Ch. 18

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Niall's P.O.V.

I walked into the room carrying an insane amount of water bottles and tossed them onto Louis' bed, "I can't believe we're grounded!" Louis sighed and looked at the water bottles then at me, "don't worry. I have a plan" I said, "Niall has a plan.. and he's telling us NOT to worry.." Zayn sighed rolling his eyes, "hey not all my plans suck.." I said, "really? Name ONE plan that didn't get us into trouble with mum, your dad, the principal at school, authorities of the law, or an adult.." Louis said looking at me smirking, I thought for a moment and sighed in defeat, "at least we had fun!" I fought back. "He's got a point tho.." Zayn muttered causing Louis to shrug. "Mumma Jay want's to drug test us right? To see if we're lying about the pot not being ours, which we totally lied but thats not the point.. we told her we found it in the van when we were cleaning it, she seemed to believe it cause the guy she bought it from looked like a druggie anyhow.." I said, "yeah but she said she cleaned it out real good before giving it to me.." Louis said, "yes but I told her we took it to the car wash since we got sand in it from the 'beach' and I accidentally tore the carpet thing vacuuming the sand out, figuring it was old anyway I tore it out and you said you were gonna get a new carpet thing for it.. I told her there was a little compartment thing and thats where I found the weed" I said, "she believed you?" Zayn asked, "yeah.. why wouldn't she?" I asked, Louis was about to say something but I pointed a finger to him, "don't answer that.. anyway I told her we found it and we were bringing it home to flush down the toilet cause we didn't know if it was just weed or laced with anything and we didn't wanna throw it away and some poor desperate fool found it and smoked it" I said, "Niall I take back ever calling you stupid" Zayn said smiling, "thank you?" I said skeptically looking at him but shook it off and sighed, "but just to prove our story to her I told her she could drug test us.." Louis sighed, "but like I said, I had a plan.. we'll flush the weed outta our system" I said, "how're we gonna do that?" Zayn asked, "I hope you lads are thirsty" I said giving them each a water bottle; "if not theres a whole box of salty snacks to help clench your thirst.." I said opening the box to a bunch of salty goodies. Louis shrugged and grabbed some sour patch kids eating them, Zayn was chugging the bottle down and working on his second, I was eating potato crisps to help dehydrate me so I could want water. After a few hours and a few water bottles later the 3 of us were fighting for the loo. "Move over I have to wee!" Louis sighed pushing me out of the way of the toilet, "so do I! I've been holding it for 45 minutes!" I said, "both of you hurry the fuck up!" Zayn sighed pacing the floor; we finally did our business and washed our hands, "how do we know if it worked?" Louis asked, "um.. shit.. we should've pissed in a bottle or something" I said looking at Zayn, "I'm pretty sure we'll have to go again in a few.." He muttered shrugging finishing off the last bit of his water; those must've been the magic words cause I was rushing to the loo again using one of the water bottles to piss into, Louis and Zayn did the same a few minutes after and having been through all this before Zayn was examining them. "Hmm.. still a little cloudy.. we need more water" he said. After a while we finally got it right. We each did the drug tests and gave our cups to Jay, she examined them and let out a sigh of relief, "thank god they came back clean.." She mumbled, "so we're not grounded?" I asked, "no.. but we are sitting down and having a talk about this" she said.

Louis P.O.V.

