The Great Devourer Part 1

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Hope felt herself shivering in fright as she saw the Great Devourer. She didn't want to be devoured. 

Suddenly, the Devourer spotted the ninja. "Oh, maybe if we stand perfectly still..." started Jay.

However, the Devourer went straight towards them. "Run!" yelled Kai. 

Everyone ran off, but Jay tripped and fell behind a little. "Wait! Wait for me!" he yelled.

The ninja made it back to the Bounty, where Nya and Lloyd were waiting for them. Jay was the last one in, rolling inside. 

Jay peeked at a mirror. "Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear."

"Don't scare me!" said Hope.

Nya started up the Bounty and they started flying away. But the Devourer wasn't going to stop. It was slowly catching up to them.

" Nya, we gotta go faster. That thing is gaining on us," said Kai.

"We're going as fast as we can," said Nya. "I'll try to make it to Scattered Canyon."

"Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent," said Zane.

"Never tell me the odds!" said Nya. 

"We're losing speed.," said Lloyd in a panic. "We'll drop to the ground pretty soon."

"Throw everything overboard," said Nya. "We need to lose some weight."

So everyone just started throwing random stuff overboard, including a fridge and Wu's tea set. The Devourer ate all the stuff thrown.

"Man, he sure is hungry," siad Jay. "Does anyone else think the Devourer looks bigger than it did before?"

They did manage to make it to the Scattered Canyons, but the Great Devourer bit off an engine. 

"Oh no," said Hope. The Bounty was falling rapidly.

"Abandon ship!" yelled Nya.

Hope looked outside fearfully. "I'm scared," she said.

"Hang on to me," said Kai. He grabbed Hope and helped her jump.

All the other ninja jumped off too, using their golden weapon-vehicles, while Nya and Lloyd escaped in Nya's Samurai X mech.

As everyone hid behind a hollowed out boulder, they watched helplessly as they watched the Devourer eat the Bounty.

"What do we do now?" asked Hope.

"There's no time to rest," said Zane. "We need to warn people before it becomes bigger."

"Bigger? Bigger!?" yelled Jay. "That thing in one big bite crushed our entire ship! We need to save as many as we can. Uh, uh, we'll find some kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh, the Serpentine Tombs. Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight for months, but they're perfect."

Surprisingly, Kai was the one with a pep talk. "Hey, stop it! Listen to yourselves. Is this what Sensei Wu would've wanted? Us fighting? Running and hiding? Giving up?"

"But he's not here anymore," said Lloyd sadly. He looked like he was going to burst into tears (That is what I thought every time I watch this part).

"But his teachings live on," said Kai. "Sensei once told me it's not the size of a ninja in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training, all of these battles we've had with skeletons and Serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't just give up now. A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always pick himself up when he is down. Which is exactly what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now."

"But what can we do?" asked Hope.

"Yeah, it's not like we have an extra Sacred Flute lying around to charm it," said Jay. "Or wait, haha, how about one of our awesome Dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us high and dry. Or, hey, what about out Golden Weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size. Heh, oh, we are so hooped."

"Ah, Jay's right," said Cole. "We would need a weapon so big."

"Or an idea that's even bigger!" said Kai excitedly. 

A few hours later, the team had made it to a junkyard. Jay explained to Hope that he had grown up there. However, his parents were nowhere to be seen.

Together, the ninja made plans to make a vehicle that can play a tune meant to charm snakes (while poor Lloyd unsuccessfully tried to see the blueprints). However, the postman suddenly showed up.

"Aah! You ninja are always sneaking around, giving people heart attacks. You're too quiet."

"We're not that quiet," said Hope.

"And since when was there a new ninja?" asked the postman. "I guess that explains the extra ninja gi delivery."

"Look, dude, my parents aren't even here," said Jay. "You really should be on your way."

"Them, too? Uh, let me guess, are they at the "Take Back Ninjago" rally too?"

"Uh, "Take Back Ninjago" rally?" asked Jay.

"What, you guys haven't heard? Everyone's getting together for a rally in the city," said the mailman. "You know, to raise awareness about all the Serpentine problems that have been surfacing lately."

"Whoa, would you look at that. You guys are inspirational," said Lloyd.

However, there was no time to discuss things any further, for the Great Devourer had arrived! The postman freaked out and jumped into a trash can. Hope watched the other ninja use the Tornado of Creation to make the Ultra Sonic Raider.

The ninja tried to use the music to fight the Devourer, but the giant snake used its tail to hit the place where Zane was sitting. 

"Zane!" called out the other ninja. Fortunately, Zane was fine, just damaged.

" Perfect. Now that was a total failure," complained Jay.

"Not total," said Kai. "Did you guys notice on his forehead? It has a weak spot."

"Oh, great, let me make a note of that," said Jay. "Giant snake has wee, itty-bitty weak spot that'll be TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO GET AT BECAUSE THE THING IS TOO RIDICULOUSLY HUGE TO DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT!!!!!!!!"

"Are you done?" asked Nya.

"Yes," said Jay.

Hope gasped as she saw that the Devourer was heading towards Ninjago City. "Oh no," she said. 

"If it consumes the biggest city in all of Ninjago, there will be no stopping it," said Kai.

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