Part 2 Ch 12

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"Everything seems to be in order, the video was taken down. It was put up by one of the fans, and in her defense the video is not that bad." Matt said, "She gladly took it down, not realizing it would spread. Of course it already has." Bianca was nodding in Matt's office.

"The comments don't seem bad. Mostly they seem to think Nick looks rude, but nothing more."

"Yeah, that's the gist of it, a few videos actually just making fun of the interaction - saying it looks like two ex-lovers." Bianca smiled, Nick would think that was funny. "Not really anything that needs to be done. It's to minor to need a statement, and Kenzie's comment has already been shared tens of thousands of times making light of it. So all in all, it seems to be a net positive."

She had been taking notes when she looked up, "That's good. Nick seems fine, he uh...went to talk to him. Apologized."

Matt folded his hands as he looked to her, "How about the bartender, a lot of people would use such a thing for personal gain. Try to make a bigger deal than it was, make Nick look bad...get some sort of clout, or even a pay off.."

She smirked, and held off a laugh, "Huh...not Dylan, he does not care..."

"Are you sure, money can make people do odd things, and if he thought he could blackmail him..."

"No." She said with a final tone, that did not leave room for arguing, "No, not Dylan. He would not care - that is not who he is."

"Alright. I trust that, if you believe it." He moved to his computer, quickly adding something before moving on. "The tour will leave in three weeks, we have everything set up." She nodded, "I would like Nick and Kenzie to stay to their work out schedules for the next few weeks..and dinner?"

She looked up, "Excuse me?"

"How about dinner this week? It's been a hectic few days, might be nice to relax before the tour. Then you will be stuck babysitting for weeks."

She smiled, brushing hair behind her ear, "I don't mind it, free traveling - just make sure they get to where they are going on time. And feed them....Oh, who am I kidding I'm a professional adult-sitter. Sure dinner would be nice."

He smiled, "great, I'll call you to set it up." They said their goodbyes as Bianca prepared to track down a cheerleader. After the charity event Sarah had gone into hiding, not wanting to face Bianca's inquisition of questions. If I was a sneaky blond, where would I be.

She tried calling. No answer. No text. Her house had no car outside. She had the day off. Bianca got in her car slowly drove to Jay and Amber's who had been gone for a month on vacation/work thing. She slowly pulled down the road and gasped. Sarah's car, you little.

She pulled up outside little/big lesbians home and quietly shut the door. Creeping up the walkway, she tried to not look suspicious - ever so slowly she peered into the open window. She couldn't believe it, Sarah was in the living room, on the couch, is that icecream! She stalked to the door and knocked loudly.

"OPEN UP BITCH!" Pounding on the door loudly, the curtains moved aside as a head peaked out. She pointed at her, letting her know she saw her. The door creaked open slightly.

' soliciting..." She pushed into the door, Sarah's foot stopped her. "Hey! This is breaking and entering!"

"It's not even your house. do the lesbians know!"

"Of course they........don't know! That's why it's called in-hiding - not in-telling!" The door opened as Sarah lost her footing and Bianca pushed in "not really have a lot more lower half meat to put into it."

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