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Some years later.....

The Black family cottage had stayed busy after the war. Evalyn stayed at Hogwarts for several months to help rebuild the castle with her powers, while Sirius and Regulus took baby Teddy back to the cottage to help raise him. Today was a special day however, Harry and his wife Ginny brought their children over to play with Teddy. Young Albus, James, and Teddy played outside, racing each other on brooms. Evalyn carried around their youngest Lily as she baked a tray of brownies for the guests. Regulus, Sirius, Harry and Ginny were all sitting in chairs under the warm summer sun.

There was a knock on the door just as Evalyn pulled the brownies out of the oven. She smiled brightly, before opening it. Draco Malfoy stood hand in hand with his young son Scorpius. "Good afternoon boys, the rest of the group is outside if you'd like to join them." Scorpius looked up at his father who nodded yes and the young boy took off running. Draco, instead of going outside chose to stay in with Evalyn.

"If you are going to stay in, you can help me out Draco." She narrowed her eyes at him as she caught him trying to sneak a brownie. "I had to make extra since Theodore is coming. You know how he is." Evalyn threw an apron at him landing on his head causing Lily to laugh. She set the young girl down telling her to go take the plate of treats to her father. "He comes by twice a month to visit but I think he's here just for the food."

"Isn't that why we are all here?" The blonde nudged the older witch playfully. She rolled her eyes and flicked a fistful of flour at him. Once the rest of the food was finished, Evalyn and Draco, followed by Theodore who just arrived carried the trays outside to everyone else. The latter made sure to keep his plate that was stacked high separate. Pretty soon after, most of the adults joined the children in the sky to play some quidditch. Evalyn moved over to Sirius and sat in his lap. Her head rested against his chest and he combed his fingers through her golden curls.

"This is beautiful Padfoot." She smiled and closed her eyes.

He looked down at her, with a fondness that was solely reserved for Evalyn. "It sure is Lynnie. I love you."

"I love you too Sirius."

The couple lived a long and happy life. Regulus was the first to pass. In his older age, he grew sick. The healers couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, and Evalyn assumed it was partially due to being brought back from the dead. Sirius and Evalyn lived long enough to see the young kids graduate and start their own families.

They ended up passing together. Hand in hand during their sleep. Their love had always been strong, even when death called.

When Evalyn awoke, she assumed she would see her elderly husband next to her in their bed. However, she looked to her left and it was Sirius, but from his younger days. The room was bright and when she looked down at her hands, they were no longer wrinkled and aged, but young and bright. "Sirius where are we?"

"Well Lynnie, if I'm correct, I'd say we are dead. Lucky for us, I'm handsome again." Evalyn let out a hearty laugh and nudged him.

"You were always handsome you twat, you and your bloody genetics." She scoffed before looking around. It was familiar as they made their way into the afterlife. They first stopped at a dorm room door. Evalyn looked at Sirius with an excitement he couldn't understand. Before he could ask, she opened the door to see two familiar teens.

"Reg! B!" She squealed and jumped up and down. The boys turned around and smiled wide before tackling her.

Barty whispered as he hugged her, "I'm so sorry Eva. I'm so so sorry." Sirius awkwardly waved at his brother who finally stood up. Regulus hesitated a moment before walking over and throwing his arms around his older brother.

Evalyn stood up with Barty, his hand in hers as she looked at him honestly. "You hurt me B, but I'm willing to forgive you." He fanned his face to dry his tears, before giving her another hug.

"I love you Eva."

"I love you too."

Taking Sirius' hand, they made their way to the next door. Inside was Remus and Tonks. Remus got slapped in the chest by Evalyn as she shouted at him. "You bloody twat you weren't supposed to sacrifice yourself for me." He smiled wolfishly as he was attacked.

"I told you I had your back! Besides, Tonks was here and I don't have to worry about the full moon." Sirius hugged the couple with tears in his eyes. "Plus, James and Lily are here." Evalyn and Sirius looked at each other with wide eyes before running out the door.

"We love you both! We will visit later!" Sirius shouted back to them as Remus laughed from the door way. They ran all the way, barely noticing Fleamont and Effie laughing and waving from a window they passed. A door appeared in front of them, the couple sliding to a halt in front of it. Evalyn assumed it would be Godric's Hollow, but instead it was the Potter Manor front door. Sirius knocked rapidly on the door in excitement while Evalyn bounced on her feet.

When the door creaked open, there stood James Potter and Lily Evans. Sirius shot forward into James, both of them landing on the ground in a hug. Evalyn turned to Lily with tears. "I'm so sorry Lily."

The red head pulled the blonde into a long embrace. "Don't be Evalyn, you were the one who got him through everything. Thank you for watching out for him." They pulled away and they each wiped away their own tears. Two arms were suddenly around Evalyn lifting her up and spinning her around.

"Evie! I've bloody missed you!" Evalyn laughed as James set her back on her feet. She pushed up his glasses and hugged him once more. "Did you see the way you stood up to Voldemort?!" He let her go and started punching and kicking the air. "It was wicked! Who knew it would have taken me dying for you to finally be cool?!"

She slapped his arm and laughed, "You prat! How could you leave me?! I had nobody to cook with! Sirius burns nearly everything and Remus only likes meat!"

After hours of talking with everyone they have mourned over, they finally made their way to their own door. It was the door to their first flat. Once inside, Sirius picked her up and spun her around. "I think you have made me the happiest man. How could I be so lucky to have been able to have you in life and now for the rest of eternity?"

She smiled back at him. Her green eyes twinkling as they met his grey ones. Flashes of all of their happy memories played in her mind. "I think I'm the lucky one. I love you entirely too much Sirius."

"Oh but darling, I love you more Lynnie."

Author's note:

Writing the end of this has made me emotional. It's bittersweet finishing Sirius and Evalyn's story. I have started working on a James Potter love story. It is an AU story so things will be different from cannon, slightly. Thank you all for sticking with this story and for giving it love. I love you all <3

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