Chapter 6:

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"It is better to live one day as a lion than 1000 years as a jackal." - Yudhishthira


All the kuru princes leave for panchal even before the sunrises.
The clatter of speeding chariots and the galloping of horses are faintly disturbing over the environment as all the princes move towards panchal border.

Though Yudhishthira thought it's better if all the kauravas too join them and attack panchal with them. But the idea was quickly dismissed seeing the a bore hostility in duryodhan eyes.

The pandavas were decided to camp at the border of panchal for sometime before moving and review there plan once more.

But the kauravas found this chance to show there power and move towards panchal king Drupada palace.

Drupada was a highly skilled warrior. He sense the kaurava army and defeat them without baiting his eyes.

The pandavas come to know this and become alert. They come in a conclusion that head on attack wont bear may fruit. Draupada was not a novice like them. Although they can consider good but we can never underestimate the enemy.

Arjun lead the small part of army to the inside route of panchal at the different direction.
Bhima took one fourth army and pace towards the center of panchal.

Nakul and Sahadeva both move towards towards the north and south.
Yudhishthira took the rest of the army and move towards the panchal palace.

Due to the five direction approach, draupada first reaction towards Yudhishthira. Secondly bheem.

He never pay attention to Nakul and Sahadeva to the end.

Arjuna was out of the sight totally.

The plan worked very effectively. Arjuna got entry in draupada palace easily and defeated him.

That's how the pandavas bring glory of victory.

Today the pandavas are coming and Yudhishthira crown prince ceremony is going to happen.
Rajmata kunti look really happy today and even took charge of the kitchen to cook some hand made food for her children.

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Because kunti was busy in the kitchen and she also want to go the temple to prat for her children.
She gave the task to collect the flowers for her to puja to shreya.

Shreya was being lazy over the 2 month when the pandavas and kauravas gone for panchal war.

She roam to the palace and made a good acquaintance with many people especially Mahamahim Bhisma.
He was not as rigid as the TV series show him.

Originally named Devavrata, he was made the heir-apparent of his kingdom.
However, he renounced his birthright for his father's happiness and took a vow of lifelong celibacy.
Owing to this selfless decision, he came to be known as Bhishma, and was blessed to live as long as he wanted, by his father, Shantanu.

Bhishma was also referred as:

Gaurānga - the one with fair body

Shvetaveera - a white warrior or the one who is heroic white and has all weapons in white Colour

Bhārata - a descendant of Bharata

Mahāmahima - his excellency

Parshuramashishya - disciple of Parshurama

Pitāmaha - Grandfather (also known as Bhishma Pitamaha; called by Pandavas and Kauravas)

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