Ch. 25

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Harry's P.O.V.

I slowly walked over and grabbed the baseball bat Louis always left by the door as "precaution" and made my way inside slowly. I held the bat tightly in my hands ready to swing at anything that came my way, "hey babe where-" I began to swing screaming causing a loud scream from my culprit followed by a loud clash from the vase when the bat hit it. "Zayn!?" I heard clanking of dishes before Liam called from the kitchen rushing in, I sighed gripping my chest trying to calm my rapid breathing; "fuck!" I groaned, "what the hell Harry!?" Zayn gasped from his spot crouched on the ground. "I thought you were a robber or something!" I sighed, "or something.." Liam mumbled, I put the bat down and hugged him tightly, "what are you doing here? Why didn't you call?" I asked, "well um.. we kinda need a place to stay.." He said, "do I wanna know?" I sighed, he looked at Zayn who glared at him "for the last time it WASN'T my fault.." Zayn huffed, "I never said it was" Liam groaned, "well you didn't defend me either" he fought back, "ohh! No fighting! C'mon lads your engaged! Your supposed to be happy not arguing" I said, "thats kinda what started this mess.." Liam mumbled. "Long story short, we got into an argument about my dropping out of college so I could work full time, Liam got pissed, we started arguing I told him if he wants his freaking wedding in June I need to work full time so I can save up for it" Zayn sighed, "and I told HIM.. its not just MY wedding.. its OUR wedding and I just said June cos thats the month our anniversary falls on, I thought it would have been romantic to have our wedding anniversary the same as the day we first met and got together.." Liam said, "I don't care when our wedding is! Just pick a fucking date please!" Zayn groaned, I could tell he was stressed and tired, they both were. "Alright alright.. we'll come back to this wedding mess but first tell me what happened after" I said, "well the arguing got too loud and the cops were called" he said, "the place was trashed I was pissed off as it was so I may or may not have mouthed off to the cops" Zayn cut in, I looked at him and sighed, "he almost got arrested, the landlord told us he didn't want any trouble.. then he mumbled something.. racial towards Zayn.. so I told him if he ran his mouth one more time he was gonna be eating from a tube through his stomach.." Liam sighed softly, "then he said some things about Liam calling him a.. well its not important but I didn't give him a warning; I punched him in his mouth; almost got arrested again but it was worth it" Zayn finished, "so we had to leave.. I figured you wouldn't mind if we came back here for a little while just until we can get back on our feet?" he mumbled, "of course you can stay here! Stay as long as you need to! It is your house too" I said hugging him, Zayn sighed and blinked away a tear before I could see it, "thanks.. but we won't be here that long" he said, "don't pay him any mind, he's just too proud" Liam mumbled; I nodded and sighed softly, "do you guys need help unpacking?" I asked, "no we've got it thank you" he said smiling softly. "Alright.. I'm gonna get some sleep, I have a big day tomorrow, or rather in a few hours" I said laughing seeing the clock was already pushing 12 AM. "Let us know If we're making too much noise" Liam said, "your alright. I had the rooms soundproofed the last time you were here, I won't hear anything" I said smiling kissing his head and rubbing Zayn's back softly. "Night you two; love you guys, and hey No. Fighting" I said they nodded and sighed going back to unpacking. I walked into my room and smiled looking at the magazine, I forgot to give it to them, but it can wait until morning. Once my head hit my pillow I was out like a light.

