Chapter 52

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When Sirius went back to apologize, Evalyn didn't hesitate in forgiving him. As soon as he opened the doors, he saw her resting against the wall while Regulus and Poppy helped heal her. "I'm sorry Lynnie. I just don't know how much more I can handle."

She gave him a lazy smile and held up her hand to him. "It's okay Siri, I understand. We are in this together." He stepped forward, grabbing her outstretched hand and squeezed it. Sirius plopped down onto the floor beside her, Regulus choosing to sit on the other side. "You know if Dumbles was still alive, I'd probably beat him senseless for the way he raised Harry without telling us he's a bloody horcrux."

Sirius hummed and stroked her hair. Regulus shifted forward to look at Evalyn with a small grin. "He was an old hag anyways, it wouldn't have taken much effort." Evalyn snorted and closed her eyes, leaning against Sirius' shoulder.

"Help will always be given to those who ask for it at Hogwarts." Sirius mocked an elderly voice. The other two started laughing, causing several people to look their way. Everyone was dirty, bloody and wounded, but the laughter coming from Evalyn and the Black brothers seemed to lighten the mood a tad.

Time passed slowly as they waited for something, anything to happen. Some people decided to take a walk around outside, accessing the damage to the grounds. It was an eerie sight. Voldemort leading the charge. Hagrid following behind tied up, with a body in his arms. Evalyn and the brothers pushed their way to the front as Voldemort shouted. "Harry Potter is dead."

"From this day forth, you put your faith in me." Death eaters lined up behind him, while the ones who fought for the light, fought for Harry mourned on the other side. "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" The death eaters started cheering, as if it were an achievement that their Dark Lord murdered a teenager. "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us! Or die. Starting with you." He flicked his wrist towards the crowd and Evalyn was dragged forward with a powerful burst of magic. Sirius and Regulus tried to keep hold of her, but it was too strong. She landed on her knees in front of him.

"Evalyn Black. You have chosen the wrong side again and again and now look at where it has gotten you."

"Draco! Draco!" Lucius urged from his side, Narcissa outstretched her hand for her son. The boy looked around at the crowd of faces, his heart clenching seeing the witch he looked up to on the ground in front of Voldemort. In his mind, he had no other choice but to make his way over to his parents. Before he could make it, Voldemort stopped him. "Ah well done Draco. Well done." His arms wrapped around the blonde who stood stiff as a board.

"Get your filthy hands off of him!" Evalyn seethed. Voldemort released his grasp and Draco started walking over to his parents. "Crucio." Draco flinched hearing the spell cast behind him followed by Evalyn's screams. Sirius and Regulus tried to push forward but were held back by McGonagall. Nobody noticed Neville walking forward for a minute until Voldemort started speaking to him.

"I'd like to say something!"

"Well Neville I'm sure we will all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." The sorting hat was clenched in the teen's fist as he limped forward.

"It doesn't matter that Harry is dead. People die every day! Friends, family. We lost Harry tonight, he's still with us. In here." He pointed to his heart. "So is Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them. He didn't die in vain. But you will. Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us!" He pulled the sword up and Voldemort raised his wand. Evalyn glanced up in pain as she heard a body hit the floor and seen her godson, still alive.

Draco ran forward "Harry!" A wand flew from the blonde's hand into Harry's as he joined the light side. Evalyn mustered up all of her strength and stood up, sending a wall of fire to block the death eater's from Harry.

"Confringo!" Voldemort cast at Harry as he ran. Some death eater's vanished into black smoke while everyone retreated into the castle.

"We have to kill the snake!" Harry called to the crowd. Evalyn looked for Sirius and Regulus.

"We have to keep the rest of the death eaters away from Harry and them." She shouted to the remaining fighters.

"But what about Voldemort?" Sirius called to her as he shot off a couple spells.

Evalyn sent a blast of fire towards a death eater and called back. "Harry can hold him off until the snake is dead!"

Cackling echoed throughout the castle and Sirius knew exactly who it belonged to. Bellatrix walked around the corner, twirling her wand. "If it isn't my dear cousins and the pathetic wife." Regulus stepped in front of Evalyn, holding his wand in the crazed witch's direction. Sirius moved forward with his own wand trained on her. "I killed that disgrace of a niece tonight. Stupid witch, marrying a filthy halfbreed. I was most thrilled to find out he was dead too." She clapped in excitement. It was always fascinating watching any member of the Black family duel, but 3 of them was breathtaking. The force of the magic used was some of the most powerful Evalyn has ever witnessed aside from Voldemort and Dumbledore. Bellatrix was holding her own against the two men until Evalyn decided to step forward and join. When vines started crawling up the witch's legs to hold her in place, she sent the trio a sickly smile before vanishing.

The trio ran towards the worst of the fighting, and saw Bellatrix had moved onto Molly. Sirius went to join but Evalyn held her arm in front of him just as Molly called Bellatrix a bitch. They watched as their cousin met death in a pretty horrid way. "Get it Molly!" Sirius shouted with a smirk. Ginny laughed before they continued to fight. A flash of green and red lit up outside.

"Harry!" Evalyn called and ran outside. She could only pray that someone had taken care of the snake. Just as she made it out there, a thick cloud of black smoke filled the air and the spells died. Harry looked at Voldemort for a moment before sending his spell once more. The power overtook Voldemort's and the Dark Lord's wand was sent flying into the air. Harry caught it and Voldemort collapsed to the ground before fading into dust. Harry looked at the wand in his hand and turned to Evalyn. She ran forward, wrapping her arms around him. "You're alive!" She sobbed into his shoulder.

"I did it Evie. He's gone." He cried and tightened his hold on her.

"Merlin Harry, I'm so proud of you."

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