this ok?" I mumbled, "mhm.. please.. harder" he moaned, I lifted my hips up grinding against him harder smirking at all the cute little squeaks and pants that were leaving his lips. I bit my lip feeling close to my mark but Louis beat me there, with a loud moan and grunt he gripped my shirt in his hands softly riding out his high and kissed me softly, his lips on mine while he was rocking my body was all I needed to come over the edge. We both came in our pants and looked at each other, "well that happened" he laughed, "yeah.. you wanna take those off I'll wash them for you" I said, "are you sure? Like I said I don't wanna intrude on your company" he said, "yeah its fine; you could shower off and I'll throw these in the wash, hopefully my mate will be here soon so I can get him to leave" I said laughing, Louis smiled and nodded getting up and looking around, "um.. do I just take them off here and give them to you or..?" he asked biting his lip nervously, I laughed and shook my head, "no um.. the loos right down that hall.. you could just leave them by the door I'll go by to get them in a minute" I said he nodded getting up and going to the loo, I gave him a minute to turn the water on and get in before I went to collect his clothes. I left him a towel in place of his clothes and went to go change myself, I put on a pair of clean boxers and some sweat pants and threw my clothes in the wash too. I heard a knock at the door and sighed knowing Nick was finally here. Before I could open the door he let himself in, "Hiya Hazza!" He yelled laughing, "hey Grimmy" I said smiling, "looking sexy as ever!" He said kissing me, I laughed and kissed him back taking the bottle he handed to me before making my way back to the kitchen, "mmm smells delicious as always" he said sitting down serving himself, I popped open the bottle of wine he brought pouring us some taking a sip and sitting across from him as he ate, I decided I was gonna try to get him to leave soon and ask Louis to join me for dinner and just eat with him. I kept glancing back at the hallway to see if and when Louis would get out. "So what's new?" He asked smiling, "um.. not much.. just been busy's all" I said, "yeah yeah I bet.. how's that career of yours?" He asked, "its good, working on something new, it's very exciting" I said, "speaking of very exciting.. it seems you had an exciting night.a few weeks ago.." he said smiling showing me a picture of me at the club when I first met Louis. I paled lightly looking at the picture, "I asked questions about the boy you were getting cozy with but no one seemed to know anything or could get a good photo of him, this one of you two kissing was the only shot they could get" he huffed drinking his wine, "so who is he?" He asked smirking, "I don't know.. just someone I met's all" I said, "hmm you look a little too cozy for just hanging out.. you totally fucked him didn't you!?" He yelled laughed, "would you keep your voice down? No I didn't fuck him" I sighed, "oh.. what's this?" He asked listening closer, "is that running water?" he asked giving me a knowing look, dammit; Nick Grimshaw's like a fox, he has a way of sneaking around and getting information he wants until he has a story to piece together. "Yeah..?" I said in an obvious tone, "Hazza you dog! You didn't tell me you had someone over! Is it the guy from the club!? what the hell am I still doing here!? You better call me later with the deets!" He said putting his food in a to go container finishing his wine and saluting me before leaving, I laughed and shook my head and went to go check on Louis; before I could knock on the door it opened to reveal a half naked Louis standing there with the towel wrapped around his waist. "Oh, um sorry" he said blushing scooting out of the way; "don't be.. I was just gonna ask if you wanted to join me for dinner? Um the clothes are in the dryer they still have a few minutes" I said, "dinner sounds great.. but um do you have something I can borrow so I'm not in just a towel..?" He asked laughing, "right! Um sorry I thought the dryer would have been done by the time you got out" I said shrugging and giving him some clean clothes to put on and went back to the kitchen, a few minutes later Louis joined me and we sat and ate dinner talking, afterwards he got dressed in his own clothes and I took him home; we ended the night with a sweet kiss in my car.

A few days passed and I was listening to Nick's podcast while making breakfast. "What's up you sexy Gremlins!? Nick Grimshaw here to wish you all a very good morning! I hope you're having a wonderful breakfast and sitting down cause I'm about to give you some tea!" He said; oh no.. I gripped my phone in one hand and my cup of coffee in the other ready to call him if need be, "so just last week.I went to go visit my good mate Harry Styles and confront him about the picture that I was given of him getting cozy with someone at the club, H said it's nothing but I was there just last week and thats not how it seemed; Haz if your listening to this right now I'm sorry but this story is too good to not share! I won't share other deets of who the person was but trust me when I say they make our Hazza boy very very happy. I couldn't get him to shut up about them! All night he was going on and on about them and how great the sex was! It was getting pretty steamy I had to leave for air! Sadly I left my shirt there so if I could get that back thanks babe! And I promise not to tell anyone else anything; no one will find out it was me with you at the club; oops! Me and my big mouth!" He said laughing, "actually I do gotta apologize here, the whole thing was a lie, I need good content to keep my followers here, if you hate me after this GET A SENSE OF HUMOR!! They're free! I wasn't lying about the club tho, Our Hazza has been getting busy at the clubs lately and I'm astonished that whoever took the photo couldn't even get my good side! Well fuck you too! I didn't feel like posing anyway! Thats the tea monsters and germs! This is Nick Grimshaw saying we'll be right back after this not so important messages from sponsors" he said ending the podcast for a short break and giving me a call. "I'm gonna murder you!" I said annoyed, "Aw come on Hazza babe! You know I'd never do that to you.. but right now your my biggest topic; I needed something! My surprise guest flopped on me I panicked!" He sighed, "stay out of my personal life!" I said, "fine.. but if my career goes down I'm spilling everything!" He said, "whatever" I said hearing the ads ending, "get your ass back to your podcast and find a different subject!" I said, "fine, fine" he said hanging up and getting back on talking about other things; I turned off the radio and sighed looking at my phone I seen a text from Louis "URGENT! We need to talk ASAP! I think we're busted.." Fuck!

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