Part 2 Ch 9

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Bianca was officially internally freaking out. It was 8 am, and she was pacing in the house. Still in leggings and a sweater, needing to leave and begin overseeing the Arcway set up. She just didn't want to go. Fuck it, she thought, better to occupy her mind with work than allowing it to run free. Her leg was bouncing in her car, her fingernail in her teeth at a red light.stop!

Stop chewing on your nails, it wont help. This was not happening, of course Nothing was actually happening. She was creating events in her head that had not and would not happen. She could see someone from afar and everything would be fine. She should get coffee, that would help -, of course caffeine would not help this situation. Someone honked behind her, as she was lost in thought, trying to control herself from going full Sarah.

She arrived at the hotel and found a designated parking space before running into the twenty-three story building. The place was beautiful, golden tiled floors with dark walls. Chandeliers hanging down. The event space had been completely filled. It looked elegant while looking fun - as a rock band deserved. The tables had deep maroon covers, with flower pieces. Hotel employees walked around pulling cloths one way or the other. Trying to make every symmetrical.

A manager saw her and walked over. "Mrs is your morning."

"Great, how is the finishing touches going?" She looked around, having forgot her check list, not that she needed it.

"Great actually. Everything is on time. I have talked to the chef and kitchen, they have everything ready. They are all ready prepped and have a full staff for the event. I spoke to the Arcway bartender, he got here earlier, brought everything, he and his employee certainly look the part. The auctioned items are all here, everything is ready." She nodded walking through the tables.

A small Kenzie figure on one table. Another had Nick. "Has Plaster records came by?"

"Not yet? I would expect them closer to noon. We have most of the instruments set up if the band wanted to do a sound check." She nodded, they generally did.

"How about the hotel itself?"

"Well the lobby is still open for our guests and those that work on some of the business floors. The red carpet will use the event entrance around the corner, the road will be shut down. Nothing should be affected, no one can randomly enter." It was fine, everything was going fine.

"You guys have done well." He nodded once. The Arcway clearly took pride in the quality of work they do. Mixing an event with wealthy rock-stars and music execs. while keeping appearances of it being more casual was a fine line - but they had pulled it off. The majority of those that came here would like to believe themselves somehow working class.


Dylan was sitting in a cafe with Sarah who was explaining her dress, and how people better appreciate how uncomfortable she would be in it. "And the heel of my shoe.. is a shark tooth.." Her eyes wide.

"Wow..." Her face fell as Dylan refused to take it seriously.

"I don't appreciate the clearly disinterested can at least pretend...I bet if I was talking about one of those book queens you obsess over, you would be paying attention."

"Books queens...?" he furrowed his brow.

"Yeah...I don't know what you read; I assume it involves some broken boy, who grows up to be a knight to a hot queen, who is rude to him - and then they warm each others hearts..." She shrugged.

"'s not like that, that is some Bianca shit." Sarah nodded and he smiled.

"Doesn't sound bad though." Sarah said. He shook his head. "Alright....I got all black with gold trim clothing, a dress, heels and necklace....we will match."

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