Chapter 49

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After a breakfast of stale toast and tea, the group of people at Shell Cottage were quiet. Fleur, Bill and Regulus silently cleaned up dishes while the rest sat in the other room. Harry, Ron and Hermione announced their plan to leave that day. As much as Evalyn didn't want them to go, she knew she had to let them. She gave Ron a hug, whispering in his ear. "You are so brave Ronald, I am so proud of how much you've grown." He nodded and sniffled lightly as he pulled away. Next was Hermione. Evalyn hugged her a little harder, the two had bonded over their similar trauma. "You are one of the brightest witches I have ever met Hermione, you've done a beautiful job bringing them this far." She pulled away from the younger witch, wiping away the girl's tears. Hermione placed a coin into Evalyn's palm and closed her fingers over it. A signal in case they needed her. Patiently, she waited for her godson. Once Sirius pulled him into a long embrace, she smiled softly.

Finally, it was her turn to bid him farewell. Harry Potter stood in front of her. He towered over her and she immediately pictured his parents next to him. Her eyes watered as they looked at each other. "Harold."

"Evie." He smiled and pushed up his glasses. Just like his father. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight.

"I'm so bloody proud of you." She looked up at him. "If you need help I will be right there. It is my job to keep you safe Haz, I will do whatever it takes."

He nodded and his own eyes watered. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me."

"You don't have to thank me Haz, you are family. I love you like you're my own blood."

"I love you too Evie." He hesitated for a moment. His friends decided to pack their belongings to give them privacy. "I'm scared" he took a deep breath. "I'm bloody scared."

She held him tighter. "I know, and I wish I could say it would be okay but I don't want to lie to you. It's going to get bad. But you Harry are amazingly talented. You have your mother's knack for magic and your father's determination. You will kick arse. This is what me and you were meant for, and the moment it gets to be too much for you, I will take it off your shoulders. And once this is all said and done, I will make your godfather and his brother take us on a vacation. Wherever you want, after all, they are loaded."

"We are loaded." Sirius walked over and winked down at Evalyn. "You do share my last name." The trio held onto each other just a little bit tighter in that moment. Soon after, the group of teens along with Griphook left on their mission.

Evalyn took to the beach and did some simple stretches. Everyone in the house was tense and she just needed some fresh air. She knew what was coming, she could feel it in her soul. With a huff, she plopped onto the sand and concentrated on the water. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath. Slowly, blobs of water started dancing around her in a circle. She didn't even have to lift her hands to make it happen. In fact, she placed her palms against the sand and imagined a knife. The one used against her many times. A mass formed within her hand and she peaked open to see a sandy form of the weapon. A useful talent if she could get her hands on a more solid form of earth in battle. Footsteps nearby startled her, and the blobs of water flew at the upcoming figure.

Sirius groaned and shook his body, trying to dry himself. Evalyn laughed at his soaked state and sent a gust of air at him to dry him off. She patted the sand beside her and he plopped down. The sun had begun to set and the sky looked beautiful. Evalyn's head hit Sirius' shoulder as he pulled her close. "It's okay if you need to stay here love."

She furrowed her brows, "What do you mean?"

"When the fighting starts. I can tell you are still recovering and if it happens soon, I don't want you to push yourself too hard. I'd much rather you be here and safe than out there when you aren't at your best." He drew circles on her arm and stared into the distance.

"You're mad Pads, I'm going. I can't let you all fight with me just sitting here on my arse."

"Promise you'll stay by me?" He whispered. Evalyn looked up at him and held out her pinky. A small smile graced Sirius' face as he wrapped his pinky around hers. He pulled her into his lap and grabbed her chin. Green eyes gazed into grey before his lips met hers. Swirls of water circled around them in joy as their lips harmonized. His hand slipped to the back of her neck and he laid back, making sure to support her on the way down. Evalyn smiled against his mouth before kissing him again. The stars twinkled above them, almost as if they were smiling at the acts of love.

When she finally pulled away, Sirius groaned. She stood up and held out her hand to help him up. "Let's make sure everyone gets some rest tonight." He swooped her off her feet and carried her into the house laughing the whole way. Bill, Fleur and Regulus watched in amusement as the couple chased each other around the house. One by one, they eventually fell asleep.

It didn't last long. A warm feeling in Evalyn's pocket woke her up. Her eyes shot open as she fumbled for the coin that Hermione gave her. In a rush, she woke up the entire house, everyone confused by her frantic state.

"It's time."

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