Zane Is A What?

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Hope still couldn't believe that not only was she living with the ninja, but she was also hearing about their past adventures. Adventures that apparently involved looking for Fangblades? Hope kind of felt foolish pasting posters of Fangblades all around town. People were looking at her in surprise.

"Hey, maybe Sensei is gonna go get the Samurai for help," she heard Jay saying. 

The Samurai? Hope remembered Alyssa telling her about a mysterious Samurai who would keep showing up to save the day. 

"The Samurai?" asked Kai. "I'm sure she's—I mean, he's busy looking for the Fangblades as well."

Hope looked around, confused. Did Kai almost call the Samurai a girl?

Cole seemed to be suspicious too, for he asked, " Uh, is everything all right?"

Kai and Nya suddenly seemed uncomfortable, trying to smooth things over. Hope was about to ask them something when Zane dropped all the posters he was carrying.

"Is Zane okay?" asked Hope as Kai and Cole tried to soothe an angry man. 

"Ah! It's the Falcon!" said Jay. "Oh, my gosh! Every time we follow it, it leads us to good fortune."

Hope noticed a falcon in the distance. "I don't get it," she said. "What is so special about that falcon?"

"Head back to the Bounty and wait till you hear from us," said Kai. 


"And that's how we found the Bounty," Nya said. She had been explaining to Hope about the falcon as the two girls walked back to the Bounty. 

"Is Zane autistic?" asked Hope.

"What makes you say that?" asked Nya.

"He kind of gives me autistic vibes," said Hope.

"Well, he does act weird at times," said Nya. "And he has an odd sense of humor. But then, I don't think that I'm the right person to determine if Zane's autistic or not. I never went to school."

"What? Why?" asked Hope.

"My parents disappeared when Kai was five and I was three," said Nya. "We had to look after our father's blacksmith shop and couldn't exactly afford school."

"Oh," said Hope. She had stopped schooling when she had been adopted by Alyssa's family. "Well, I have been out of school for four years."

"Really?" asked Nya. "That must have been hard."

Hope had no idea how much time has passed before the ninja came back. She was surprised to see Zane carrying the falcon on his arm.

"You won't believe what we've discovered!" burst out Jay.

"What?" asked the girls.

"Show them," said Cole.

Zane looked a little nervous, but he opened up his torso. Hope gasped. "You're a... Robot?"

"Yes I am," said Zane. "I didn't know because my memory switch had been turned off."

The others explained how Zane had followed the falcon all the way to his old home, where he had found his blueprints. Then he had found his memory switch and remembered his life. Then he had unlocked his True Potential and defeated the Queen Treehorn.

"Oh, Zane, turn on your funny switch again," said Cole. "I want the others to see your dance."

Zane looked embarrassed, but he did so anyway. He started singing, "Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal. Send me a kiss by wire."

Hope giggled. "Wow, that's so cool. I didn't think that a robot could do that."

"You mean a nindroid," said Jay.

"A nindroid?" asked Nya.

"You know, because he's a robot and he's a ninja," said Jay.

"I like that term," said Hope.

"So I guess that Zane's not autistic," said Nya.

"Huh?" asked the boys.

"Oh, Hope asked me if Zane was autistic," said Nya.

"You thought that Zane was autistic?" Cole asked Hope.

"It was all I could think of," said Hope.

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