Ch. 22

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Louis' P.O.V.

"Guess you don't know everything.." Nick said smirking. I looked over at Harry's tense figure sitting next to me glaring at Nick. "That's enough.." Liam sighed rubbing his head, "lets just change the topic" Zayn said, "no, I think as Harry's boyfriend I have a right to know what the hell went on between them.. Nick's been bringing up the fact that he and Harry had a history since we got here; does my dating Harry bother you that much that you have to keep bringing up the past you two shared just boost your ego?" I said, "boost my ego?" Nick scoffed, "if you recall him telling you, I broke up with him" he said taking a swing of his beer, "and you've regretted it ever since" I said, "thats why you follow him around like a little lost puppy right? You think by constantly reminding him of your guy's fucked up 'friendship' and past that'll he'll remember the 'good' times you guys had and go crawling begging you to come back? Stop being pathetic you fookin' loosah and move on mate" I said scoffing, "Louis thats enough!" Harry scolded, "are you seriously defending him!?" I asked looking at him surprised that between all this he told ME to stop; when Nick was the one that started it. "No I'm just tired of this bickering" he sighed getting up, "then fucking tell HIM something! Not just me!" I said standing up after him, "I'm telling both of you!" he said turning to me, his fuming pissed off face inches from my face, I stood my ground with a glare on my face but inside I was cowering in the corner crying, I never seen Harry this upset with me. Zayn stood up when Harry got face to face with me grabbing my arm getting ready to step forward in my defense gently pulling me back giving Harry a warning to back up but I shrugged him off; Harry sighed and took a step back walking into the kitchen pouring himself a glass of Whiskey. "Look the past is in the past; it's been done and now its over with so let's leave it there; this is the present, this is now so let's just live in it and hope for a future" Liam said trying to ease the tension; "he's right.. so what if he and Nick had a past together, you have the present, don't let some dickhead get in the way of what makes you happy.." Niall said, "yeah.. I remember when you and Harry first broke up, you were a complete mess! We couldn't even get you out of bed.. we had trick you into making you think he was calling you just to get you out from under the duvet to make sure you were still alive.. I've helped mend your broken heart many times when it got broken by the douchebags you call ex's.. but it was different with Harry, there wasn't anything I could do or say to help make you feel better, it was like it was him or nothing.. you love him Lou, and he loves you; trust me on that" Zayn said patting my back, "I've put him through absolute hell doing everything I could to piss him off and make him stay away from you but it never worked; he still stuck around cos he loves you more than anything" Zayn said rubbing my back. I bit my lip with tears brimming my eyes, I knew Zayn hated us together at first, the whole age difference thing still kinda bothers him but he puts up with it cos he know's Harry makes me happy. "Its up to you to decide.. Is it worth the fight?" He whispered in my ear before kissing my head and sitting back with Liam who was now scolding Nick about the situation. I sighed and walked over to Harry hugging him from behind nuzzling my cheek into his back, "I'm sorry.." I whispered, he sighed taking a drink of his whiskey before turning around and hugging me tightly. No words were said, just silence, but it was nice cause it meant the fighting was over. "I love you more than anything and I'm sorry Nick's a miserable twat but I promise I won't let his dumbass come between us again" I said, Harry chuckled lightly hugging me tighter sighing happily, "I love you too" he whispered kissing my head softly, I smiled and stood up on my tiptoes to kiss his lips gently and a brown feathery quiff similar to mine but not quite as good walked into the kitchen with us, I looked over and sighed stepping down grabbing Harry's cup taking the last little bit of a drink he had in there, "what do you want?" I snarled, "Louis.." Harry softly scolded, "what I said I wasn't gonna take anymore of his shit I never said I was gonna be chummy chummy with him" I said, "I just wanted to say I was sorry" he said, "whatever.. I'm done waisting my breath on you" I said, "good, cause honestly I'm tired of losing this stupid game anyway, I'll never get Harry back and a part of me knows that but my stubbornness still made me try; can just start over?" He asked holding his hand, I sighed crossing my arms over my chest not looking at him but Harry nudged me, I bit the inside of my cheek and sighed, "fine.. but don't expect me to trust you or like you. We'll just go back to being strangers" I said grabbing the bottle of whiskey Harry had on the table and walking back over to where Zayn Liam and Niall were.

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