I woke up early the next morning and looked at the time, "5 am" I sighed and grabbed my phone and looking at it sleepily, I had 10 missed called, 15 texts, 8 missed video chats, and 7 voicemails. I stared at my phone confused and looked at the time on my screen, "9 am!?" I groaned hitting the clock on my nightstand only to find the batteries were dead cause the damn thing was froze at 5 am! "Shit shit shit!!" I groaned getting dressed in a hurry. I was rushing downstairs in a hurry putting my blazer on and texting Lou my stylist asking her to meet me asap. "There you are Harry! I made breakfast!" Liam said, "thats great Li! But I'm running late; sorry can't stay long" I rushed out and gave them the magazine stealing a piece of toast from Zayn's plate and drinking his orange juice promising I was gonna explain everything later. I got in my car and drove to the new studio I've become accustomed to over the past few weeks since I left Modest. I had kept my original 'entourage' as most people would put it, my stylist, my personal assistant, my vocal coach, and my bodyguard, it didn't take long for me to get a new manager, one I actually trusted and was looking out for my well-being rather than what I can do to make my next project better. I somehow managed to keep my contracts, not all of them but I did manage to keep the most important ones; Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and my new contract Hugo Boss; and since the record that I was making wasn't with Modest's company I got to keep that too; I had just put a couple songs out a few weeks ago, within the first 4 hours my songs were rising on top the charts so fast I was being called 'the UK's Next Big Hit' I was proud of myself and my team for all the hard work we had finally accomplished; and I was even nominated for a Brit Award for Rising Star. I didn't wanna get my hopes up but I was excited to just be a nominee all the same. I had told Louis about it and he was super excited too; he and Niall voted every hour, telling all their friends. He's my biggest supporter and I love and appreciate him for that. I had gotten to the studio where Lou began to work on me right away before I had to do an important shoot for Gucci's new line. Once I finished I was quickly changing into my new suit, "have you called Lou?" I asked Luis my PA. "Yes I have, and he didn't answer but he did text back that he 'doesn't answer to Harry's posse or crew; if he wants to talk to me tell him to stop being Mr. Big Shot and text me himself' he's quite.. erm.." He stuttered trying to figure out the words to describe Louis' behavior towards them "he's a sassy little punk" I finished for him. I don't know why Louis hated when my PA texted or called him for me when I was too busy to do it myself; he didn't mind Lou my stylist tho; she was always sweet and he's gotten to know her from when we first met so they kinda grew along each other; she would sometimes style his hair for him too if we ever went somewhere important or she was just bored waiting for me, she liked playing with Louis' hair, she always claimed it was so soft and she loved that Louis didn't care what she did with it as long as she didn't bleach it. I sighed and grabbed my phone calling Louis all the while quickly fixing my hair trying to find the right outfit for my Brits, "yes?" He answered with a smile in his tone, "if he wants to talk to me tell him to stop being Mr. Big Shot and text me himself?" I said quoting his text. "You had your freakin assistant call me like I'm one of your fucking clients!" He swore, "you know thats not true, I had him call you cos I was busy, I just wanted to know if you wanted to attend the Brits with me?" I asked, "since when are you too busy for your own boyfriend?" He asked sadly, "since my boyfriend decided to clear my schedule without telling me and put me behind on all my photo shoots, and studio recording time; Lou I've been working my ass off for 3 days trying to get everything done before tonight, what you did was completely uncalled for" I said, "I just wanted to spend more than half a day with you, since you left Modest it's like you never have time for me anymore" he said softly, I could hear his voice crack and I sighed; he was right, since I got with a new company I have been pretty busy; but I try to get as much done during the weekdays so I have the weekends to spend with Louis since he has school all week anyway. "I'm sorry babe, I really am I didn't realize how left out you've been feeling, look I promise after this I'll maintain my schedule better so I get to have more of you in it with me" I said, "sounds like a pity treat" he said, "alright if you don't want that.. I guess I'll just be taking someone else to the Brits with me, I wonder what Niall's doing tonight" I said, "he's going with Josh you arse!" He huffed, "your the one who called my pity party; if you don't want me 'pity' then I'll find someone else to take to the award show" I said, "but you already promised me as your date!" He whined, "hmm.. I don't know.. I mean you are pretty bitchy.." I said laughing, "oooh!! Harry Edward Styles you're a real fucking cunt you know that!?" He grumbled when he realized I was just playing with him, "I know, and I love you too; listen I'm gonna send someone to come get you.. I have one more shoot to do and from here we'll head out to the award ceremony, Lou's here she's gonna do your hair and help get you into a nice suit, please please please behave yourself.." I pleaded, "do I get to be your BOYFRIEND at said event?" He asked, "yes whatever the hell you want just please be ON TIME and BEHAVE YOURSELF" I warned before hanging up and sending one of my assistances over to his house. I wonder if Liam and Zayn are gonna go. I invited them when I first got news of the nominee; I hope they make it.

