Part 2 Ch 8

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Sarah: This number has been disconnected.


Bianca was anxious and secretly eating chocolate in her room. It was forbidden for her to have sweets in the house. Walking back and forth she munched on her chocolate bar. It wasn't even a candy bar, it was literally baking chocolate. That was where she was at.

Her phone buzzed, lighting up - Matt. She grabbed the phone an answered it, if he was calling it was likely work related. "Hey Matt, whats up..." continuing her track around her room.

"Hey Bianca, sorry about the random call.."

"Oh, no problem, that's what I am here for." He laughed, it was nice, and took her mind from Sarah and Dylan.

"Actually this is a bit of a social call, last time we talked, when I had gone over, you seemed a bit on edge. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright....I didn't want you to agree to going with me if you felt pressured.." If she was pressured she wouldn't say it past this point.

"No not at all, you know how holidays are, always a bit hectic. And it's worse with Nick, he's whining 24/7 now, no alcohol, or snacks, he is searching my room during the day for hidden food." It was true.

"Hahaha, sorry about that. If you want I can sneak you some contraband at the event."

"Oh god, yes please...He threw away my sour patch kids, like a mad man.." They laughed together, it was a nice feeling. He was easy to talk to, maybe that was because she felt literally no pressure. Wasn't pressure good when you liked someone, that feeling of nerves that made you want to win them over, and worry that you might fail. She felt none of that with Matt.

"Alright, I'm glad to hear you didn't feel you needed to agree...." He began whispering, "New group here...I better go.."

She whispered back, "good luck.."

Her phone was already ringing before she could put it down. Sarah, satan herself. "Hell-ooo..."

"Hey bestie....I had a few missed calls and texts from you, just returning the call, Is everything alright, hows life, hows the kids.." Her voice was light and flirty,

"Sarah....what's happening." She sat down, no longer feeling at ease. "Please tell me.."

"Alright." She sighed heavily. "I've been talking to Dylan." She nodded understanding that much, "He had come over to my house to do some work. It was during my dads birthday - when I had gone home. I had a drink with him after, no big deal. I was going to eventually tell you, but we kept texting, and he came over for thanksgiving - mostly because I threatened to track him down."

She breathed in, and out. "He talked to me, he had no choice I made him." In. out.

"Has he said anything about what happened." She couldn't help but ask.

There was a heavy sigh on the other line. "Yeah, he of course thought you cheated on him, but it was more than that. He thought you chose Nick over him because he was poor."

"What! That's crazy!" She yelled standing off the bed, she didn't care if Dylan had money or not.

"Is it? Do you remember that night even? Nick told Dylan you thought Dylan was the rich one, and where only with him because of that. He made it sound like you were almost naked in Nicks bed." Even the tone in Sarah's voice was bit angry as she said it.

" know it wasn't that though."

"I know Bianca, alright, I know...but... theres more.." Sarah told her about the money, and the cops being called and how he was kicked out for breaking things and being late on rent. How Dylan took what he could and left. Bianca put her head down. She wanted to cry for that boy she had loved so much.

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