After we talked to my mum and convinced her that we weren't doing drugs and we knew the safety of it all she was finally pleased with us enough to let us out of ear shot. "That was tense" Zayn said laughing, "yeah.. especially the escalating part.. 'it starts with a cigarette and before you know it you're living on the streets to find your next meth fix' I think mum's been at the hospital too long" I said quietly snickering, "she just cares about you" Liam said on the phone, "yeah.. but you had to be here for what went down" Zayn said laughing. We all went to my room to hang out and play video games and Zayn was talking to Liam on the phone, "are you alone Z?" He asked, "nope! He's in my room!" I yelled, "so if you're gonna talk dirty Niall and I are listening" I said laughing earning a smack with my pillow from Zayn. "I'm kinda stuck in Louis' room for the moment" he said, "we're cuffed together" I said, "um.. what..?" He asked laughing, "they wouldn't stop arguing so I cuffed them together to teach them a lesson in fighting" Niall said, I tried to stand to reach my phone vibrating in my pocket and looked at Niall when I seen who was calling, it was Harry. "Niall you need to un-cuff us now" I said looking at him then at my phone, "why its funny seeing you two drag one another around" he said laughing, "I agree with Louis Ni.. I need to wee and I'd rather not have Louis next to me while I do so" Zayn said, "you guys wee in public toilets together whats wrong with sharing the loo?" He laughed searching for the key anyway when I showed him the phone. "I have to WEE" Zayn said, Niall let out a soft 'oh' before searching quicker for the key, I heard Zayn whisper a soft 'hold on' to Liam on the phone and his WEE clicked into my head. "Zayn what the fuck! Niall un-cuff us! Now!" I screamed causing Niall to laugh harder, he finally un-cuffed us and Zayn got up going to his room to use his toilets and I ran into mine washing my hand thoroughly and answered the phone putting it on speaker but putting the volume low. "Louis? I was afraid I'd done something wrong you didn't answer the first two times I called. Is something wrong?" Harry asked, "sorry I was trying to answer but I was kinda hand cuffed" I said, "cuffs? Kinky" he said laughing, "not when it was your brother your cuffed to" I said sighing. "Are you showering?" He asked I could ALMOST hear the smirk in his tone. "No; washing my hands my brother was talking to his fiancé and I guess they were having phone sex cause he got hard and when he rubbed himself his hand was cuffed to mine and it brushed against him" I sighed in disgust and dried my hands still staying in the loo to talk on the phone. "Zayn got engaged? Tell him congrats for me" he said, "how exactly am I supposed to do that without letting him know we're dating..?" I asked, "right.. well cheers to him" he said laughing. "Not that I don't like talking to you but any particular reason you called? You hardly ever call and when you do its usually something bad" I said biting my lip picking at the fabric of the towel hanging on the rack by the sink. "Nothing bad, I can't text right now cause I'm driving, I have you on speaker but I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to go somewhere special with me this weekend" he said, "somewhere special? Like an actual date?" I asked smiling, "um kind of?" he said, "where are we going?" I asked, "my parents had this little cottage in the woods, I thought we could spend the weekend there just us two" he said, "that sounds great; but why this weekend?" I asked, "I have to leave Monday.." He said. "Oh.. where are you going?" I asked, "I have to go to America for a few weeks" he said, "America..? When will you be back?" I asked, "I won't be gone too long, besides you'll be busy with school you won't even notice I'm gone" he said. "I'll notice when I try to visit you on the weekend and you're not home!" I said, "don't be a drama queen Lou" he laughed, "take me with you!" I said, "you'll be fine it's only a few weeks. A month tops" he said, "thats too long" I said, "the cottage. This weekend. You and Me." He said, I sighed knowing there was no other way I could get him to stay so I agreed. "Great! I'll pick you up Friday" he said, "its ok just tell me where to meet you" I said, "Louis.." He sighed, "Harry its fine please just trust me" I said, he sighed and agreed. "Alright.. I'll text you" he said and hung up. A few minutes later he texted me the address of some secluded cottage and I smiled, but it quickly faltered when something came into my head; "Niall..?" I said coming out of the room, "yeah?" He asked sitting up looking up from his phone, "um.. what are you doing this weekend?" I asked slowly, he shrugged and looked at his phone, "I'm not sure.. Liam invited us somewhere if you wanna go" he asked, "um actually you go have fun.. I mean you seem to get on with Liam better than I do.. I have somewhere to go but I didn't want you to feel left out so I was gonna invite you.." I said, "Harry?" He asked, "yeah?" I said, "erm.. Pass, last time I hung out with you two we got pissed drunk I couldn't even remember my own name.. and I woke up next to some random dude!" He said laughing, "not complaining but we do have school next week" he said, "momma Jay will be pissed if we miss the first day of school's orientation" he said, "I feel bad leaving you" I said, "don't worry about it; I'd rather be with Zayn and Liam, they're cute but they don't over do it with the PDA" he said laughing. I nodded and sat next to him and we continued to play video games.

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