Chapter 51

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"You have fought valiantly, but in vain." Voldemort's voice echoed throughout the castle. "I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat." When Sirius, Regulus and Evalyn made it to where the explosion happened, they noticed all of the death eaters lowering their wands. "In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself." Evalyn looked over to Sirius in horror. Since the fight started, she hadn't been able to find him anywhere. "There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

After the voice died out, the trio looked around. George Weasley scrambled up from his position on the ground to run over to a pile of rubble. Percy, cried as he moved large pieces of rock. An arm revealed itself and George let out a pained scream. Evalyn ran over and used her magic to move all of the debris from the body of Fred Weasley. Sirius and Regulus helped to carry his body to the Medical Wing while Evalyn held onto the hands of the two remaining Weasley brothers. George sobbed into her shoulder as they walked.

Once they made it, they let the Weasley's have their moment. Kingsley and a few others brought in the bodies of Remus and Tonks. There was no talking amongst the wounded and sad. Everyone was tired, crying, and covered in blood and dirt.

The doors opened up and in walked Ron, Harry and Hermione. All eyes turned to them. Ron immediately ran to his family when he noticed them gathered around a body. Hermione was close behind in shock. Harry's walk slowed down as he gazed at all of the people sitting in the room. Evalyn knew that look. The one of guilt. The idea of everyone being dead because of something they did. So when he turned and ran away, she followed. A kiss to the top of Sirius' head was all she gave before running after the teen. He went to get up and follow but Regulus held his wrist. "She will be fine. She will come back."

Evalyn followed him into the headmasters office. "Harry, what is going on?"

"Snape's memories." He pulled a vial out of his jacket and poured it into a pensive. Evalyn joined him in watching what unfolded. Memories of Lily and Snape throughout Hogwarts faded into scenes of the prophecy. Snape begging Dumbledore to save the Potter's. Dumbledore asking for something in return. Severus arriving to the scene of their murder and Evalyn showing up, sparring him of the blame. Arguing with Dumbledore about their death and protecting Harry. Everything he gave up to keep Harry as safe as possible when under the thumbs of Dumbledore and Voldemort. Agreeing to take Dumbledore's life. Dumbledore admitting the Harry Potter was a horcrux. Snape's patronus of a doe filled the memory as he admitted his love for Lily.

As Severus claimed, Dumbledore raised Harry as a pig for slaughter. Voldemort had to kill Harry Potter. The two were pushed out of the memories. Tears stained both of their cheeks. It was silent as they took all of the information in. "I have to go." He breathed out quietly.

Evalyn said nothing. She was furious with Dumbledore for allowing things to become how they did. She was saddened by the losses of her closest loved ones all because of a "prophecy." She grieved the life of Severus Snape guiltily, knowing that she should have tried harder to understand him. Her arms wrapped around Harry. She felt helpless, she had failed at protecting him all because of "fate." "Let me go with you, I can make sure that you make it there safely."

He shook his head, his arms tightening around her. "I can't let you do that. It's time. I have to do this on my own." Evalyn sobbed in his arms. He pulled away and she gave him the best smile she could.

"Oh Harry, you have grown so wonderfully. Your heart is so entirely pure and no amount of corruption, whether it be Voldemort, Dumbledore or anyone else can ruin that. I love you so much."

"Take him out, when I'm gone. I fear you might be the only one who has the power to stop him."

Evalyn looked to the ground and nodded. "As long as your godfather doesn't try to kill me first for letting you go."

Harry gave her one last look as he made his way out. "I love you, both of you."

"We love you too Harry."

She stayed behind for a moment as he left. She heard Ron and Hermione trying to talk him out of it unsuccessfully. Harry telling them to kill the snake. She wiped her tears before heading back into the medical wing.

Sirius noticed the look on her face immediately and shook his head. "No" he whispered. Regulus grabbed him and dragged him out of the room to avoid a commotion. "You let him go?!" He yelled when Evalyn met them on the stairs. "All by himself?!" He paced back and forth anxiously. "I've lost James, Lily, Remus, everyone I bloody knew to that prick and I will not let him take Harry too!" She was silent as the man raged. Her tears ran down her cheeks. "I have to go find him since you decided he could handle it on his own." Sirius glared at Evalyn. Regulus stepped in front of her to try to protect her from his anger. "And you!" The man looked at his younger brother, "Of course you take her side! You were supposed to be MY brother! You should be able to see that she was wrong for letting him go into the forest!"

"Do you think that if I had a choice I would honestly let him leave?" Her voice was cold. "I have always gave myself up so that the ones I love could be let free." She stepped out from behind Regulus who now looked hurt himself. After being yelled at, his walls immediately shot back up. Not once did Sirius falter when she stalked up to him. Her eyes and hair flaming gold as her emotions sparked. "Are you just that daft to think that I didn't even try to stop him? I love that boy as if he were my own son! Of course I tried. But I had no choice!"

"You always have a choice Evalyn!" He seethed.

"Not when he's a bloody horcrux himself!" She sneered back at him. The information hit him like a brick. Evalyn watched as it processed in his mind. His grey eyes softened into a look of hurt. "I tried to go with him but he said to stay back. He wants me to take out Voldemort when the snake is gone." Regulus wrapped his arm around Evalyn's shoulder and pulled her away from Sirius gently.

Sirius took two steps backwards. "I need some air." The man ran away leaving the other two standing there.

Evalyn collapsed in Regulus' arms. Her body was exhausted and on the verge of giving out. He guided her back into the medical wing, so she could get some rest before the fighting started again. The younger man placed a cool rag on her forehead and gave her some water. He ran his wand over her as he muttered simple healing spells.

"Do you think he's mad at me?" Her eyes were stuck on the door as she waited for her husband to reappear.

Regulus paused as he thought it over. "You? No, he can never truly be mad at you. He is probably mad at me though. He's just Sirius, he will come around."

Outside, the man looked up to the sky as he sat on a large rock. "I'm sorry James. Lily. If I hadn't gone to Azkaban, he wouldn't have been put in this position. I've failed you both. I've failed him. I've failed Evalyn. Moony is gone now too. If they take Evalyn and Regulus, I don't know if I can do it anymore." He sighed and wiped his tears as he stood up. For a moment he just watched the sky a little longer before deciding to go back in to apologize.

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