Niall's P.O.V.

"We're not gonna make it!" I groaned sitting in the back seat of Liam's car, he was in the passengers seat and Zayn was driving recklessly "we'll make it!" He sighed, "we have 5 fucking minutes!" I groaned, "we'll make it in 3! Hold on!" Zayn said cutting off cars and taking streets we weren't even supposed to be on. "Zayn you're gonna kill us all!" Liam screamed, "you wanna get there?!" He hissed, "I wanna get there alive!" Liam argued; "for two people who got engaged cause they couldn't stand to be apart you sure do fight a lot" I said, "shut up!" They both scolded, I shrugged and sat back in the seat watching as Zayn swerved a few more streets and finally parked, "see? Safe and in one piece" he said, "yes.. but you won't be if you drive like that again" Liam said, "I got us here didn't I?" Zayn groaned; Liam ignored him walking into the building, I smirked trying to hold in my laughter and went inside holding the door open for Zayn as he took a deep breath and followed Liam, "are you guys sure about this?" I asked, "of course" Liam said smiling nervously, Zayn answered no but followed Liam anyway; I fixed my tie and took a deep breath following behind them, "alright.. lets get you married" I whispered.

After the vows and 'I Do's' Zayn and Liam shared the kiss that was gonna seal their love til death do them part. I recorded everything for Harry and Louis to see since they couldn't be here, I know they would've given anything to be here if they'd known but this was literally a last minute decision. We were actually on our way to the Brit Awards, when Liam told Zayn to turn the car around, he called someone on the phone and made an appointment and gave Zayn directions where to go. "Congratulations Mr. and Mr. Malik" I said smiling; they both wrapped me in a tight hug and I couldn't help but shed a tear or two for them, I knew despite the banter which was normal for British people, they were gonna be JUST FINE. "What time is it?" Liam asked, Zayn looked at his watch and his smile faltered as his eyes went big, "shit the award ceremony! We're late!" He hissed; we all cursed and ran to the car after picking up the marriage license and drove as quickly as we could without getting pulled over; there was no parking anywhere but that was expected since we were late as hell; "just leave it here and have the valet park it!" I said, "thats a great idea! Oh wait.. THIS IS THE FUCKIN BRIT AWARDS!" Zayn groaned, "there are no fuckin valets! People don't come in their own goddam cars Niall!" He yelled annoyed; "well how the hell am I supposed to know that!? I'm not from here ya fucking British twat!" I yelled back, "both of you shut the hell up!" Liam yelled sighing; "just park it over there.." Liam said pointing to a spot that said 'No Parking' "can you not read?" Zayn asked, "we won't be long.." Liam said, "they usually give like 2 hours time before they start towing" he said; I sighed and parked the car where Liam said to and we ran inside just as they were going through the nominees for Rising New Star. "We're here!" I whispered sitting next to a nervous freaked out Louis; "oh thank god!" He whispered happily hugging me tapping Harry on the shoulder pointing to me, Liam and Zayn; he sighed relieved and relaxed some; Louis held his hand tightly bouncing his knee nervously. "The nominees for this years 'Rising Star' are.. Shawn Mendes! Little Mix! And Harry Styles!!" They said excitedly. "I think Shawn's got this in the bag; I heard some of the announcers talking saying they were sure he was gonna win tonight" I heard someone say behind me; I admit Shawn was great but so was Harry.. although more people knew of Shawn Mendes cos his music was around longer than Harry's but I really hoped that guy was wrong; it took everything in me to not turn around punch them in the face and tell them to shut up. "..And the award goes to.." They said opening the envelope pausing for dramatic effect.

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