Blood and treasures

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(Elaine was still frustrated and a bit mad at why Merlin kept the secret for so long. She decides to walk away from the castle, and goes outside in the mystical forest. Elaine was alone and she wanted some time to think)

(Meanwhile as Morgana was forming her army, she sees her bubble orb that Elaine was alone. She decides to wake up a supernatural creature from the depths, a highly skilled bounty hunter trained to kill, the creature was called "Blood Hunter")

(Blood Hunter looked half troll, half human. He kneels down for Morgana)

Blood Hunter: My Queen....

Morgana: Blood Hunter, I need you to kill this girl for me

(Morgana shows the orb to Blood Hunter he growls furiously)

Blood Hunter: Why won't you kill her instead?

(Morgana stood quiet)

Blood Hunter chuckles:

You are afraid aren't you, afraid that little girl is able to defeat you?


You do well to respect who is in command, your Queen otherwise I will put you back where you belong

Blood Hunter: Why is it that you want to kill an innocent child?

Morgana: Because that little girl wields Excalibur

(Modred who was spying behind a wall, hearing his mother's evil plans)

(Blood Hunter was shocked and surprised to see Elaine wielding Excalibur, his face was filled with determination ready to kill Elaine)

(Blood Hunter roars, and the birds in the forest flew away as if they heard the roar, Elaine looked up seeing the birds fly away and was curious about it but she ignored them. The night then turned dark. Elaine was being cautious and she felt like someone was following her)

(She begins to hear rustling from the bushes. Elaine didn't bring her sword Excalibur with her and was beginning to worry)

Elaine: Who's there?!

(Elaine looked forward to see if there was anyone, she grips her hands into a fist ready to fight. She sense someone's presence behind her)

Modred: Elaine-

(Elaine being cautious, with her quick thinking skills Elaine managed to punch the person in the face)

Modred: Ow!! Ow!

Elaine gasps: Oh! Modred!

Modred: What was that for?!

Elaine: Sorry reflexes, thank goodness is you

Modred: Ow strong punch....

Elaine: I'm sorry.... What-what are you doing here?


I could ask the same for you , but there's not much time to argue we have to get out of here

Elaine: What are you talking about?


They mystic forest is the last place you don't want to be in, it's dangerous

Modred: Come on we have to go now

(Modred tries to hold Elaine's hands but she rejects)

Elaine: What- No- 

Elaine: Modred, what's going on with you? 

(Modred looks at Elaine then sense someone's presence behind her)

Modred: Elaine, get behind me !

(Modred had Elaine behind him, he was facing forward prepared to fight. Then, a creepy melody voice starts singing. Both Elaine and Modred hears it)

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