Chapter 50

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"It is the quality of one's convictions that determine success, not the number of followers." Remus words rang through everyone's ears.

Kingsley looked at the sky that was lit with the enemies attacks. "Who said that?"

"Me." Normally Sirius would laugh at the formality his best friend had, but he couldn't. Everyone looked uneasy with the huge number of followers Voldemort brought. Before they set off to their positions to hold a shield up, Evalyn threw her arms around Remus and Tonks. Remus kissed the top of her head. "Good to have you back Evalyn."

"It's good to be back." She pulled away and gave a big smile to everyone.

"How are you holding up Evalyn?" Kingsley asked as they made their way through the castle. "You'll be able to fight?"

Despite the nerves that swarmed her body, she stood confidently. "Always Kingsley, just tell me what needs done."

"We will hold shield for now, buy time. Once it falls though..." He trailed off and she knew what he was asking.

"I'll work my way to the worst of it. Fight as many as I can." Sirius and Regulus were close at her side, neither wanting to be away from her. They shared a look, knowing she would have to fight the hardest. Before separating from Remus, Tonks and Kingsley, Evalyn gave them a grin and a salute. "I'll see you three in a little bit."

As she turned to walk away, Remus called out to her and returned her smile. "I got your back Snitch! Stay safe Padfoot, Regulus"

"Always Moony!" Evalyn and Sirius called out in sync.

They took their positions and held up their wands to reinforce the shield. Sirius glanced over his shoulder at his wife and winked at her before looking around the witch to his brother. "We stick together. No matter what."

Regulus gave a stiff nod and looked at Evalyn. "It's not all on you, we do this together E." She sighed, and agreed with them.


A glimmery bubble surrounding Hogwarts. Everyone stood on guard watching as the Death Eaters waited for a break in the walls. Evalyn controlled her breathing to reserve as much power as possible for the upcoming fight. Together, the three were a force to be reckoned with.

However, the man himself, Voldemort appeared on the outskirts. All on his own he broke the shield. It was deathly silent as everyone watched it burn away. Evalyn lowered her wand and shook her shoulders to loosen up. "Ready?" She held out her hands to the brothers and they took them without hesitation. They apparated to the courtyard and prepared for the upcoming onslaught.

The Death Eaters ran and apparated into the castle. Explosions hit the building from all sides. It was nearly effortless for the three of them to take out the enemies. Sirius and Regulus stood back to back as they stunned and cursed anyone who got close. Evalyn hadn't even needed to use any extra powers yet. They switched between protection shields and hexes as if they could read each other's minds as they made their way further into the chaos.

As more death eaters and trolls and other beings appeared, they got further apart. However they were still within eyesight of each other. In the midst of fighting none of them caught on to Antonin Dolohov sneaking up behind Evalyn. A green light whistled past her ear, and her head whipped around with wide eyes. The wizard was clenching at his side as Remus attacked him. The next moments happened so quickly, Sirius called out her name to check on her, but she was more focused on Dolohov. At the same moment that she lifted her wand, he shot Remus with a fatal blow. Even though it was just a mere couple of minutes, time seemed to stop. Evalyn screamed and used Accio on the man. He was dragged by his clothes to her.

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