The Temple of Light

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Hope was really nervous about reaching the Dark Island. Sure enough, the island was full of Stone Warriors.

Hope's parents looked terrified as well. "Sweetie, are you sure you want to go and fight those guys?" asked Olivia.

"Of course she doesn't," said Alyssa. "They are indestructible. The ninja have always had to resort to cleverness."

"That is why we must find the Temple of Light," said Wu.

Misako showed the group a scroll. "The scrolls say there is a hidden temple on the island. If you find it, it will give the ninja pure elemental powers, powers that can destroy the indestructible army."

"So you're saying we get to fight? Whoo-hoo! I've got happy feet!" said Cole happily.

"I thought you don't dance," said Hope.

"And you, my son, here it is written: "For once the Green Ninja finds the instrument of peace, he will strike it and know the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master." " Misako suddenly said.

Despite his reservations about Misako, Lloyd still seemed intrigued at what she was saying. "Ultimate Spinjitzu Master?"

"It means you will be able to invoke the power of the Golden Dragon, an ancient fighting style only practiced by the First Spinjitzu Master," explained Misako.

The ninja were stunned. They were still surprised that Lloyd, who once went around stealing lollipops from villages, was fated to be the strongest ninja.

"Hahaha. Jealous?" asked Lloyd.

"Uh, wait a minute. This all sounds too good to be true," pointed out Kai. "What's the catch?"

"The catch is, the Temple could be anywhere on the island, and all we have is this," said Wu as he gave Dr Julien a medallion.

Dr Julien explained what it was. "When the three holes match up, the medallion will reveal where the temple is hidden."

"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Zane. "Let's go."

"What? Hope, it's too dangerous," said Jeffrey.

"I will be fine," said Hope. She was starting to get tired of their coddling. She wasn't a child anymore.

Alyssa chuckled. "Don't worry, I will look after your parents for you."

But as the ninja prepared to set off, Lloyd was stopped. "Not you, Lloyd," said Wu.

Lloyd had never looked so annoyed before. "Ah, seriously? Are we still doing this?" he complained.

"Wu is right. If you were to come across your father, it could prematurely start the Final Battle. We need to be at full strength before we take any risks," said Misako.

"Hahaha. Jealous?" asked Jay.

Lloyd looked like he wanted to throw a tantrum, but apparently thought better of it.

Hope tried her best to keep her patience as her parents kept giving her warnings, but it was difficult.

"Remember to put on sunscreen. I don't want you to burn yourself. And remember to stay hydrated, and don't eat any strange berries."

"Mom, I'm fifteen. I won't eat any strange berries unless I was starving or something."

The third warning didn't really matter, for there weren't any berries at all on the island.

Soon, the ninja found Garmadon's hiding spot. "Look, this must be Garmadon's camp," said Jay.

"No, you think? I thought it was a takeout restaurant. It looks like he's building something," said Kai.

"Quiet, you bozos. We still need to find what the medallion matches up to," said Cole.

Zane took the medallion and looked through it. "Hmm, nothing matches. Wait."

Jay gasped. "You found the Temple of Light?"

"No, but look!" said Zane.

Zane's falcon was lying motionless in the middle of the rubble. Zane quickly went to get it.

Jay was now using the medallion, and he wasn't very good at it. "I spy... Another tree!"

"Jay, how did you ever become a ninja? Seriously," grumbled Cole.

"Ugh, will Zane just get his bird already and get out of there?" asked Kai.

Just then, Jay did actually align the medallion with three lights. "Guys, look!"

"It matches up. That must be the Temple of Light," said Kai excitedly.

Cole laughed. "Jay, I take back everything I said. You are a fine ninja. Not finer than me, but a fine—"

Hope suddenly noticed Zane, who had grabbed the falcon get cornered. "Uh oh."

"I sense I may have gotten myself into a predicament, my broken friend," said Zane.

The ninja ran over to help out, but now they had all revealed their presence. Finally, they were able to escape by using planks to sled between the trees.

Dr Julien was happy to see that they had found the falcon, but Lloyd asked why they were running.

"Prepare for battle. We've got company," said Zane as he handed the falcon to Echo Zane, or just Echo to avoid confusion.

"You were spotted? By one? Two?" asked Wu.

"How about...all of them?" asked Kai nervously.

Misako asked if they had located the temple.

"It's at the top of the mountain. I hope those vehicles are ready because we could sure use them now," said Kai.

The people that had remained behind had made vehicles for the ninja to use. This time, Lloyd could come along too.

The ninja went in the Earth Driller and set off. Cole used it to dig underground, but they got stuck at the bottom of the mountain.

"Well, then let's see what my sister packed," said Kai. He ended up discovering a large red Mech. He managed to fight off some Stone Warriors with it, but they kept coming.

The other ninja climbed onto the Mech and Kai started ascending the mountain. It was only thanks to a grappling hook that he reached the top.

"Oh! We made it to the top! But where's the Temple of Light?" asked Jay.

"Are you sure you used the medallion right?" asked Lloyd.

"Oh, of course I used it right. It said it should be right here," said Jay.

"Well, until we find it, I've got to find a way to slow them down," said Kai.

Lloyd and Jay suddenly noticed some drawings of the team on some walls. There were drawings explaining what they were expected to do.

The Warriors were getting close and there was no time to waste. Hope went to hold them off as she wasn't needed for what had to be done.

But Hope's powers were feeble against the Stone Warriors. She became frantic.

"It's no good. What can I do?"

Just then, she remembered a conversation she had with Alyssa the day before.

"Hope, you worry me. You sometimes act timid, and other times you say that you can handle things yourself."

"My parents are acting like I'm a kid!"

"Because you were a kid the last time they saw you. You can't blame them for trying to look after you. But you are so wrapped up in fear that you are afraid to meet new people."

Hope looked at the Stone Warriors and concentrated more than she had ever done before. Suddenly, several plants shot out of the mountain and trapped the Stone Warriors. Hope had reached her full potential.

Suddenly, the ninja appeared again, wearing new elemental robes and using elemental blades to fight the Stone Warriors.

Hope was stunned by how powerful all of them were. But Lloyd still took the cake. He summoned a huge golden dragon that caused the Warriors to retreat.

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