Chapter 9:

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"I wasn't expecting you. I didn't think that we would end up together. The single most extraordinary thing I've ever done with my life is fall in love with you. I've never been seen so completely, loved so passionately and protected so fiercely."
-This Is Us

PDA Guys! You are warned. Hehe....


The light tingling of wind and the shine of sun that adorns the dwarka is enough to know that even the sun loves this city.

The chirping of birds and the whispers of crowd in the street market is the evidence of the new day.

But not for Arjuna. Who would thought that the great lord of drawaka. Shri Vasudev Krishna. Take him to abduct a princess.
The on the top even the abduct is like a invitation given by the princess.


Princess Rukmini was born to Bhishmaka-the king of Vidarbha kingdom-and had five elder brothers Rukmi, Rukmaratha, Rukmabahu, Rukmakesa and Rukmanetra.

Rukmini once heard about Krishna and his heroic deeds, such as slaying the tyrant king Kamsa, and opposing the evil king Jarasandha.
She fell in love with him and desired to marry him. The episode of Rukmini Kalyanam, and the devotion of Rukmini towards her desired husband is narrated by the sage Shuka to King Parikshit.

Rukmini's parents rejoiced and gave their permission, but Rukmi - who was an ally of Jarasandha - strongly opposed it.
Instead, he proposed that she marry his friend Shishupala- the crown prince of Chedi Kingdom, and a cousin of Krishna.

Bhishmaka agreed, and a distressed Rukmini immediately sent for a trusted Brahmin and asked him to deliver a message to Krishna.

In the message, she wrote to Krishna about her love and asked him to abduct her when she visited the temple of Goddess Ambika (Parvati) before her wedding. Krishna, having received the message in Dvaraka, told the messenger to inform Rukmini that he had received her letter and would come to make her his wife. Krishna then immediately set out for Vidarbha (with Balarama, his elder brother.)

[Note: the above lines are not fully trusted]

Meanwhile, in Vidarbha's capital Kundina, Bhishmaka had prepared for Rukmini's marriage.

Rukmini grew anxious as she observed the host of kings, wondering if the Brahmin she had dispatched had not reached safely or not, and if the Almighty would assist her in her efforts. Her face grew pale and her thoughts grew distressed as she shunned herself from the rest of the world. Her sorrow of Krishna not having yet arrived to marry her yet was so immense that she refused to eat, sing to her parrot, or play her lyre.

Shishupala, along with his allies including Jarasandha had arrived. Krishna and Arjuna had also arrived, and Bhishmaka welcomed them. At the palace, Rukmini had lost all hope, but the messenger turned up and informed that Krishna had accepted her request. The next day, she went to the temple to offer her prayers to Ambika. As she proceeded towards the wedding venue, she saw Krishna and he soon swept her into his chariot with him.

All of Jarasandha's forces quickly started chasing them, but they were repulsed by Balarama and his army.
Rukmi chased after Krishna and Rukmini.
He challenged Krishna to a fight, but was easily overpowered by the former. Rukmini begged Krishna to spare her brother's life, and the latter agreed. However, he shaved Rukmi's hair and moustache as a mark of punishment, and let him go free. Krishna and Rukmini reached Dvaraka, where they were welcomed with great pomp and ceremony, followed by a wedding.

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